The Beaufort Scale
Beaufort scale number Descriptive term Units in km/h Units in knots Description on Land Description at Sea
0 Calm 0 0 Smoke rises vertically Sea like a mirror.
1-3 Light winds 19 km/h or less 10 knots or less Wind felt on face; leaves rustle; ordinary vanes moved by wind. Small wavelets, ripples formed but do not break: A glassy appearancemaintained. 
4 Moderate winds 20 - 29 km/h 11-16 knots Raises dust and loose paper; small branches are moved. Small waves - becoming longer; fairly frequent white horses.
5 Fresh winds 30 - 39 km/h 17-21 knots Small trees in leaf begin to sway; crested wavelets form on inland waters Moderate waves, taking a more pronounced long form; many white horses are formed - a chance ofsome spray
6 Strong winds 40 - 50 km/h 22-27 knots Large branches in motion; whistling heard in telephone wires; umbrellas used withdifficulty.  Large waves begin to form; the white foam crests are more extensive with probably somespray
7 Near gale 51 - 62 km/h 28-33 knots Whole trees in motion; inconvenience felt when walking against wind. Sea heaps up and white foam from breaking waves begins to be blown in streaks along direction ofwind.
8 Gale 63 - 75 km/h 34-40 knots Twigs break off trees; progress generally impeded. Moderately high waves of greater length; edges of crests begin to break into spindrift; foam isblown in well-marked streaks along the direction of the wind.
9 Strong gale 76 - 87 km/h 41-47 knots Slight structural damage occurs -roofing dislodged; larger branches break off. High waves; dense streaks of foam; crests of waves begin to topple, tumble and roll over; spraymay affect visibility.
10 Storm 88 - 102 km/h 48-55 knots Seldom experienced inland; trees uprooted; considerable structural damage. Very high waves with long overhanging crests; the resulting foam in great patches is blown indense white streaks; the surface of the sea takes on a white appearance; the tumbling of the seabecomes heavy with visibility affected. 
11 Violent storm 103 -117 km/h 56-63 knots Very rarely experienced - widespread damage Exceptionally high waves; small and medium sized ships occasionally lost from view behind waves;the sea is completely covered with long white patches of foam; the edges of wave crests are blowninto froth.
12+ Hurricane 118 km/h or more 64 knots or more The air is filled with foam and spray. Sea completely white with driving spray; visibility veryseriously affected