Events > Saksa State Wave Titles

Saksa State Wave Titles/Events

  12 June 2010


WAVE TITLES, Its on again

Compete against all the top riders in
South Oz

or come watch the best wave riders in the state.

State Wave Titles have been moved to winter again this year to make the

of the colder frontal weather and hopefully some serious wave action.

ensure that we get a result, once again we've taken the unprecedented
step of

locking in the 4 weekends of June 12/13 , 19/20 + 26/27 &
July 3/4 . The

first weekend with appropriate wind forecasts will be
the day the event is

held and it'll be an early start (around 8am).
The general location will be on

the Mid coast with a backup on the
South Central coast; we'll announce

specific locations closer to the

All of the usual categories will be available: Open Mens &
Womens, Masters,

Amateurs & Juniors. There will be an earlybird
registration incentive for

those who sign up on line, so for all the
die-hard wave riders, keep those dates free.

So get on it crew, start
practising for this great event and see ya there.

Keep your eye
on the website forum for more details!