I would rather see those responsible for cruelty to animals put down, rather than the animals themselves.
But what can you expect from a country that will ruin a young woman's life because of some cannabis?
So sad that so many here are so concerned about the welfare of cows , but no one jumps up and down about the way some kids are being treated
Its not like the farmers had tonnes of fruit and vegies that are now going to spoil, now the cows can just go back to the paddocks, eat some more grass, make some more baby cows (calves) till their time is ultimately up.
And possibly with the flood of meat for the Aussie market we might be able to afford to have a decent T-bone again.
big trade problem... government..knee jerk reaction?...
then what has our foriegn minister got to say about this subject?
big fat 0 ,, Julia you dealwithit Ha.
FFS people, 100% of the cows went to humane abattoirs. (well, humane by Islamic standards)
Then a very tiny amount were onsold to smaller ab's where they were treated badly (by anyones standards).
There is NO STORY there
The real story is our Govt's kneejerk reaction is disgraceful. All they had to do was ensure the Indo Govt
and exporters found a way to get rid of the shonky ab's or all aussie cows have to
go to reputable places and can't be onsold, they have to be slaughtered at the reputable place.
And Cassa is right - the real story is about how bad life is for many people
.... and it is more than 1%
Sidenote just out of interest: why is it always the Muslims who slaughter animals in horrid ways? Last time somebody was chasing
cattle around cutting their Achilles before slaughter it was in the middle east
somewhere, on telly about 3yrs ago.
Do we want a culture here that believes in tormenting animals and cutting their
throats whilst conscious (or for that matter, treat their women poorly also)?
Interesting that usually the same people who are all "pro-asylum seekers"
and so vocal in telling us to let them all in, are the most vocal on the animal rights
issues I find that very inconsistent - so maybe all the loony left will change
their beliefs about Muslim immigration after seeing 4 Corners?
They let all the nutcases out of the funny farm today. Must've been the eclipse this morning. A bigger load of putrefying tripe than the last few posts I have rarely read and dumbsdale is leading the charge.
One of my favorit quote on religion is:
Gods exist only because followers believe in it!
So you should all join me and stop believing and the world is going to be a lot better!