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Bicycle registration - again(Hav'n a rant)

Created by bobajob > 9 months ago, 18 Feb 2012
QLD, 1535 posts
18 Feb 2012 6:18PM
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To follow on from the above;
This morning

The other half had an incident this morning on the way to a nippers carnival involving the lycra morons, who were completly in the wrong, damaged her car, no names or numbers were forthcomming and disappeared. There were wittnesses, but without any ID as in rego, what can you do? The only satisfaction was that the idiots bike was a wreck.

Apparently there was a pack (read as heard of sheep) of six or so, that decieded to overtake about three cars - two of which were behind my wifes' car as she was about to turn right into a carpark. As she started her turn, the first bike with no where to go slammed straight into the front right hand pannel. The rest fell all over each other in a bid to not come to the same fate.

You have to ask your self, would'nt you think as you going along the beachfront, carparks all along to your right and the traffic slows as it does when some one infront wants to turn (any turn), why do you see fit to overtake? And in this case not just one idiot the whole heard of sheep! Surly one must have thought it might be a bad idea. I guess it must be the "pack" mentality. But then maybe it was the overwhelming desire to go sip lattes at the "to be seen" coffee haunt and compare lycra patterns and brand patches on each others arse.

Gees I hope the bike was expensive.

Rego? And a licence to prove you have some road sense!

6657 posts
18 Feb 2012 4:26PM
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Hard luck , hope the car isn't too badly damaged mate - see your point.

QLD, 1535 posts
18 Feb 2012 6:47PM
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Nah, not too bad

A few scratches and the pannel is pushed in, in one spot and popped out in another. When you try to push in the popped out section the pushed in section pops out. If you were bored you could do it all day. Keeps the kids amused.

WA, 229 posts
18 Feb 2012 5:02PM
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Did she not have her indicator on or did she indicate at the last second while busily scanning for a parking spot? Was the car positioned to turn right?

Overtaking a car with indicators on and positioning it's self to turn right is death wish for a cyclist or motorbiker. They just wouldn't do it.

The story doesn't add up.

6657 posts
18 Feb 2012 5:03PM
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Just read the initial post again about 3 cars deep Wodge

WA, 229 posts
18 Feb 2012 5:06PM
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I read the post correctly

QLD, 1535 posts
18 Feb 2012 7:09PM
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wodgina6722 said...

Did she not have her indicator on or did she indicate at the last second while busily scanning for a parking spot? Was the car positioned to turn right?

Overtaking a car with indicators on and positioning it's self to turn right is death wish for a cyclist or motorbiker. They just wouldn't do it.

The story doesn't add up.

Read it again, there were two other cars behind, therefore the the car behind the car behind my wife could not see her indicator. There is no room to "position", you slow and if no oncomming traffic you turn. Simple.

NSW, 4453 posts
18 Feb 2012 8:22PM
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I have a solution:

1.- Bike rego if on the road.
2.- Road bikes must have rego and be on the road
3.- All other bike types on footpath, except in built up areas... eg: no bikes.

how does that sound?

PS: flame me if you want but from my experience if the Mrs, Ms was driving, she was at fault... if she was driving an SUV 100% guaranteed her fault.

What car she got??

WA, 4564 posts
18 Feb 2012 5:22PM
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Tough going Bobajob. Glad your wife and kids didn't get one of these silly buggers in through the side window when it happened. PS its a "mob" of sheep
But some level of visible ID should be on the bikes regardless. Not hard to stencil on mainframe

6657 posts
18 Feb 2012 5:26PM
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wodgina6722 said...

I read the post correctly

The cyclists probably wouldn't have seen indicators until they'd drawn level with the front car and by then collision may have been unavoidable given the supposed numbers of cyclists and turning vehicle across them.
Bit hard to appropriate blame on anyone though not being there - just glad no-one injured seriously.

QLD, 1535 posts
18 Feb 2012 7:31PM
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BulldogPup said...

wodgina6722 said...

I read the post correctly

The cyclists probably wouldn't have seen indicators until they'd drawn level with the front car and by then collision may have been unavoidable given the supposed numbers of cyclists and turning vehicle across them.
Bit hard to appropriate blame on anyone though not being there - just glad no-one injured seriously.

