Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Australian Constitutional Crisis

Created by theDoctor > 9 months ago, 7 May 2010
NSW, 5780 posts
7 May 2010 6:38PM
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3777 posts
7 May 2010 6:50PM
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WA, 2371 posts
7 May 2010 7:14PM
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Well worth a watch people!

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
7 May 2010 7:47PM
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I've spent a lot of time in court over the years for various reasons.
Especially magistrates court
It always concerned me how one person could wield such power over another and had so little time to do so.
I also pondered how a person could emotionally detach themselves when making decisions on someones future ie 'spent convictions'

WA, 4485 posts
7 May 2010 7:47PM
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Semantics for pedantics.

I don't mind speaking out against heavy handed law enforcement but this sort of cr@p must give the poor coppers the screaming shiarts.

Not to mention everybody else who had their day in court fkd up.

Was probably tried to get a pizzhead DUI moron off the hook.

WA, 4642 posts
7 May 2010 8:57PM
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Lucky it wasn't 40 years ago. He would have been taken out the back and sorted out right proper.
If he had a gripe with procedures it would have been far better to take it up through the proper channels, not turn the magistrates court into a circus, which is what he did.
I mean really, what on earth did he expect to achieve?

The fact is, there are so many people breaking minor laws in this country they cannot all be taken before a judge. Most offences are of a routine nature and can be dealt with by almost any competent person who can look up precedent penalties and apply them.
In fact the magistrate doesn't even do that. The bench clerk usually does and just gives the magistrate a list with the minimum and maximum penalties for each offence.
I know that they sometimes get it wrong but then the easiest way to avoid being on the receiving end of a bad call is to not break the law to begin with.

The odd thing is, often people who do things which are wrong and totally unfair to the community or the victim, suddenly when it comes to them being dealt with in court, they are hugely interested in everyhting being done right and fairly.
No sympathy at all from me on this one.
I think the cops were unbelievably restrained.
I bet the guy with the camera was peeved about that.

WA, 6666 posts
7 May 2010 9:26PM
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Yes, but

- as an Englishman who resides in a parish containing common land I am required to practise archery on a Sunday morning. It is illegal for me not to do so.

I am sure most free englishmen who reside in parishes containing common land don't do this. I don't belive that anyone has been prosectuted this week for not doing so, or that there would be any public good to do so. But, technically the police could go around an arrest a lot of people.

And - another thing - as an englishman and a freeman, if I practise archery for 40 hours a week I am allow to kill a welshman.

Yep - current english law allows me to kill welshmen. I am sure if I did I would be arrested for something. And I am sure it would not be right to do so, even if it is technically legal.

I am also allowed to collect as much firewood from the side of the highway as I can carry.

Just because the technicalities of a law exist it doesn't necessarily make it right.

WA, 6666 posts
7 May 2010 9:48PM
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And while I am on the subject I wonder if 'aus concerned people' are going to appeal the Mabo decision.

I fully support the principals of native title and the legislation that created them, don't get me wrong, but I belive the instrument that started the creation of the legislation was wrong. Basically the decision was right but the process wrong.

Mabo won on the pricipal of Terra Nullis not applying because his people were, and had been living on the island for a long time, so Terra Nullis, or 'null land' didn't apply.

The definition of Terra Nullis is not whether somebody lives there or not, but whether the land is divided into parcels (and specifically fenced, or marked with walls, stones, posts or other placed structures) and individual or corporate ownership assigned, claimed and recorded.

I belive the Australia High Court missinterpreted Terra Nullis. It decided that (correctly in my opinion) the original peoples had been living there continuosuly and owned the land. I am not saying I don't think they did, I am saying the Terra Nullis bit is wrong and that was the point that was argued and judgement on made.

Now, an appeal would not be in the public interest, in that it wouldn't change Native Title, that is governed not by the high court decision but by legislation, and another appeal would create unwanted negative issues on all sides of politics.

So, I can't decide in my mind what should be done. The outcome and subsequent events of the decision are correct in my opinion, native title should occur; but I believe the court's decision was technically wrong, so should be appealed, or the principal of the rule of law cannot be upheld.

