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Bloody Blue Heeler!

Created by Greenroom > 9 months ago, 3 May 2008
WA, 7608 posts
3 May 2008 9:25PM
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WA, 4642 posts
3 May 2008 9:43PM
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I guess your only consolation is,..... you probably poisoned the dog.

NSW, 9029 posts
3 May 2008 11:56PM
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Don't watch I am Legend.

WA, 1588 posts
3 May 2008 10:07PM
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better put it down
lucky it was not the kid

WA, 55 posts
3 May 2008 10:58PM
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bok bok bok, check out those sexy pins

WA, 567 posts
4 May 2008 9:05AM
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Well ..... I guess you shouldn't tease it !

WA, 1194 posts
4 May 2008 10:20AM
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should have used peanut butter...

WA, 8725 posts
4 May 2008 11:00AM
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Bloody hell Greeny, just as well you had your willy tied around the other leg that day.

Get well soon, report the f'ken dog, give your medical bills to the owner

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
4 May 2008 4:20PM
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....and shave those legs.

QLD, 5610 posts
4 May 2008 6:23PM
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looks more like the bite of a misguided/kinky vampire ???

NSW, 3075 posts
4 May 2008 7:36PM
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Just as I Pulled my board out of the back of the wagon last weekend our f&*&%g cat decided it wanted to use my legs as slalom markers. I tried not to tread on it (dont know why) and of course I tripped and tore a small hole in board bag and a 5 cent hole in the rail of my board. My wife and daughter rushed out of the house to see what all the bad language was about. Couldnt find the cat, it knows I wouldve kicked the crap out of it.
Greenroom, hope the leg heals fine.
Pets and windsurfing dont mix.

big gill
WA, 649 posts
5 May 2008 7:24PM
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shouldnt of stop feeding him

WA, 7608 posts
5 May 2008 8:56PM
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Rider5 said...

Well ..... I guess you shouldn't tease it !

I didnt know you had the camera rolling on me Rider

WA, 7608 posts
5 May 2008 9:22PM
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elmo said...

Bloody hell Greeny, just as well you had your willy tied around the other leg that day.

Get well soon, report the f'ken dog, give your medical bills to the owner

Thanks for the ego boost Elmz
Unfortunately it wasnt the dogs fault.
I heard puppies yelping over the back fence and decided to jump it to see what was going on when I was mauled by the puppies mother
What kind of idiot would do that? Hehehe
Nar seriously the story goes like this... I was doing some work at a mates house, his dog is viscious as hell, so he locked it in the laundry for me.
He was at work and his wife was out shopping, so he gave me the key to the automatic roller door as the roof space access is in the garage.
While I was working out the back his wife came home and let the dog out of the laundry so it could roam around the house. It pissed in the kitchen so she put it in the garage not knowing that I had the key. As she was cleaning up the dog piss, which I didnt know happened, I went around to the front and pressed the roller door key, and as I turned my back to get the ladder, all of a sudden with no warning, I had a Blue Heeler hanging off my ass. YEEOUCH!!!
It was just a series of events which ended up in me being bitten.
If I had been a few minutes late, she would have finished cleaning up his mess and put the dog back in the laundry.
Who knows? But I dont hold a grudge and all is well... apart from my leg which is now turning feral and is about to drop off due to rabies

WA, 7608 posts
5 May 2008 9:27PM
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poor relative said...

....and shave those legs.

My knee pubes look like your knee pubes Reli

SA, 1622 posts
6 May 2008 9:10AM
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Man!! imagine if your 5yo son had been standing next to you!! If that were my dog I'd put it down before a tragedy occurs.

WA, 1194 posts
6 May 2008 8:14AM
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Buy your mate a muzzle for the dog.

I cant say im fond of dogs like that, we own a bluey but she's a sook, her mother though was a psycho at my sisters racehorse estate, I recall jumping the fence one day after having a go at me, I didn't know she was on the loose - managed a few cuts and grazes not from the dog but from my reflex to get over the other side of the fence super pronto! Ironically the dog had a muzzle on but I didn't register that at the time.

Personally I think there's a difference between family pet and an outdoor guard dog - once the two is combined that's generally when accidents happen.

Pardon the preaching! I just like dogs.

Alternatively convince him to buy one of these

WA, 1933 posts
6 May 2008 10:51AM
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Greenroom said...

