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Bluff /Gnaraloo Pioneers ...the first?

Created by Prawnhead > 9 months ago, 26 Jun 2011
NSW, 1317 posts
26 Jun 2011 1:52PM
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I haven't been there for quite a while but it would be interesting to know who and when the first guys to surf/windsurf/kitesurf the place were.

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
26 Jun 2011 11:58AM
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Cassa was there years ago, used to camp in the caves.
Not sure who was the first tho.

NSW, 1317 posts
26 Jun 2011 2:03PM
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poor relative said...

Cassa was there years ago, used to camp in the caves.
Not sure who was the first tho.

shouldn't you be concreting?

WA, 1305 posts
26 Jun 2011 12:44PM
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I certainly wasn't the first .
there were 2 older (at the time ) guys in the big cave , very unfriendly towards visitors. Shame there were waves for everyone .The rest of the crew who were there at the time all got together for a bevvy on sunset, talk about the days wipouts(we had the coldest beer ,thanks to the kero fridgeNever surfed it with more than 6 others!!!
Was a really difficult 4 hr return trip back to Carnarvon for more vegies, and cool drinks. Plenty of fresh crayfish , snapper and macks for for those who wanted to spend the 10 minutes or so to catch them.
woken up at night with the dog barking at the turtles laying eggs on the beach, awsome to watch!
AAAHHHh those were the days

Edit - that was 29 yrs ago

VIC, 1301 posts
26 Jun 2011 4:48PM
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After leaving school in Ballarat, 77 I met up with some mates in Geraldton, we surfed lots of places over there which were unbelievably uncrowded, flat rocks and Drummonds, coming from Vicco it was not uncommon for us to drive to remote places and see if there were waves, there was one bloke the owner of the new surf shop, we had some memorable sessions, no one seemed to drive in search.
At one of those Sunday sessions at a pub on the north side of Geraldton[ winterson?] at the bar I started a chat with a bloke who told me of waves up north of Carnavon, he was a station hand at Gnarloo, on the back of a cigarette packet he drew sort of directions to this place called Red Bluff.
Within a week or so a mate called Nat and I ended up driving north in my old Peogeot 404 wagon, fortunately he was a mechanic but the car handled the roads well as they sit higher than he standard wagon, anyway we finally got to the station at the bluff, Quobba, and was met by the station hand, who took little prompting to go in search of this wave, bull**** there are no f,,cking waves ya dickheads" too sharky. so we headed of in the doorless land rover with the esky full of beer,[ like a scene from a aussie book called "wake in fright" we came accross this place, amazing headland, beaches untouched and great f..cking peeling left handers.
We went back to the station and and the made ourselves at home in the station quarters, there was some do on at the local mining company that night so we went along with the station hands, the female cook and the nanny who looked after the owners kids.
The party was a bit of a hoot, Nat and I made short work of situation both able to engage with the chicks much to the dislike of the mining blokes, a couple of surfies cruise into town take a shine to what may have been the only two girls within cooee, [only later did I grow a concience], anyway what followed over the next few weeks was plenty of surf and fun, the sea life was amazing, friggin great big turtles coming up beside you heaps of different fins, sea snake and monstrous sea urchins on the rocks, we went to Carnavon to find surfers to surf with us. there were only 3 or 4 fisherman there , no surfies, what a paradise, haven't been back would love to, without doubt it was one of the best adventures I have had in my life

WA, 2371 posts
26 Jun 2011 5:08PM
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My Best friend wrote a book and photos on the bluff
But I can't find my copy and she only did a run of 500

WA, 3145 posts
26 Jun 2011 6:22PM
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I spent 5 months working at that mine, Texada, in 77. A bloody salt mine and I was an auto sparky so everything rusted.
I never surfed but lots of great memories, I was 22 and the wife as 19, we used to explore all over the place along the coast in the cruiser shorty between the mine and up to Coral Bay, camping etc with our mates. As said lots of marine life and too easy to catch, lots of swimming and body surfing the small stuff.

Ockanui, made me remember having to beat the single guys away from my young wife, not a lot of talent up there in those days

VIC, 1301 posts
26 Jun 2011 10:33PM
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ahh good memories, when my mate and I went back to Carnavon, we met some crew at the pub there, in between the loud music, drunken mongrels, fights and people being thrown out of the place we talked them into coming up to the Bluff, I remember one of the chicks from Phillip Island, had a half decent camera and took lots photos of the surf and environs, I wonder if gypsy's friend is the one, Carnavon was a pretty wild place back then, how we ended up being the only whites at a local's party singing Elvis I will never know but when we got back to the bluff, the party continued in the cave, sort of like the full moon parties they have now. All this thought of a life gone by is great.

