Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...


Created by doggie > 9 months ago, 24 May 2010
WA, 15849 posts
24 May 2010 4:06PM
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Not chemtrails, not 911, not NWO but -


What beer do you like?

Why do you like it ect?

Its beer oclock, I so wish it was [}:)]

WA, 4485 posts
24 May 2010 4:20PM
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Free beer always tastes sweeter!

WA, 15849 posts
24 May 2010 4:30PM
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getfunky said...

Free beer always tastes sweeter!


WA, 2519 posts
24 May 2010 4:30PM
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Great topic - looking forward to seeing all the different responses.

I like a larger, something crisp and not too bitter...

For years I used to stick to Carlton Cold, then Pure Blonde, but then they changed the acohol content (and the taste), so I started trying other brews...

Now I just go to the local BWS and see what's on special, Stella, Budwieser, Heineken etc and see where that takes me... Most recently, I have been getting into Millers (US) and SOL (Mexico)...

NSW, 2495 posts
24 May 2010 6:45PM
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sapporo. mmmmmmmmm.

WA, 7671 posts
24 May 2010 4:54PM
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Billabong Pale Ale (BPA)... Highly recommended. Think hops, like Little Creatures Pale Ale (mmmmm)... Think it is ~$66 for 24, retail, selected bottle-o's... Make your own has just gone up (), but is pretty good at $180 for ~140 stubbies - depending on the keg, and how thirsty you get while bottling and brewing

NSW, 155 posts
24 May 2010 6:56PM
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James boags for the purity and smooth taste
hangovers arent quite as heavy

QLD, 4083 posts
24 May 2010 7:08PM
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getfunky said...

Free beer always tastes sweeter!

A mate of mine left me a block of VB cans when he moved house and cleared out his beer fridge. I have to say, being free is probably the only reason I can handle drinking it.

LC Pale Ale is my beer of choice. This Billabong Pale Ale you speak of Mr. Pugwash - is that one of the You-Brew-It recipes? I am a big fan of DIY breweries.

By memory this was a Northern Brown Ale, an imitation of Newcastle Brown, from You-Brew-It. It was a bit smoother than Newcastle too, a very tasty drop. I think I drank about 150 bottles of it in less than 2 months:

NSW, 864 posts
24 May 2010 7:09PM
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I used to brew my own ale from scratch and loved it. Still got all the gear but never seem to have the time any more.

There are some wonderful ales around but my current favourite is Fat Yak. Had it by chance on tap down in Melbourne... YUM! Good standby that's not too expensive and always easy to find is Coopers Pale Ale.

I don't favour lagers so much any more but I do love Pilsner Urquell. Can't beat the smell of the Saaz hops in that. Most Czech lagers I've tried are pretty good (and defintely better than most German stuff I've tried) but PU is way above them all.

Definitely NOT any Little Creatures stuff! Sorry, just can't stomach the Cascade hops they use.

WA, 15849 posts
24 May 2010 5:10PM
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GreenPat said...

getfunky said...

Free beer always tastes sweeter!

A mate of mine left me a block of VB cans when he moved house and cleared out his beer fridge. I have to say, being free is probably the only reason I can handle drinking it.

LC Pale Ale is my beer of choice. This Billabong Pale Ale you speak of Mr. Pugwash - is that one of the You-Brew-It recipes? I am a big fan of DIY breweries.

By memory this was a Northern Brown Ale, an imitation of Newcastle Brown, from You-Brew-It. It was a bit smoother than Newcastle too, a very tasty drop. I think I drank about 150 bottles of it in less than 2 months:

Now that is a beer fridge people

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
24 May 2010 5:12PM
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I love beer.
My usual tipple is a Guinness.
Its the zen of beer. Well balanced thick creamy and represents unity
Some very very clever old ads out there for guinness.

NSW, 864 posts
24 May 2010 7:26PM
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Guinness is good too, although we prefer Coopers Extra Stout. Stouts are also ales...

BTW, GreenPat... can't you read. The bottom bin says VEGETABLES!

WA, 1321 posts
24 May 2010 5:29PM
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I like a dry - carlton or tooheys.

Pilsner is pretty drinkable too

WA, 15849 posts
24 May 2010 5:33PM
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KEARNSY said...

I like a dry - carlton or tooheys.

Pilsner is pretty drinkable too

Waiting for you to poke ya head in

WA, 7671 posts
24 May 2010 5:35PM
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mmmmm.... Cascade hops...

GreenPatch, BPA is Billabong's Pale Ale recipe... it MAY be similar to other hoppy Pale Ales from Freo

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
24 May 2010 8:41PM
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Guinness and anything Tasmanian... we were on holiday there last Easter and I was overly influenced by the "Buy Tasmanian" campaign.

WA, 7671 posts
24 May 2010 6:55PM
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Being a Taswegian, I try to empty the state of beer each time I return

I reckon the Tassie micro's are the go... Moo Brew, Hazards... mmmm...

