What did Australian SUP look like in the 1940's?

Old School Suppin'
It's not real pretty, but it IS standing up on a paddle board, and it IS from a vintage Australian travel magazine. 

Forum user Salatiela found these in a really old copy of the Australian National Travel Association magazine, and apart from showing a chick on a beach in some pretty skimpy bathers (for their time), it also shows a guy standing up on an old clubbies paddle board, with the paddle in his hands. Not Stand Up Paddling as we now know it, but it is 'stand up paddling'. 

Unfortunately, the magazine has no actual record of the date, but by googling the various photographers names, the 1940's seems to be the most common period all of them were around. The use of pounds (£) in some of the advertisements also indicates that this was published before 1966, when Australia swapped over to the Aussie dollar(a bit of history for the youngin's out there). No matter when it was published - it's pretty old, so have a good look, and if you think you've got something older - let us know about it in the forums. 

Check out the accompanying pictures below, and read a little more about it in the forums.