WA, 2224 posts
26 Jun 2011 9:08PM
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I'm pretty sure George Simpson (fisherman and skipper at the time) was the first one to discover and first surf the bluff and Tombies.

QLD, 3623 posts
27 Jun 2011 10:38AM
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I love the stories. Sounds awesome.

j murray
SA, 947 posts
27 Jun 2011 11:38AM
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The first were the indigenous [now] boat people who came ashore in their 10

bark canoes from the middle east...... next and the first euro chappys were

the dutch who wen ship wrecked surfed in land on flotsam.....local stone art

recognizes this , and is ultimate proof.

QLD, 3623 posts
27 Jun 2011 1:22PM
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j murray said...

The first were the indigenous [now] boat people who came ashore in their 10

bark canoes from the middle east...... next and the first euro chappys were

the dutch who wen ship wrecked surfed in land on flotsam.....local stone art

recognizes this , and is ultimate proof.

and now its the people in their bark boats again from the middle east

WA, 1916 posts
27 Jun 2011 5:33PM
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GypsyDrifter said...

My Best friend wrote a book and photos on the bluff
But I can't find my copy and she only did a run of 500

was that Camp of the Moon ?
mostly photos

ask e0, he was teacher in carnarvon for a short time in the 80's
and slept in the caves with the turtle giving birth

WA, 1305 posts
27 Jun 2011 5:43PM
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Poida said...

GypsyDrifter said...

My Best friend wrote a book and photos on the bluff
But I can't find my copy and she only did a run of 500

was that Camp of the Moon ?
mostly photos

ask e0, he was teacher in carnarvon for a short time in the 80's
and slept in the caves with the turtle giving birth

Camp Of The Moon Lyrics

Through endless spinifex and ochre sands and bearded dragons
The nearing crack of breaking waves cools the desert heat
Trudging through a sea of dunes full moon out on the beat
The beaten track gives right away to the whitewater freeway

High up in the barrel of a dream break and the desert is long gone now
On freight train waves carve down the line beat the lateral stretch
On a five nine thruster bust an alley-oop
The full moon swell is ten foot tall riding down a turquoise mountain

We are shootin the breeze
at the camp of the moon
We will shoot the breeze again
at the camp of the moon
We will shoot the breeze again
at the camp of the moon

Goofy footers and natural footers
carve a roundhouse cutback
Hottee girls and hottee boys
boost over the lips
On a nine foot of break is crashing down
pigdog out the back
Then fall back into grace again
down the turquoise mountains

We are shootin the breeze
at the camp of the moon
We will shoot the breeze again
at the camp of the moon
We are shootin the breeze
at the camp of the moon
We will shoot the breeze again
at the camp of the moon
Just shootin the breeze

If you're gunna build bridges you got to go where the water is
Rivers of wind network the oceans
One of these rivers brought me to you
Yeah rivers of time network my dreams
One of these dreams brought me to camp of the moon, the moon
We are shootin the breeze at the camp of the moon
We will shoot the breeze again at the camp of the moon
We will shoot the breeze again at the camp of the moon
On a five nine thruster bust an alley-oop alley-oop alley-oop alley-oop
Just shootin the breeze.

Sounds like the place

WA, 1916 posts
27 Jun 2011 6:24PM
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my first trip there was in late eighties. drove from perth and stopped for a party in carnarvon, sobbered up driving along the track, got to the bluff at dawn. Went for surf to clear head. first wave was a head high closeout, over the falls on 1 foot deep reef. I got about ten sea urchin spines in my foot and bruises of all different colours on my foot. I didnt put booties on cause i thought it was too small. Second day it picked up a bit, I got three waves in a row where the lip just smashed me in the back of the head (i'm on my backhand). the third one had me seeing stars. creased board. borrowed a board for next few days of surf. That lip is a lot heavier than you think.
Lessons learnt
1. forget the bottom turn if your a natural foot, angle it
2. stay high
3. be very patient getting in and out of water
4. bring a spare board
5. bring a medical kit

