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Bicycle registration - again(Hav'n a rant)

Created by bobajob > 9 months ago, 18 Feb 2012
QLD, 1534 posts
20 Mar 2012 9:40PM
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exarch said...

okay bob,

let me try to paint a picture for you but this time i'll use words.

car that your wife is in, intending to turn right.

<please let me know if you don't get any of this>

she starts to turn right and gets hit in the front right quater panel.

this is oncoming traffic

<this could be anything - bikes, tractors, elephants>

as she has pulled out into oncoming traffic.... the LAW says her fault.


now as mentioned you have not given us anything except a third party account of an incident.

no facts about where your wife's car was, how wide the road was, you have only given us a rant to stir up the masses.

while i have had my head out of my ass this weekend i had a bit of a think about your proposal of registration for bikes.

it actually made me think about all the other things you need to register thanks to the nanny state we live in.

cars, boats, personal water craft (owners should be shot), motorbikes.

pretty much anything that people can hurt other people with.....

so here's the point.

your "bike registation idea" is solid and will gain backing ONLY if you also support luxury activity registration.

your grounds being a pack of knobs got hit on their bikes by your wife pulling out infront of them.


register your kites, there may be wind

register your boads, they float and may cause damage if un-attended

register your shoes, because you may run into someone and running shoes cost a premium

register your football, those things are hard

register your kids scooter, it's got wheels

register your kids bikes... same thing isn't it?

getting the point..... probably not but you cannot say i haven't tried.

p.s. those lycra clad morons are someone's kids, they are someone's partner, they are someone's parent.

what would your reaction be if someone turned their car into your kids while they were riding their bikes?

blame the cyclist????? have another think about it and get back to us.

WTF! So when some one is turning right, and some idiot comes up the inside from behind and tries to overtake, slams into you its oncomming, and your fault?

Isn't this along the lines of when you stop at a pedestrian crossing the fool behind you deceides to overtake and hits the pedestrian. So in your explaination it must be the pedestrians fault because they walked into oncomming traffic!

Oh, yea, sorry I forgot, if its a pushbike its everyone elses fault.

Mate I ride with absolute respect for everything bigger and faster than me, I treat every one of those things as though they can't see me. I only ride a pushy around to the beach or shops. I rode a motorcycle for years and this theory has kept me unscathed.

You seriously need to refresh your road rules if you honestly believe you have right of way comming up the inside of a right turning vehicle.

NSW, 6849 posts
20 Mar 2012 11:00PM
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Gorgo said...

wave knave said...

Gorgo said...

Their hands are on the hoods so they can barely reach the brakes. Even if they could the brakes on road bikes are for slowing down, not stopping. Everyone has seen what happens on any road race when the pack tries to stop.

I reckon the scale speed these guys are doing is the equivalent of a car doing 130kph. ie. Racers on high performance machines going at race pace. That's hooning. They cannot stop for anything. They have killed people. They constantly terrorise people. I think their bikes should be impounded like any hoon.

wtf? you seriously have no idea do you?

Nup. No idea at all.

I ride to work every day through the off season. It's only 25k each way so I can only claim 200-250k a week riding. Sorry I'm not more hard core.

I've got a shiny new name brand road bike for commuting and a mega mountain bike with disk brakes. The mountain bike stops ok.

I ride on cycle tracks for almost the entire commute. I ride on the road outside peak hour (after 7:00 pm in the off season).

I'm pretty fit but I'm old so I just cruise on the commute. Generally around 25kph. In the evenings on the road I get up to 30 with 45 peaks. My best speed is 49kph on the road with a tailwind.

I live near Beach Rd in Melbourne and have to dodge the packs that pile on through the Black Rock roundabout. I have seen what happens when anything requires them to try and stop or avoid anything. (It's usually consistent with the pile ups I see on the bike racing on the TV.)

I park on Beach Rd every day in the season to go kiting. I've never personally copped any abuse from the cyclists for doing the wrong thing. I have seen how aggro they get when anybody gets in their way.

All this is a moot point. You know that almost all riders have their hands up on the hoods. You know that pulling the brakes with your fingers from the hoods is ok for slowing down but crap for trying to stop. You know that any time a pack of speeding cyclists needs to stop in an emergency they generally end up in a messy pile up. You know that road racing bikes have extremely skinny tyres and barely adequate brakes.

Just to add fuel to the fire, I just went out to get a coffee and was almost cleaned up by a cyclist riding the wrong way down a divided road. He abused me.

Love it!

