I like the artistic nature of the photo of Bruce slinging a shotty over his shoulder, in a sponsors photo shoot. I also like the "shotty" advertisement better than that dodge cartoon one...
But it's a touch on the irresponsible side.... considering target markets, etc....
I'm vaguely surprised they can get away with it in Nanny States like Australia & Victoria. Ciggie ads are gone, and booze ads are nearly gone.... but you can wave a shotty around to advertise sunglasses !!
Get Funky, you asked about Kelly. I'm sure you've seen his iRaq / iPod political statement about Abu Ghraib....
Kelly with 1 Bazooka !
(I didn't realise he had a channel gun with that logo... the man with a thousand boards though....)
And Kelly had a little addiction going....
2 Bazookaz !
Pammy looking for a Bazooka !
Nah - hadn't seen the Kelly board. I want one.
Nice work right there.
Pammy with no make-up is a very scary thing. Those inflatos can only hold you attention for so long.