... Nar seriously the story goes like this... I was doing some work at a mates house, his dog is viscious as hell, so he locked it in the laundry for me.
He was at work and his wife was out shopping, so he gave me the key to the automatic roller door as the roof space access is in the garage.
While I was working out the back his wife came home and let the dog out of the laundry so it could roam around the house. It pissed in the kitchen so she put it in the garage not knowing that I had the key. As she was cleaning up the dog piss, which I didnt know happened, I went around to the front and pressed the roller door key, and as I turned my back to get the ladder, all of a sudden with no warning, I had a Blue Heeler hanging off my ass. YEEOUCH!!!
It was just a series of events which ended up in me being bitten.
If I had been a few minutes late, she would have finished cleaning up his mess and put the dog back in the laundry.
Who knows? But I dont hold a grudge and all is well... apart from my leg which is now turning feral and is about to drop off due to rabies

Oh, I thought Miller had forgotten to tell you the safety word, again.

Thanks for putting me straight.

WA, 373 posts
6 May 2008 11:26AM
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Hey Greeny mon, how come you got whitey legs? uh!

273 posts
6 May 2008 3:36PM
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Greenroom said...

elmo said...

Bloody hell Greeny, just as well you had your willy tied around the other leg that day.

Get well soon, report the f'ken dog, give your medical bills to the owner

Thanks for the ego boost Elmz
Unfortunately it wasnt the dogs fault.
I heard puppies yelping over the back fence and decided to jump it to see what was going on when I was mauled by the puppies mother
What kind of idiot would do that? Hehehe
Nar seriously the story goes like this... I was doing some work at a mates house, his dog is viscious as hell, so he locked it in the laundry for me.
He was at work and his wife was out shopping, so he gave me the key to the automatic roller door as the roof space access is in the garage.
While I was working out the back his wife came home and let the dog out of the laundry so it could roam around the house. It pissed in the kitchen so she put it in the garage not knowing that I had the key. As she was cleaning up the dog piss, which I didnt know happened, I went around to the front and pressed the roller door key, and as I turned my back to get the ladder, all of a sudden with no warning, I had a Blue Heeler hanging off my ass. YEEOUCH!!!
It was just a series of events which ended up in me being bitten.
If I had been a few minutes late, she would have finished cleaning up his mess and put the dog back in the laundry.
Who knows? But I dont hold a grudge and all is well... apart from my leg which is now turning feral and is about to drop off due to rabies

and just one more "series of events" would have had the dog in the street and who knows what would have happened.

Have the dog humanely put down, then brutaly murder your mate and his partner with a chain saw before turning the tree lopper on yourself!

How bloody stupid can people be?

"Honestly officer, I didn't know it was loaded."

"I was only doing 80kms/hr, the kid shouldn't have run out in street, even if it is a 60km/hr zone his mother should have had hold of him."

Funny how these things come back around and bite us in the arse, or close by in this case.

WA, 7608 posts
6 May 2008 9:32PM
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I agree with all of you in regards to putting it down.
This wasnt the first time it has happened.
But I feel that its not my decision to make. Im just glad it was me and not a 5 year old kid.
Hopefully this is a wake up call for them.

WA, 7608 posts
6 May 2008 9:39PM
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arancini said...

Hey Greeny mon, how come you got whitey legs? uh!

LMAO Because my mum was a whitey. I got her legs but I ended up with my dads nose

SA, 1622 posts
6 May 2008 11:44PM
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I guess you have to weigh up how you'd feel forcing them to have it put down, which i believe is your right now it has mauled you, compared to how you'd feel if or when you hear it has mauled or killed a child. Your decision!

Bear in mind this is coming from someone who has owned Bull Terriers for over 25 years without the slightest hint of aggression towards anyone in any of them.

273 posts
7 May 2008 2:05PM
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hills said...

I guess you have to weigh up how you'd feel forcing them to have it put down, which i believe is your right now it has mauled you, compared to how you'd feel if or when you hear it has mauled or killed a child. Your decision!

Bear in mind this is coming from someone who has owned Bull Terriers for over 25 years without the slightest hint of aggression towards anyone in any of them.

Bull terriers were bread to hunt and kill rats, not to be agressive enough to stand up to the likes of a beef breed bull that doesn't want to go through a gate like our friend the blue healer.

Have a read of and you might begin to understand where your friends went wrong and how there is no way this will just sort itself out.

"It can be very dog aggressive, for its dominance level is high."

SA, 1622 posts
7 May 2008 5:17PM
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BigFatMick said...

Bull terriers were bread to hunt and kill rats, not to be agressive enough to stand up to the likes of a beef breed bull that doesn't want to go through a gate like our friend the blue healer.