I am in much the same position as you although I don't cycle through the city. Have knocked up 2200 ks this year and love it but I shake my head at the goons who insist on riding two or three abreast, seems it is always on the weekend when they are full of group courage.

I take detours to avoid traffic. If it takes longer I start earlier. I rarely cop any flack although when cycling in Perth it was quite common but then the road etiquette over there is a little more primitive.

Oh, and this debate has been going for at least as long as I have been commuting by bike which was London 1981

WA, 2775 posts
20 Mar 2012 8:12PM
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japie said...
when cycling in Perth it was quite common but then the road etiquette over there is a little more primitive.

we have etiquette?

most road users couldnt spell it- let alone understand what it is


but then- not all road users can be perfect like me

50 posts
21 Mar 2012 2:43PM
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well i might be wrong, i never profess to being right all the time however i always thought the term 'oncoming' was a substiute for 'approaching'

i.e. a car was struck at a level crossing by an oncoming train.

odds are this is going to be in the side, oncoming is drawing near and is not based on direction.

just as pulling out into oncoming traffic can be interpretated as traffic coming from the front, back, left or right.

happy to be prooven wrong, you won't get an argument out of me if you have the proof.

50 posts
21 Mar 2012 2:54PM
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bobajob said...

WTF! So when some one is turning right, and some idiot comes up the inside from behind and tries to overtake, slams into you its oncomming, and your fault?

In the case of being on the correct side of the road (remember you didn't disclose this) yes it would be your fault. you have been hit in the side because you pulled into traffic = YOUR FAULT! check the law.

as long as the other person is in the right (remember couldn't determine this from your rant)

bobajob said...

Isn't this along the lines of when you stop at a pedestrian crossing the fool behind you deceides to overtake and hits the pedestrian. So in your explaination it must be the pedestrians fault because they walked into oncomming traffic!

well no, that would be failure to stop at a crossing. pretty self explanatroy.

let's change it to pedestrian steps out onto road from between two cars oblivious of the fact there is oncoming traffic (let's add an ipod for good measure) and get's hit.
cars fault???? were they speeding... if no, it's pedopod's fault they are dead.

check the LAW. give FULL explinations.

bobajob said...

Mate I ride with absolute respect for everything bigger and faster than me, I treat every one of those things as though they can't see me. I only ride a pushy around to the beach or shops. I rode a motorcycle for years and this theory has kept me unscathed.

your mother must be very proud.

cRAZY Canuk
NSW, 2528 posts
21 Mar 2012 6:11PM
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Buddy of mine just bought a Tricycle for his kid, theres a great spot to hang a number plate on the back.

WA, 229 posts
24 Mar 2012 2:36PM
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exarch said...

well i might be wrong, i never profess to being right all the time however i always thought the term 'oncoming' was a substiute for 'approaching'

i.e. a car was struck at a level crossing by an oncoming train.

odds are this is going to be in the side, oncoming is drawing near and is not based on direction.

just as pulling out into oncoming traffic can be interpretated as traffic coming from the front, back, left or right.

happy to be prooven wrong, you won't get an argument out of me if you have the proof.

It's not illegal to overtake slow moving vehicles it doesn't matter if there are carparks around. If the indicator was on for sufficent time then it was the cyclists fault. If not the driver was at fault.

Since this thread started I've seen car drivers do some seriously dangerous driving, my brothers mate was hit from behind by a driver doing 70km and a young lad training for a bike race was hit by a drunk driver and left to die.

Car drivers are a thousand times worse than bike riders.

QLD, 6481 posts
24 Mar 2012 10:07PM
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kiteboy dave said...

bad cyclist - silver car does nothing wrong here...

I'm sorry, i haven't read the whole thread, so maybe i'm stating the obvious

i like to cycle; and i think if you cycle on the road, and if you want to be treated like a car, you should behave like a car (stay in a lane, indicate if changing lanes etc)

i hear fellow cyclists complaining about broken glass, car tyre radial wire, stray loose bits of gravel etc. in the bike lane, and so they ride as close to the car lanes as possible to avoid punctures. fair enough on some roads

the cyclist in the vid was changing lanes without indicating and the silver car was just as bad as the cyclist

both are tossers

mind you, it looks like euroland, so who knows how things are sposed to work

NSW, 6849 posts
25 Mar 2012 3:20PM
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Did my usual trip into the "smoke" to attend yoga this morning although was running late and had to use the ute. Sundays are big for cycling in Newcastle and I paid particular attention to what was going on.

For those cyclists who cycle two abreast for the sole purpose of being able to have a natter, you deserve the flack you cop from drivers


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Bicycle registration - again(Hav'n a rant)" started by bobajob