Well how time flys
17 October 2003 i logged on to seabreeze , that 10 bloody years (im claim"en it )
How was i to know i would use this site as i have.
laurie good on you for all your efforts and making the seabreeze site work for so many
May be you should be thanking customers like me.
Then on the other hand you saved may ass after posting in some forgettable states ,deleting editing and moderating my state of mind.
Anyway tar
Now i Know you got all my details you internet nerds live for that stuff ,so send me a birthday suprise
Starting thought hows about a few stickers and the rest is up to you
love your wk
Change your avatar. The prick is coming out with another book full of lies and deceipt and no dinki di Aussie should be associated with that.
Hey happy seabreeze birthday Langy.
Thanks for the good times - the crazy posts - gotta give us kiters the crap we deserve. Couple of Abrohlos trips - top work mate, loved it.
Boards all good now too, recovered from those Wreck point sup wounds - surfed and kited it today down south. Life's good even if I missed the NW this year.
Go hard
Looks like you already got your presy Nice work