WA, 1305 posts
27 Jun 2011 7:04PM
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MMM such pleasant memories ,, dont foget jumping in the "keyhole "in the reef and paddling like fluuuk north ,just to get beyond the incomming break(when it was over 10 ft (never seen it under).
Or sitting deep in the takeoff zone ,thinking you can do it only to get smashed , then get sucked up the face and slammed into the reef back first and have to drive back to Carnarvon for some mercuracrome(spelling?), Anyone know the camping situ now?
Edit heres some pics to remind you

WA, 1588 posts
27 Jun 2011 9:47PM
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spot1 key hole time and about to be claimed

WA, 2371 posts
28 Jun 2011 1:18AM
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Poida said...

GypsyDrifter said...

My Best friend wrote a book and photos on the bluff
But I can't find my copy and she only did a run of 500

was that Camp of the Moon ?
mostly photos

ask e0, he was teacher in carnarvon for a short time in the 80's
and slept in the caves with the turtle giving birth

I am embarrassed to say I can't remember the title...
I think it was something like "The Bluff"

I'll ask her tomorrow...

VIC, 8020 posts
28 Jun 2011 8:46AM
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Thanks for the stories boys !!

WA, 2224 posts
28 Jun 2011 9:02AM
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around 86 or 87 there was doco on the ABC called Capricorn Drifters and it was all about the crew who spent winters surfing the bluff. Bently was the leading man back then.

VIC, 1301 posts
28 Jun 2011 5:48PM
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Yes some good stories and words of wisdom re sea urchins they were the meanest what is the set up now with regard to facilities and accommodation at the bluff and surrounding breaks and how many people there nowadays?

WA, 1104 posts
28 Jun 2011 4:06PM
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Like Margaret River, the Bluff is now inhabitated by the yuppie surfer.

Not a dole bludger in sight

VIC, 1301 posts
28 Jun 2011 7:39PM
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back in the early days before computers were used at the dole office, I believe that it was possible to go on the dole in Perth and maybe in Geraldton and have relatively unhindered access to surf most days, apart from having to answer to the breeze coming in at various times of the day

WA, 1916 posts
29 Jun 2011 11:46AM
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the 80's it was a well known place world wide.
i'm sure that fishos and station workers were there earlier surfing it, maybe in the early 70's

NSW, 1317 posts
29 Jun 2011 6:28PM
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Poida said...

the 80's it was a well known place world wide.
i'm sure that fishos and station workers were there earlier surfing it, maybe in the early 70's

that's an absolute pearler of a shot poida!!! i noticed thomo000 had a few good shots in the classic surf vehicles thread ..surfing shortboards sections

WA, 975 posts
29 Jun 2011 6:54PM
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now phil ogden................ what a tube rider., 6' 9" single fin

WA, 1916 posts
29 Jun 2011 8:47PM
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Prawnhead said...

Poida said...

the 80's it was a well known place world wide.
i'm sure that fishos and station workers were there earlier surfing it, maybe in the early 70's

that's an absolute pearler of a shot poida!!! i noticed thomo000 had a few good shots in the classic surf vehicles thread ..surfing shortboards sections

It's actually red bluff south of kalbarri. Off the internet. Don't know the date

NSW, 1317 posts
29 Jun 2011 11:00PM
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still a classic EH on the beach /rock shelf

WA, 365 posts
29 Jun 2011 10:08PM
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Nice thread.
I Was there in the late 80's with about 8 or 9 other surfers in the whole place. We camped in the small cave. Surfed pumped nearly the whole time.
I remember Bentley and another freak/dodgy character called Stumpy.
Last time I was there about 7 years ago the place had really changed with a heap more development and about 50-60 guys out .
Does anybody remember the old coffee table book "Surfing Wild Australia"? It has some shots of 10' Bluff in the early days. Managed to find my old copy a couple of days ago.

I remember the stone hut up the hill that the Kalbarri Board riders had built (or so I was told) - is it still there?

QLD, 12337 posts
30 Jun 2011 5:55AM
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If you were there in the late 70s you were probably listening to this music.

VIC, 1301 posts
30 Jun 2011 7:21AM
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thanks for posting the photos, I bought a book called " Cactus" surfing journals from solitude by Christo Reid, the Bluff has similarities to Cactus re: the isolation, the unforgiving surf and landscape


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Bluff /Gnaraloo Pioneers ...the first?" started by Prawnhead