And, as the original post video is demonstrating, the long held and hard won rights and laws of the common people must be upheld or the princiapls of democracy fall.

If the laws are wrong then Parliment (and the Queen) must change them. It is not for private companies, citizens, police, or courts to apply them as they see fit.

WA, 361 posts
7 May 2010 9:54PM
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if you look carefully in the background you can see chemtrails

WA, 4564 posts
7 May 2010 11:07PM
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shark said...

if you look carefully in the background you can see chemtrails

Best comment on "Shooting the breeze" for yonks.
Go to the top of the class, shark

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
8 May 2010 11:31AM
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The post says more about you than it does about anything else.

You've posted badly shot camcorded footage of a court room from a man shouting and scared. He has a camcorder, the ability to put titles on footage and access to the internet. Because of this, you have believed him and posted here with the title "australian constitutional crisis" without any support information eg a link to his website, a reference to the laws he's quoting etc

You identify with him and therefore believe whatever it is that he's saying without any need to corroborate it

WA, 2371 posts
8 May 2010 11:45AM
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I just want to know were the "HIDDEN"? camera was

NSW, 2496 posts
9 May 2010 3:03AM
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just because its on youtube or tv does not make it real. can we get some good stuff?? please??

WA, 14731 posts
9 May 2010 8:03AM
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ginger pom said...


The post says more about you than it does about anything else.

You've posted badly shot camcorded footage of a court room from a man shouting and scared. He has a camcorder, the ability to put titles on footage and access to the internet. Because of this, you have believed him and posted here with the title "australian constitutional crisis" without any support information eg a link to his website, a reference to the laws he's quoting etc

You identify with him and therefore believe whatever it is that he's saying without any need to corroborate it

GP, what makes you think that it wasn't footage that 'the Doctor' actually shot himself? We probably know what he sounds like now.

Desolved? Why can't conspiracy theorists use a spell check every now and then?

QLD, 7428 posts
9 May 2010 11:42AM
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That's an interesting notion. I didn't really get it but he seems to be saying the court and the police have no authority because of the way they have been incorporated. That wouldn't surprise me at all. Blunders like that happen from time to time. I would expect his chances of redress are small to vanishing.

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
9 May 2010 12:33PM
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Carantoc said...

And - another thing - as an englishman and a freeman, if I practise archery for 40 hours a week I am allow to kill a welshman.

Yep - current english law allows me to kill welshmen.

Being Welsh, thats a worry

Mark _australia
WA, 22414 posts
9 May 2010 2:32PM
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Anyone got a bow? Relli has just provided a target

QLD, 7428 posts
9 May 2010 4:54PM
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I wouldn't worry Relli. You are protected by West Australian law not English law....umm hmmmmm.
Would you be interested in a kevlar jacket?

NSW, 2496 posts
9 May 2010 10:11PM
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NotWal said...

I wouldn't worry Relli. You are protected by West Australian law not English law....umm hmmmmm.
Would you be interested in a kevlar jacket?

i know a kevlar jacket that could protect you from chemtrails would have at least 1 purchaser!

WA, 6666 posts
9 May 2010 8:47PM
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And all in the name of democracy

But remember -

No democracy has become democratic by democratic means

Every democracy has become democratic by the minority within forcing democracy on the majority, or by outside influences imposing democracy on others.

(Some say not all democracies - what about things like the local CWA, the local gardening club and the such like - yes, but you are a member of those organisations by choice not by default, and you are free to live outside of them without reprisal. Every nation / state / country democracy forced its inhabitants / members / persons within its borders to be democratic whether they wanted it or not)

WA, 6666 posts
9 May 2010 8:56PM
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NotWal said...

I wouldn't worry Relli. You are protected by West Australian law not English law....umm hmmmmm.
Would you be interested in a kevlar jacket?

But the topic is 'Australian constitutional crisis'

Is the Australian Constitution not an act of the British Parliament ?

