Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...


Created by Dawn Patrol > 9 months ago, 1 May 2008
Dawn Patrol
WA, 1991 posts
1 May 2008 11:24PM
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BB=Big brother, or Big Bother, or Big Bag of Rubbish
Ok, what can we do to get this bs off the tele. I've said before, I don't hate much, but this show, I HATE. The people on it included, and the people that made the incredibly rude "I don't think so" jingle.
I'll admit it, I watch some crap. But this is beyond that. I don't see the entertainment that can come from watching a bunch of adults acting like immature brats.
The ONLY reality tv I will occasionally watch is the biggest loser. Because it makes the people in the house genuinely happy, it shows their health and lifestyle improvements, and they aren't completely stupid.

BUT, if the show didn't make me soooooooo angry already (don't give me this, "You don't have to watch it" crap. This stuff is bad for society in my opinion, I just finished babysitting my 8yr old cousin, and thats what he tried tricking me to watch). But they are getting that wicked cool, super party-boy Cory in next week. I only know this because they advertised it before the biggest loser finale (wow, some did really good stuff, one guy got rid of his diabetes).
What are they thinking. How can they parade this "legend" around. I'm not some do-gooder of society, but I think this is completely inappropriate.

What more I can't believe is that EVERY SINGLE MORNING, all they talk about on the radio is about the events occurring in the house the day before. Lucky one of my favourite channels 94.5, is listened mostly to by old people, so I manage to escape.

Sorry about this, but it makes me angry.

Am I the only one? Other fellow young people froth over the show, but I don't see why.
Or am I abnormal? (Could be the reason)

WA, 4642 posts
1 May 2008 11:51PM
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It's quite clear DP, that your brain isn't yet totally de-sensitised to utter crap!

You're supposed to work your way up to it by starting at an early age on daily doses of mindless drivell like Home and Away, Neighbours, and a few others, where they teach that the way to solve all problems is to fly off the handle in a rage or hissy fit until you get your own way.

My advice to you is, if you want to retain any form of normality, keep doing what you are doing now and TURN IT OFF!

I completely agree with you and I am insulted even having to watch the advertisements for it.

QLD, 5610 posts
2 May 2008 8:28AM
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hit the RED button, then run away screaming.

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
2 May 2008 9:50AM
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I actually kinda enjoyed the first BB.
The unknown, the voyerism of it all, the group dynamics. It was all fascinating to me.

Since then i reckon it sucks the big one.
Terrible reflection on the youth of today.

However Cory is my hero and i am changing my Avatar to honour his goodness.

QLD, 1628 posts
2 May 2008 12:29PM
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Good on you DP.This means your not a sheep and actualy have your own personality.I reckon the main watcher of BB is your overweight teenage girl.Sitting back madly texting her votes.
I'm with relli in that i enjoyed the first one.But now it's pure pus.
Saying that i will have one eye on the teli for friday night live .... There's just something about Bree Amer that mesmorizes me

As for removing it from the air.....The ratings will decide tip is it will be the last one....

WA, 4642 posts
2 May 2008 11:31AM
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poor relative said...

However Cory is my hero and i am changing my Avatar to honour his goodness.

My guess is, the dog in your avatar has more brains than Cory.

WA, 373 posts
2 May 2008 4:23PM
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Mr Patrol, I agree with you and have felt your frustration, however I have moved on beyond your frustrated state. You have some options,
1/ Remove yourself from being exposed to it. Yes, turn it off.
2/ dont listen to commercial radio, all they do is crossreference anything that is remotely popular in a blatant attempt to align themselves to increase their ratings.
3/ If you watch TV watch the ABC, or SBS,
4/ Listen to ethinic radio or one of the many ABC channels
5/ do not bring newspapers into your home, the west, the sunday times etc are simply another device to cram advertising into your synapses and influnence your choices.

Can you influence the community and make change? probably not, but by ignoring the blatant attempt to dumb down the population and turn us all in to a bubbly drink sculling, instant warm up your food culture and constantly being told by the advertising mediums that "YOU HAVE NO TIME" you may find that you do if you remove yourself from the above, ie dont watch the teli, or massively reduce your exposure, dont listen to the radio, it just drives you insane, add after add, cook your own food, grow some vegies, drink water, teach your kids to discern the crap, you dont need to rail against it, BB etc, just studiously ignore it, dont join in converstaion about. Just dont do it, go windsurfing or surfing instead.

WA, 7608 posts
2 May 2008 9:56PM
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stribo said...

