Incident Prompts Advice: Beware of Norfolk Island

8:44 PM Mon 29 Dec 2008 GMT
'Norfolk Island - not a friendly shore' .
Last week we reported how Kiwi naval architect Rewi Kemp had smashed into tiny Nepean Island off the coast of Norfolk Island while trying to find safe haven there during a storm. In a miraculous escape he was flung into the water and swam ashore, being rescued 12 hours later by Norfolk Island authorities who had found pieces of his boat, the 11.2 metre Moonshadow of Leigh, washed up on surrounding islands. (See full story) Now local Customs Officer Allan McConnell offers a timely warning on the dangers of Norfolk Island:

As the Customs Officer on Norfolk Island who assisted Mr Kemp return to New Zealand, I have come into contact with many yachts calling in, and you would be surprised how many are un prepared for a stop at Norfolk Island...

This incident serves as a reminder for all yachties travelling to or around Norfolk Island to ensure that they have the correct Charts for the Norfolk Island area. AUS609 I believe.

Nepean Island, where Moonshado came to grief - .. .
It is also wise not to try and come into Kingston or any where near the island at night, (as attempted by Rewi Kemp) as there are no lead lights or markers. There are some semi submerged rocks around close to the island, that can not be seen unless there is some white wash breaking around them.

I often get calls on channel 16 from vessels trying to anchor at Norfolk Island, who do not have advice to them when they are trying to make their way in is... it is their call! I do not provide and will not provide advice on entering Kingston or Cascade.

Norfolk Island does not have any safe harbour and anchorage is off the island in open waters, either at Kingston (Southern side) or Cascade (Northern side)[There are dinghy landings in both of these]. At a pinch Ball Bay on the South East is sometimes used, however not recommended for the purposes of clearing Customs, as it is difficult and at times dangerous landing.
Norfolk’s Sydney Bay - .. .

It is also wise to have somebody who is capable of moving your vessel remain on board the vessel at all times as the seas can turn very quickly. We have also had yachts washed up on the rocks after the anchor drags or breaks free. Believe me, contrary to advice, we have had yachties here that have left their vessel unattended, whilst they shop, shower or restock.

Norfolk - owing to the lack of a sheltered anchorage, even ships anchor about 1km offshore and cargo is loaded into lighters which are towed ashore - .. .
Whilst this is one incident that ended well, it is not pleasant searching through debris seeing personal belongings washing up and no sign of the owner...what would you expect to find?

Whilst Norfolk Island can offer an opportunity to get a nights sleep, restock supplies, call friends and loved ones etc, my advice is, common sense should prevail and make your trip to Norfolk Island an enjoyable memory and not one that makes the news!

If you are passing Norfolk Island and you do not intend stopping, feel free to call us on channel 16, (so long as it is not early hours of the morning...I do like to sleep!). If you do intend to stop at Norfolk Island it is mandatory you give us [Customs] a call on channel 16 to arrange clearance formalities.

Rewi Kemp reunited with his partner Janet Dougherty after the incident - .. .
Naturally we can not be by the radio all the time, however there are normally locals listening out that can call us on your behalf...if not just keep trying we will eventually hear you.

And why was Rewi Kemp trying to reach Norfolk Island? He told his rescuers that, as his radio was not working, and he was well overdue on his journey, he had decided to call in to Norfolk Island to reassure family and friends he was 'okay'. However, while sailing at night in a storm, without navigation aids, the boat hit the rocky shore of Nepean Island.


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