The pobol-y-cwm shouldn't be worried, I haven't been keeping up 40 hours a week. Mind you, with the lack of wind of late, maybe I should up my practice, just to keep all options open

WA, 4485 posts
10 May 2010 10:59AM
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Was wondering if it is illegal to record court proceedings also? Kinda a biggy compared to a stoopid constitutional loophole.

Thought the copper was very reasonable until his patience was exausted. He would have copped the phone book treatment for sure in years past.

Isn't it law that Welshmen must develop man-boobs by middle age or be used as an archery target? Sounds ok to me.

QLD, 12337 posts
10 May 2010 11:57PM
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Carantoc said...
Is the Australian Constitution not an act of the British Parliament ?

An act of the Royal Family is closer to the truth of the matter. We were ripped off.

TAS, 451 posts
11 May 2010 4:13PM
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Well, that's 9:51 of my life I'm not getting back. Gee thanks!

Never having been arrested I can't be sure. But isn't "reading the rights" an american thing?

The silliest bit of all of this: if he were actually convinced he was right, let the court procedings run, then appeal and have the whole thing thrown out later. What he did is much mroe likely to lead him to inadvertantly breaking some other law and landing himself in real trouble. Do you think any future magistrate trying him for contempt or whatever is going to have much sympathy?

WA, 4642 posts
11 May 2010 2:29PM
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I think he (Harley Robert Williamson, 63) was up before the beak the following monday but I can't find what the result was. I'm rather curious.
My guess is he was exterminated by the Iluminati and all records eradicated so the records no longer show he existed.
Magistrates have that power don't they?

NSW, 5780 posts
11 May 2010 7:16PM
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so basically what we saw was a man standing up and using his own power of free will to acknowledge and state his lawful god given rights to his claim and ask the magistrate to verify her own authority under law, where by the magistrate showed her authoritive status by immediately buckling and running for cover when the ruse of her illigetimacy became exposed.

then officer plod with his/her shiny badge came in, to only do his/her job (protect the illegality of the system) and then even ignorant as he/she can not seem to validate the injustice of the process with which the freeman is submitted after the magistrate has fled her (own) chambers (then cowers behind a closed door and peers through the window).

yes we have rights and yes we must know what we are being arrested for before being able to be arrested. the land of the free is being eroded away so subtley yet quickly that those with eyes to see would seriously question if we ever were (free).

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
11 May 2010 7:39PM
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theDoctor said...

so basically what we saw was a man standing up and using his own power of free will to acknowledge and state his lawful god given rights to his claim and ask the magistrate to verify her own authority under law, where by the magistrate showed her authoritive status by immediately buckling and running for cover when the ruse of her illigetimacy became exposed.

then officer plod with his/her shiny badge came in, to only do his/her job (protect the illegality of the system) and then even ignorant as he/she can not seem to validate the injustice of the process with which the freeman is submitted after the magistrate has fled her (own) chambers (then cowers behind a closed door and peers through the window).

yes we have rights and yes we must know what we are being arrested for before being able to be arrested. the land of the free is being eroded away so subtley yet quickly that those with eyes to see would seriously question if we ever were (free).

Nope, we saw a man standing up quoting law which may or may not be correct.

If it is correct then you are right, if it isn't then he could be in contempt of court...
that's all irrelevant really because you haven't posted any credible back up for it.

You expect us to take it on face value....

NSW, 5780 posts
11 May 2010 8:39PM
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here's a thing.... YOU prove I'm wrong

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
11 May 2010 9:55PM
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theDoctor said...

here's a thing.... YOU prove I'm wrong

Do you believe that the internet is true until proven false?

NSW, 2496 posts
11 May 2010 10:12PM
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theDoctor said...

here's a thing.... YOU prove I'm wrong

look mate, you might be right, just back it up with a reference thats legit and save us all the trouble, & you might actually gain yourself some respect.

its quite easy.

74 posts
11 May 2010 8:31PM
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what happened to the guy?? Did he go back to court? Please some follow up


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Australian Constitutional Crisis" started by theDoctor