WA, 1305 posts
24 May 2010 8:10PM
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Truely wonerfull and innntresssting topic, hic, bean maki,--n ,hic my own fr ears,
hve now g g g ot it down - hic ,pat
COOPERS MEXICAN CERVASA, a loooovlllyyy drop, now I gggoott itt in a a a , hic ., keg, an, an I rooly like it lots, so does the missus,(cause she doesnt , hic , have to bottle it hic,,, anymore,
SQUEEEEEEZE tha trigggger an oooouutttt shee comes , how good is this beer stufff hic , hic

QLD, 4083 posts
24 May 2010 10:22PM
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pweedas said...

aaww wot? It's not full !
Theres room for one more on the second shelf down!

I may have been drinking that one when I took the photo...

Elroy Jetson
WA, 706 posts
24 May 2010 8:49PM
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Beer I'm drinking right now....
If you like Beck's or Heineken then Peroni is highly recommended for you

Beer that can only be bought occasionally because six is never enough.

WA, 947 posts
24 May 2010 9:17PM
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Well I may be a bit old fasion but I'm enjoying a Carlton Dry at the the moment..Next week I'll have to put up with Bintang I hope the wind is blowing??

QLD, 4083 posts
24 May 2010 11:31PM
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Pugwash said...

mmmmm.... Cascade hops...

GreenPatch, BPA is Billabong's Pale Ale recipe... it MAY be similar to other hoppy Pale Ales from Freo

Billabong the surf brand, Billabong the beer brand? Where can I get 140 hoppy beers for 180 coins?

WA, 6277 posts
24 May 2010 10:13PM
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Anything with a screw top for me...

Anything else is just too poncy

WA, 3477 posts
25 May 2010 12:58AM
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I go through phases, after going to the Waifs concert at Freo last year where (from memory) the only beer you could get was pints of Litttle Creatures Pale Ale, I was stuck on that for a while.
There may have been something else available but the first pint of pale tasted so nice thats all i wanted, and they just got better.

Lately though it has been the LC Bright Ale.

Don't mind a Guinness as well, particulaly at this time of the year.

WA, 7671 posts
25 May 2010 10:43AM
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GreenPat said...
Billabong the surf brand, Billabong the beer brand? Where can I get 140 hoppy beers for 180 coins?

Errmmm... from Billabong... think we said that at the top

All you need is a set of bottles and a fridge big enough to take your share of the beer. We usually brew in a group of three. 45-47 stubs each. Takes about an hour and a half to brew and bottle.

Brew must be fermented for two weeks, then ready to go... We always brew as we bottle - always another brew to pick up after the ones we have are done

Oh, and save $150 off every 11th brew! One of the team (kitesurfer) and fat pugsie bottled the freebie recently... 70 beers for 10 bucks

VIC, 5000 posts
25 May 2010 12:56PM
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Mountain Goat
Blue Tongue

and...basically every other beer...nearly!

NSW, 1143 posts
25 May 2010 12:56PM
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pweedas said...

GreenPat said...

aaww wot? It's not full !
Theres room for one more on the second shelf down!

i would say taking that photo would have been thirsty work, thus the missing beer.

Had a Kilkenny last night, fine drop.

Ben 555
NSW, 453 posts
25 May 2010 1:06PM
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Coopers and or malt shovel and Boags strongarm

Lagers - never
Pilsener - occaisonly
Stout - occaisonly

Have given up all alcohol in the last 4 weeks i miss

WA, 363 posts
25 May 2010 11:11AM
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Feral Brewery - make a great white ale, won awards before they even bottled it.
Matild Bay - following the groundbreaking success of Redback - now producing the FatYak Pale ale, 8.5 out of 10!
Coopers - Red or Green, i dont discriminate.
Saporo - If i can afford it!
Whienstephaner - They have been making it since the 1800's!
Matso's - Mango Beer/ ginger Beer, both absolutley neccessary to un-pickle your mouth in summer after hours of salt water ingestion.

Sooo many more!!

WA, 4485 posts
25 May 2010 12:13PM
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martman said...

James boags for the purity and smooth taste
hangovers arent quite as heavy

Used to feel the same way about 10 yrs ago but not sure if they have soured the JB recipe.. or I am gettin old.

Still quite partial to ice cold Corona - definately doesn't kick my head in the morning. So good on a hot day, beach side, post kite.. etc etc .

Used to keep stocks of Newky brown turning over in Perth and still love a widget Guinness in winter.

I'm into the idea of U-brew it but don't have a fridge big enough to stock the preservative free U-brew beers. Pity, the ones I have tried are pretty bloody good.

EDIT: Forgot to add a nice Asahi now n then. Bloody exxy on tap! Tastes deluxe tho. Very moor-ish.

Hey Pat - I had 4 Carlton draught stubbies that a friend brought over and left in the fridge for nearly 2 yrs and I reckon it tastes better than VB (liquid soap) so I understand your problem.

Oustanding fridge there Pat. Tres envious.

SA, 3025 posts
25 May 2010 2:24PM
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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"BEER." started by doggie