Yachting Australia announces Structure Review headed by Malcolm Speed

2:46 AM Fri 30 Apr 2010 GMT
Yachting Australia
In a major development for sailing in Australia, Yachting Australia will review its organisational structure in order to strengthen the future of the sport in this country.

Yachting Australia's Federal Assembly, comprising representatives of the eight States and Territories, recently approved the terms of reference and composition of a working group, headed by an independent Chair, to conduct the review.

The working party has been asked to consider the most appropriate structure for the higher levels of sailing administration in Australia and report back within three to four months.

The working party will consider and make recommendations on a range of issues, including the broad requirements of the future structure, the most suitable constitutional and governance arrangements, the legal framework, ownership of organisations which are part of Yachting Australia, the organisational funding model and membership arrangements.

The initiative is fully supported by the Australian Sports Commission who will provide administrative services to assist the working party.

The working party is made up of people with strong background knowledge and skills and will be led by independent chairman Malcolm Speed. Mr Speed is best known as the former Chief Executive Officer of Cricket Australia from 1997 until 2001 and then as CEO of the International Cricket Council from 2001 until 2008.

'I was very happy to be approached by Yachting Australia and to be offered the position of Independent Chairman for the Structure Review Working Party,' said Mr Speed.

'I look forward to working with the group and Yachting Australia President Andrew Plympton to look at ways we can strengthen the administration of sailing in Australia for the future.'

Joining Malcolm Speed on the working party will be Yachting Australia President Andrew Plympton, Executive Chairman of national Engineering Firm A.G. Coombs, Philip Coombs, Banking and Finance Specialist Graham Cunningham, Apple and Pear Industry Leader Garry Langford, Former Olympic Sailor and Managing Director of Accent Tapware Geoff Davidson and Education Consultant John McQueen.

'The Yachting Australia Federal Assembly has acknowledged it is now time to look at AN alternative structure and governance models to support the future strength of sailing in Australia' said Plympton.

'The recently released report following the Crawford Review into 'The Future of Australian Sport' highlighted a series of issues regarding the structure and capacity of National Sports Organisations, all of which are broadly consistent with those that have been under discussion for the last three years by Yachting Australia.

'We are pleased the Federal Assembly voted unanimously in favour of the review and all members are keen to hear the working party's recommendations.'

The working party will report its findings to the Board of Yachting Australia with recommendations referred to the Federal Assembly.

by Yachting Australia

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