The Plastiki to call in at Mooloolaba enroute to Sydney

6:50 AM Mon 19 Jul 2010 GMT
'Plastiki departs from San Francisco, March 2010'
The Plastiki has safely made Australian waters after her historic 7,500 nautical mile voyage to beat waste. Contrary to inaccurate media reports the Plastiki is not being rescued and has at no point during her entire 7500 nautical miles at sea ever been in any form of distress. As such the crew is still on schedule to reach their final destination of Sydney by the end of July after a successful expedition. The Plastiki's original plan was to sail into Coffs Harbour and rendezvous with a pre-arranged charter escort vessel. Due to the unpredictable nature of the Plastiki's sailing capabilities ...

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by Natalie Laharnar

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