the reporters have raised this to our attention, and good on them .
our representives have been over there for years helping "set up" this industry.
what a sad inditement on us!
they new that only three or four out of twenty or so "abattiors" were using the stun system. and did nothing , for years .
if we cant set it up and monitor it , as someone else has said , do it here and ship the processed product.
stop all live export now!!!!
i know one thing that is an absolute certainty
having a pet animal significantly increases life expectancy.
Here's your chance Sands and others to make a difference.
I'm also never going to go to Indonesia and refuse to eat satay.
These countries don't want to import processed product. They want live as it is fresher and higher quality. IMO we have to have our foot in the door to make change.
Adolf- best Avatar and name ever. So funny.
Listening to the Country Hour yesterday, a producer up north said he would rather go broke than have his cattle subject to that.
I live in a port town where we export live cows & sheep...the protesters were swarming a few years ago with the lead spokesman 'tainting' the sheep feedlot's feed troughs with minced pork! Imo, that puts him outside what I would call an animal welfare activist!
You want to see blood? Our local boatramp & cleaning tables are covered in it every day with 100's of tuna being caught, butchered & the half-cleaned carcasses thrown in a skip!
It has to die to be cut up before you eat it.
On most farms in Australia when they slaughter their own meat they mostly cut their throat as its means of death. You have to bleed any animal before the blood pressure drops. So if you shoot it or kill it with a bolt the next step is cutting the throat. Chooks and ducks get their heads cut off. Either way, the throat is being cut
This is reality........... It is not pretty but it is reality. If you can't handle the thought of an animal dieing or bleeding everywhere for your meat supply vegetarianism is your only option.
The problem lies with buying your meat from supermarkets and mass production abatoirs.
I love meat, having T-Bone for dinner tonight. That cow had it's throat cut. BUT I am buying the meat from my local butcher who buys his whole carcass from a small rural farmer / supplier. Not boxed or cryovac from a feedlot fed, grown in half the time and meat full of water production line.
It's nicer meat and cheaper than from Coles.
Just a quick note in response to comments made about cattle in Australia being killed with "a quick bolt".
Mostly that is the case, but not always.
I used to manage the maintenance in an abattoir. There was a large "fence" in the area where the cattle were 'dropped' after being hit with the bolt gun. This fence had some hap hazard extensions on the top of it. The reason for the extensions (and the fence) was to contain any cattle that were not killed instantly by the bolt gun.
The sound of a beast after being 'mis hit' with a bolt is not possible to forget.
They sometimes managed to jump the fence and run around the abattoir. When this happened, everyone got out of the way in any way they could, while the owner finshed off the beast with a rifle.
The owner hated it when this happened; not because of the suffering, but because it would stop the 20 or so meatworkers for a few minutes.
Sad but true...
There was one particularly distressing part of the "4 Corners" video where the hapless beast, tethered and lying on it's side, after being repeatedly flogged and kicked by the slaughterer, followed him with his head and eyes and with a feeble bellow seemed to be appealing to the man "Why are you doing this to me?"
It was absolutely pathetic and a totally unnecessary act of cruelty which is sickening just to remember.
These people who insist that it is God's will that animals have to be slaughtered in this fashion to be clean for human consumption are primitive savages adhering to a bronze age tradition because they are bloody minded and blood thirsty.
Phuck them. Don't sell them our beef, dead or alive.
if all animals in Australia were slaughtered by bleeding them to death, would it significantly reduce the consumption of meat?
OF COURSE NOT,most don't give a ...k,as they don't care.
as long as they get their daily taste fix,they don't give a toss.
or they'll do some type of psy-op on themselves so they can continue to enjoy the taste of ritualistic murder.
Let kill all the foxes and then what will be of the rabbit population???? Yes folk rabbit is the prey of choice for foxes.
It is funny how the hunting lobby can twist the reality so they can have the killing fun. Back in Europe the wolf population is increasing and the wolf is protected yet the DK hunters don't like it as it is a competitor so they formed a lobby group to declare the wolf a dangerous predator and they would like to be able to exterminate the lot of them to protect the poor farmer's animals, mind you all the sheep killing that have been happening was done by feral dogs...... should we kill all the dogs as well. The japs are already killing the dolphins because the competition the dolphins are creating eating fish, we should kill all the roos as well as the emus and don't let any shark alive!
Now I had my morning rant And I feel better![}:)]