Noosa Code of Conduct Complete
Noosa River Mouth Access Secured
After nearly six months of negotiation and countless meetings between the Noosa council (now the Sunshine Coast Super Council) and local Kiteboarding representatives, a final Code of Conduct for the Noosa River Mouth has been approved. The code will be implemented in due course after further consultation with Mat Colefax ? M8, who is acting on behalf of the consultative team of kitesurfers made up of Mike Burrell ? Noosa Kiteboarding, Fiona & George Tarr ? Adventure Sports Kitesurf Australia, Asher Hammond, Mark Wade & Robert Cartmill.
The Code of Conduct was developed to improve safety in the Noosa River Mouth after concerns were raised relating to traffic congestion and communication issues by members of the community. Attempts were made to ban kitesurfing from the area entirely, but local kitesurfers rallied to appose the ban, particularly in light of a near perfect historical safety record. After representative made a submission and presentation to Noosa Council it was decided that self regulation would be accepted and the Code the Conduct forms part of that commitment by the local kitesurfing community. Compliance with the Code will help ensure kitesurfers have continued access to the Noosa River Mouth and will further safeguard access to the shallow training grounds of the river Frying Pan for future generations. Please support the Code when kitesurfing in the Noosa River Mouth and consider how each of you make up an important part of the kitesurfing communities commitment to self regulate and keep all kitesurfing locations safe for all beach users.
Noosa River Mouth Kitesurf Code of Conduct
BOATS have legal right of way crossing the Noosa bar. Danger of capsize or going aground means boat drivers must always have a clear uncompromised passage. Kitesurfers must:
* Be on the alert for approaching craft at all times, Listen and look
* Sail away from any approaching craft or halt kitesurfing until any craft are well past
* Never continue in a way that may alarm other craft
Extra caution is advised for any water activity including swimming and kitesurfing in the tidal currents of Noosa Rivermouth.
Are the suitable conditions for kitesurfing at the Noosa River mouth. In other conditions please consider other kitesurf locations.
Only if its impossible to launch from spit beach can kitesurfers launch and land from main beach near the rivermouth rock groyne.
LAUNCHING - check the conditions carefully before launching
* Launch and land only when the kite pilot is standing in or next to the water
* Keep the drop zone and extra buffer area clear of any people and obstacles
* Seek assistance from other kitesurfers to launch, land and judge the weather
* Never use a kite to leap on land or when you are positioned away from the water
SAFE KITING - monitor wind, tide and surf as they may increase
* Maintain a 30m minimum distance-off from people, obstacles, rock walls at all times
* Look before you maneuver, be aware of and consider your surrounds and skill limits
* Avoid freestyle maneuvers and speeding in shallow water or within 50m of the shore
* Use a strong kiteleash and functional safety quick release, check both before and after every use
* Avoid shore birds by a distance greater than 90m (3x kiteline?s length)
* Keep your kite and board course steady when other kitesurfers are close or approaching
* Keep the carpark and grassed verge clear of kites and lines, never leave equipment unsupervised
* Represent our sport, clean up any litter, offer assistance without request, and SMILE.
Please ask local kiters or kite schools for advice.
Thankyou for your assistance to keep kitesurfing friendly and safe at Noosa.