Correct Bulldog

kiteboy dave
QLD, 6525 posts
18 Feb 2012 7:37PM
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I recently had a run in with the peacock lycra brigade. They were undertaking me on a roundabout as I was idling along at 20kph at the crack of dawn trying to put baby to sleep. The bike lane stops for the duration of the roundabout. They could have easily overtaken (undertaken) me before or after the roundabout but that would have required planning and adjusting pedal speed or whatever. Fat turd and mate in matching lycra (wtf who goes outside in matching outfits?) start yelling at me and shaking fists from about 2 feet beside my bullbar, when they were in the wrong. The temptation to veer left was strong but I managed to resist.. this time

VIC, 858 posts
18 Feb 2012 10:02PM
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Bad luck on the accident, as it has been said no cyclist would intentionally put themselves at risk of an accident, so sound like just that an accident....

Now really can't someone think of a new topic or are we going to keep dredging up the same old arguments over and over again.... Oh wait maybe we can start a thread on whether kite boarders should be registered, because they are all the same just like cyclists... Oh sorry already done....

NSW, 4453 posts
18 Feb 2012 10:03PM
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Most cyclists are acutely aware of their vulnerability and fragility... so they usually do their best to stay out of the way.

Well this guy (idiot) wasn't...

WA, 1227 posts
18 Feb 2012 7:15PM
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mineral1 said...
Tough going Bobajob.
PS its a "mob" of sheep

What ever happened to our education system?
1. It's a mob of (kanga)roos.
2. It's a flock of sheep.
3. It's a herd of cattle.
4. It's a pod of dolphins or whales.
5. It's a school of fish.
Obviously there are many more, but these ones invariably come up in these fora.

WA, 2775 posts
18 Feb 2012 8:39PM
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dinsdale said...

mineral1 said...
Tough going Bobajob.
PS its a "mob" of sheep

What ever happened to our education system?
1. It's a mob of (kanga)roos.
2. It's a flock of sheep.
3. It's a herd of cattle.
4. It's a pod of dolphins or whales.
5. It's a school of fish.
Obviously there are many more, but these ones invariably come up in these fora.

a new one I heard of recently for an assembly of banking executives is a "wunch of bankers"
swap the first letters of the two main words and it soon makes sense.

654 posts
18 Feb 2012 9:57PM
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Was at the roundabout between trigg and mettams and slowed down/ stopped watching for oncoming cars etc. Was only just the quick glance and foot on accelerator and a cyclist raced past me. I mean had I really pushed on the pedal, the guy'd probably be in hospital at the moment.

Some cyclists I believe just ruin it for everyone else just as some drivers are idiots and make the rest of us look bad (except in Perth, we just don't know how to merge or drive in general ). At the end of the day thats all it takes, one small wrong action to blow everything out of proportion and then the media frenzy (like sharks).

His only saving grace was that I believe cyclists are doing well for the planet and not polluting it so he can have it this time. Otherwise maybe it's time the government legalised a new sport called 'cyclist herding' with the compulsory equipment being a car bullbar.

Mark _australia
WA, 22414 posts
18 Feb 2012 10:06PM
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dinsdale said...

mineral1 said...
Tough going Bobajob.
PS its a "mob" of sheep

What ever happened to our education system?
1. It's a mob of (kanga)roos.
2. It's a flock of sheep.
3. It's a herd of cattle.
4. It's a pod of dolphins or whales.
5. It's a school of fish.
Obviously there are many more, but these ones invariably come up in these fora.

Yes it is a flock of sheep but farmers have been using 'mob' for sheep for sooo long that I think it is an accepted term.

WA, 6277 posts
18 Feb 2012 10:16PM
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I think it could be applied as the collective noun to other groups as well...

A mob of politicians springs to mind

WA, 947 posts
18 Feb 2012 11:02PM
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I think the main thing with cyclist is that they want it both ways.

You are either a car or not!

It's no good to take up a whole lane for everyone to avoid you, then to sneek through to the front at a red light, so it all has to happen again. The same applies to the round about story... Just wait your turn and no one gets hurt..

And always remember.. it's no good being DEAD right

WA, 2775 posts
18 Feb 2012 11:42PM
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I must admit- it can be annoying watching lycrayobs continually flicking from road to path to pedestrian crossing, I think if motorcycles, cars and trucks tried that we would be stopped pretty quick!

(bikes are supposed to be WALKED across a pedestrian crossing- not ridden)

I will concede that there are a lot of dodgy drivers out there -and even admit that I am not perfect all the time (but near enough)

but gawd....some of these bike riders could really do with studying a recent version of the road rules.


