How do "My Graphs", custom weather layout work?

It's easy! Selecting graphs for your favourites page First step is to visit your normal weather page (e.g. Graphs / WA / Metro) and pick off the graphs you want on your favourites. You do this by clicking on the favourite icon located at the top left of each graph. When you select the icon, it turns sold to shows that you've select the graph in your favourites. Continue picking the graphs you want. If necessary, visit any other graph pages to add other graphs of interest. When finished, view your favourites, page by selecting the Graphs / My Graphs menu. Once there, you should find the weather graphs you selected. You can easily remove graphs no longer required by deselecting the favourites icon at the top left of each graphic. You can also shuffle the order, by using the Move Up/Down icons .. , . You don't even need to register or login to use the favourites. Trouble shooting: If you find it's not remembering your settings, check the cookie settings in your browser! No cookies = no favourites.. sorry.