I wish you were right, they might be more popular if you were, but unfortunately they were bread specifically for dog fighting. That said the aggression has been bread out of them many years ago. I only mentioned that to point out I'm not a dog hater, in fact I love them, but wouldn't tolerate one that acted like above.

Anyway I agree with all of your other points!

QLD, 1628 posts
7 May 2008 6:03PM
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Stricknien on a nice t-bone over the fence in a cupla months after the incident is a distant memory.It's rough i know but sheeeeze think of the children...the CHIEELLLDREN.....
Seriously there's no room for vicious dogs in the burbs.The owners of this mutt must take responsibility and do the right thing.
RSPCA have a test for dogs to be re-homed.This particular dog would fail and be put down.

QLD, 2081 posts
7 May 2008 6:12PM
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haha Greenie... I have done the same thing, but it took me a good while to figure out who or what did it. It was about 4am after a huge night on the town.... Hence why I didn't know when or why it happened, or who did it lol

I admit I came home to a friends place and left my bag in her house, so walked back into get it, and the owner had let the dog off, and it attached itself to my leg....

Needless to say I didn't realize how bad it was at the time... I was stumbling a little more than I was walking...

Pic was taken about 1 week after it happened =

WA, 4485 posts
7 May 2008 4:37PM
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MMM it's a toughie alright.

I had a mad-as-a-cut-snake dog for 8 years. I got her as a puppy from the pound - she was going to be popped in the melon the next morning if I didn't take her (yes i am a sucker). she seemed ok, until i realised she was slowed down by an infected paw - 3 days later Fk-a-duck!! Hyper-doggy!!

Anyway I put up with the dog's antics until my 1st kiddy came along. Kept them seperate and never, ever turned my back on the dog. The real trouble started when the youngster started to walk. A number of times the dog (through a security screen door) went ballistic at the nipper thinking no-one was about. Not actually an aggressive dog - just a simple pack creature. Still cuccooning the kiddy indoors was not going to last.

Sigh... it was hard to do but after 6 months of trying constantly to find a home for the dog, including advertising in the Quoaka - only to have low-life losers spin me lies to get the dog (wanting a dog for illegal dog fights I think - Staffy/Rhodesian cross that looked like a Pitbull) I finally gave in and took her for the big sleep.

It was bloody hard to do, but she would have caused damage/harm in another environ for sure. I am positive the dog would have had a go at my kiddy eventually too.

Word ya mate up - the dog will eventually have a go at someone else and probably cause more harm than it did to ya lilly white stumps (probably earn him a lawsuit too). Time for the big sleep.

QLD, 4083 posts
7 May 2008 6:58PM
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BigFatMick said...

Have a read of and you might begin to understand where your friends went wrong and how there is no way this will just sort itself out.

"It can be very dog aggressive, for its dominance level is high."

That's an interesting read, I had a look at the Bull Terrier too. Funny, under temperament it says it "isn't breed to be a guard dog." Then towards the end it says "They make excellent watch dogs." I wonder if there's a difference, or if it's an editorial error. The photo of the Australian Cattle Dog there looks like it could be cousin to Bluey here:

He's half Cattle Dog, half Bull Terrier and doesn't have an agressive bone in his body (unless he's taking on wild pigs or dingoes). As per suggestion on that website, he isn't trapped in a backyard all afternoon and doesn't get bored. He also had thorough behavioural training when he was young.

He did snap at a 3 year old on a couple of occasions but only because said 3 year old was hanging off his tail. Its mother told it off, not the dog, it was pretty obvious Blue was just defending his tail.

That's a nasty bite there though Greeny, I'd be worried about that dog.

273 posts
7 May 2008 5:04PM
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hills said...

[ they were bread specifically for dog fighting. That said the aggression has been bread out of them many years ago. I only mentioned that to point out I'm not a dog hater, in fact I love them, but wouldn't tolerate one that acted like above.

Anyway I agree with all of your other points!

it's moot point but, doesn't that (the bolded bit) mean I was right about the bullies breeding anyway?

Whereas the healer is still bred for intelligence, dominance and agression.

SA, 1622 posts
7 May 2008 6:44PM
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yep, you were spot on about that bit (well, apart from the hunting & killing rats part), mine hasn't got an aggressive bone in her body. She's a 35kg lap dog. You're right this is a moot point, I totally agree with the gist of your posts.

I'd love to see her try and catch a rat though


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Bloody Blue Heeler!" started by Greenroom