SA, 3589 posts
19 Feb 2012 4:10AM
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So happy i don't have drive in the city.
And here in Rocko no one rides bikes. they just steal 'em

QLD, 1535 posts
19 Feb 2012 9:01AM
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Smithy said...

Bad luck on the accident, as it has been said no cyclist would intentionally put themselves at risk of an accident, so sound like just that an accident....

Now really can't someone think of a new topic or are we going to keep dredging up the same old arguments over and over again.... Oh wait maybe we can start a thread on whether kite boarders should be registered, because they are all the same just like cyclists... Oh sorry already done....

Yeah, accident. Right
It was a moronic thing that six odd people had the same accident on individual bikes.
Same argument.....if you don't like the show post a thread about motorists/kiters/transvestites etc.

SA, 3589 posts
19 Feb 2012 9:42AM
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dinsdale said...
1. It's a mob of (kanga)roos.
2. It's a flock of sheep.
3. It's a herd of cattle.
4. It's a pod of dolphins or whales.
5. It's a school of fish.
Obviously there are many more, but these ones invariably come up in these fora.

Personally i like a Murder of crows [}:)]

SA, 956 posts
19 Feb 2012 10:22AM
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hey neb ^^^^isnt that a constipation of politicions

WA, 229 posts
19 Feb 2012 10:28AM
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I can still see someones indicator 3 cars deep. Big flashy orange thing on the side of the car.

I'm not perfect and nearly hit a bike rider a few months ago, I was going through a roundabout and biker was going a the exact speed that lined up perfectly with the metal bit between the drivers side window and main window and caused a blind spot. I just broke in time. It could of ended badly. I still think about it and make sure I have a good look.

I should blame the design of the car or the biker for not riding on the path seabreeze style.

VIC, 4982 posts
19 Feb 2012 3:03PM
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^^^ there's the thing. Everybody makes mistakes.

Car on car mistakes are a usually just a nuisance.

Car on truck mistakes are worse but usually the result is a trip to the panel beater and an insurance claim.

Car or truck on bike mistakes are invariably damaging and potentially fatal to the rider and emotionally traumatic for the driver. So tell me again why do riders decide to ride on main roads in heavy traffic? Why do they choose to ride with drivers that they claim are incredibly bad and out to get them, on roads that they claim are not designed for bikes?

Bikes are inherently invisible to cars and trucks. Part of it is the lack of awareness. The real problem is bikes are too small and too slow to be visible.

A door pillar, a street pole, another car or bike renders them completely invisible. Bright clothes don't help if the rider is obscured. Even bright lights don't help for the same reason.

I can (and do) ride on bike paths in near perfect safety. I just ride slower and be prepared to give way to everybody and everything. Sometimes I even stop or get off and walk if things are really bad. Imagine that. [}:)]

WA, 201 posts
19 Feb 2012 1:43PM
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So the car was damaged. That is why you have insurance for.

How would register on the bikes make any difference. If the bike is a right off then you must have name and addresses and your insurer can take it from there.

Rego and insurance on bikes would be too hard to police. There is already enough discussion on this forum about the nanny state

Sorry about your car mate, but as one who has numerous cars damaged in carparks without note being left.

Bike hit car = damaged car bike and bike rider (and forum messages)

Car hit bike = damaged bike rider (and who cares about bike rider).

Sorry, most drivers choose not to see bike riders. All riders have stories of near misses or hits (twice in my case, and twice in the right, but both times it hurt a lot and cost the insurers a lot)

Maybe it is the way we drive/ride. Maybe we both need to be more courteous?

VIC, 5904 posts
19 Feb 2012 10:24PM
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Had breakfast with my daughter this morning in inner suburb of melbourne We were invaded by middle-aged cycistists gloging the seating area outside with their bikes and restaurant with their horrible clip clop sounding feet .

This seems to be cronic skinny latte drinking behavior by uber rich crew who sponsor themselves with there own company name printed on their backs .

This group cycling behavior in coffee shops should trigger a registration charge .

WA, 399 posts
19 Feb 2012 8:20PM
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SandS said...

This group cycling behavior in coffee shops should trigger a registration charge .


WA, 4564 posts
19 Feb 2012 9:00PM
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gs12 said...

SandS said...

This group cycling behavior in coffee shops should trigger a registration charge .


Sands is alert and "looks" thats why I reckon

cycistists gloging the seating area outside with their bikes


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Bicycle registration - again(Hav'n a rant)" started by bobajob