That makes sense now..
You're lucky you have the island on the corner - we don't get those here, and people completely disregard the rule about 'when turning into a multi-laned road, turn into the lane nearest you' and head straight on across for the lane on what would have been your side - just lazy cornering. Besides which there's that other rule (still valid here) that you should give way to your right at intersections, and yet another rule (which is the opposite way around in Australia I think) that the vehicle turning right into a street has right of way over a vehicle turning left into the same street.
I just drive at their doors - they generally wake up in a hurry, and swerve violently into the lane that they were legally meant to be in.
In your case, I believe that the car in front (you) has right of way over a vehicle merging into your lane from behind you. If numbnuts had hit you from behind, that would have been his fault, and he would have been liable. A good sharp jab on the brakes usually reminds people that they don't have all the power in the situation.
Get in a car and your gambling with your life...ultimately your responsible for your own safety.When i got my motorbike licence i learned to ride like i was in no one can see me.
Apply the same principles in a car and you drop your chances of getting turned into hamburger mince.
The aggressive angry drivers ,if and when they get caught, should be shown video and pictures of car accident victims.Maybe that will slow em down and make them realize that the 2 minutes of time ,they think they are saving, could cost them or someone else's life.
We've gone through the speeding thing on here before and to recap , you may save 5 minutes if you drove from one side of perth to the other and speed.
5 minutes just aint that important.
I can't understand why people still do it??????
Scares the poo out of me every time I drive in Perth, when I used to commute from north to south an hour each way every day I’d usually see one numpty come a cropper.
Think Mr Clarkson said the best safety feature they could fit to a car is not collision avoidance, traction control or multiple airbags but a big spike in the middle of the steering wheel. People might drive a bit more considerate and responsibly rather than switch off into a dolly day dream.
Hey I like the pic it is better than I could do.
Anyway I still don't see your problem... he came in from the left, and then he wanted to turn left at the next intersection. No problems right?
He didn't need to move to accomplish what he wanted to do... so why would he abuse YOU?
Sorry, sounds to me like
(1) you decided to change into the left lane so as to turn left in say 500m away
(2) he came in from the left
(3) you changed lanes not realising he had moved in there after your decision to turn
therefore he was close to your back bumper after said lane change
Mark , no I did not change lanes I turned right about 300mtrs further down the road , he was the one who changed lanes , He first tried to do this when the front of his car was level with my left hand side passengers door at first I thought he drifted accidently, but it became obvious this wasnt the case when he sped up getting closer and squawking like a stuck PIG!!!THere were 3 cars in front of me all traveling at 50ks , no one behind at all, perhaps I will blow the next fool I come across a big kiss and smile , this has worked wonders in the past . !!!Think I might move to Exmouth , no traffic lights , no road rage, AND LOTS OF FISH!!
Ahhh now I get it! In your original post, you said he should have backed off and slotted in behind you to go the next left and it should have been right.
Now it all make sense and I can see he needs an attitude readjustment, especially if the traffic in front of you was solid and no traffic behind. What a knobhead
Funny cassa like your diagram big effort.
I totally understand what your saying .........da WINSOR 5.0/ 5.4 L V8 chipped and DUMPED WITH POWER BUTTON ON,,,, WHILST SLAPPING DOWN THE SHIFTER WOULD HAVE FEED IT ,,,,RIGHT BACK AT THEM ....WITH OUT THE AGRO.......
Because once you put them in your back window its 4 to the floor.
Feel the power through grip and bring it on even ......before you dump da furry through da foot and light up with pleasure at the sight of pain and agression you are leaving behind, whilst buzzing on the adrenaline.
What it comes down to is how you achieve this .............From your diagrams i think you would have had pleanty of room ......with time to smoke it up a tad before bringing on the this action .........
King, sounds like a good idea, problem is my 4.5ltr landcruiser aint got the guts to smoke it up and leave him in my smoke !!!...... the cj 7 jeep I had with a 360cu rambler would have smoked all 4 , what fun that woud have been!!
there is a mob in Brunswick that can fix all thos eproblems in a cruiser, 7.4L t/d snaps driveshafts