There's just something about Bree Amer that mesmorizes me

Her nice round boobs mesmorizes me

big gill
WA, 649 posts
3 May 2008 11:28AM
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the show is crap, less poeple are watching it so they stuff the house full of F%^& weirdos and retards to try and boost rateings, poor form chanel 10

QLD, 2081 posts
3 May 2008 1:39PM
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I think I'm behind the times with this, but commercials say that *The Party boy* Cory is going into the house sometime on the weekend.

Its all the youth of today need! To Celebrate the poor behaviour and choices of an immature child who is proud of his actions. How proud must his poor parents be...

On the other hand I watched the last 10min of the Biggest Loser Finale, and at least THAT show had a good outcome for all involved!

Throw a DVD on instead.

QLD, 1628 posts
3 May 2008 1:40PM
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Well theres always a solution to problems like this.

Snipers!!! [}:)]

QLD, 1628 posts
3 May 2008 2:16PM
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And this weeks intruder is Sgt Roy Smith...And whats your plan while your in the house roy??
Roy :- I think i'll just try to blend in Grettle.[}:)]

Ah yes crowd there's going to be some crazy antics from Roy this week!!

Mark _australia
WA, 22392 posts
3 May 2008 1:07PM
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For the BB house I'd rather see them use a .50

Dawn Patrol
WA, 1991 posts
3 May 2008 7:21PM
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How about one of these bad boys. Warning, neighbouring suburbs/cities may be affected.

WA, 7608 posts
3 May 2008 8:21PM
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stribo said...

And this weeks intruder is Sgt Roy Smith...And whats your plan while your in the house roy??
Roy :- I think i'll just try to blend in Grettle.[}:)]

They ditched the old hag Grettle and replaced her with a blonde vegetarian hottie... oh Jackie O

QLD, 1628 posts
4 May 2008 2:40PM
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Greenroom said...

stribo said...

And this weeks intruder is Sgt Roy Smith...And whats your plan while your in the house roy??
Roy :- I think i'll just try to blend in Grettle.[}:)]

They ditched the old hag Grettle and replaced her with a blonde vegetarian hottie... oh Jackie O

What ...has bb started already????

NSW, 9029 posts
4 May 2008 3:12PM
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Big Brother and its TV ilk exists for the same reason pop music exists. Pre pubescent and younger teenage girls. Unless you are in this group you will find most of the stuff on commercial TV is quite banal and idiotic.

If like me you don't like football, cricket or home improvements all that much then 90% of commercial TV is a waste of time.

WA, 679 posts
4 May 2008 1:31PM
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Influence of America in one neat little package. Damn Americans. Damn Kyle Sandlinds.

Thank you Japan for providing an 'off' button on my TV remote.

WA, 8727 posts
4 May 2008 2:03PM
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Thank goodness for


TAS, 2213 posts
4 May 2008 5:14PM
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elmo said...

Thank goodness for


And lets not forget broadband internet!

NSW, 9029 posts
4 May 2008 7:38PM
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kiterdan said...

Influence of America in one neat little package. Damn Americans. Damn Kyle Sandlinds.

Thank you Japan for providing an 'off' button on my TV remote.

I think BB actually comes from Holland so you can't blame the yanks for this particular problem. I miss having Foxtel/Austar. No need to watch commercial channels.

QLD, 2081 posts
4 May 2008 10:09PM
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okay so for some stupid reason I'm sitting here watching BB.....

and contrary to what I though, it seems it might be pay-back for him, possibly a HELL experience, and a slight ego breaker.

But we'll see...

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
4 May 2008 8:34PM
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I think Cory is kinda cool.

He would make a lovely boyfriend for you Liz..

QLD, 14393 posts
4 May 2008 10:39PM
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easty said...

elmo said...

Thank goodness for


And lets not forget broadband internet!

well said, the top 5 in my house. especially when the misses is not home.

QLD, 7428 posts
4 May 2008 11:52PM
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Sniping would get a reaction - huge ratings for the last episode. Random poisoning would be interesting.
Maybe send a plausible threat from Jameah Islameah or something and see how they react.
Ecstasy in the water supply would make for some interesting viewing.

273 posts
4 May 2008 10:50PM
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NotWal said...

Sniping would get a reaction - huge ratings for the last episode. Random poisoning would be interesting.
Maybe send a plausible threat from Jameah Islameah or something and see how they react.
Ecstasy in the water supply would make for some interesting viewing.

I like the sniping option, definitely good wholesome family viewing.
But I think the ecxtasy idea would just result in a full blown porno... and the idea of watching young Cory make out with the love of his life (AKA Cory/himself) is about enough to turn me off my beans.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"BB" started by Dawn Patrol