Come on blokes. It is on ABC and all the other mainstream media.
It seems to be OK to discuss local controversial issues, so why not issues that affect the whole world, which the last time I checked we are part of ?
Ban me off the site if you like but I think you will be the poorer for it.
The Rules Summary
* No abuse, insults or personal attacks
* No foul language
* No trolling
* No inappropriate or illegal material
* No "For Sale" or "Wanted to Buy"
* No business advertising
* No cross posting
* No forum spamming
* No religious or political debates
* No defamatory comments
* No duplicate logins
* No complaints about moderation (email us instead)
This is primarily a site for wind related activities so we should try to keep it to that as much as possible. However we are human and have many other aspects to our lives besides our recreation. So the moderators do a reasonable job of letting people discuss what they like . But if that doesn't suit there are many other forums where you can discuss everything under the sun. If you have some views to put out there then start a blog. If people find what you write is interesting then you will become popular.
No one sticks a gun to your head and tells you "post on Seabreeze" Its a privilege not a right to post here.
Its privately owned and we are guests here. We don't own it so we can't treat it like we own it.
Does Cisco work for BWS? If so then he gets his own set of rules and can ignore this:
* No business advertising
He can also bathe in the immense warmth of sheeple admiration.
If not I guess he can always start the Brisbane Tree Party.
Maybe Slave, Petermac and Cisco can have the Obsessive - Not Letting Up Forum.. Hell i might even stop buy from time-to-time for a repetitious bang-on. I'm sure most SBers would have earnt a guernsey at the ONLUF club (if they are honest)
I thought you were off work today Funky? Have you finally got the interwebs at home? Dog save us all...
Ha ha - just having a dig at the seemingly diff set of rules for BWS and co. not at you Cisco.
But feel free to getadogupya.
ONLUF membership is now open - automatic membership has been applied to anyone with more than 1000 posts on SB.