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Bug bite

Created by smicko > 9 months ago, 20 Nov 2012
WA, 2503 posts
20 Nov 2012 8:12AM
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One of my young'uns has been bitten by something, was the afternoon before yesterday, we suspect a redback as we have LOTS of them. Was sore and red yesterday, hot to touch, took him to the after hours clinic last night and the quack has said " I wouldn't worry about it, it's the first twelve hours that are dangerous. Get some antihistamines into him and he'll be right."
This is it this morning, poor little bugger. Emergency here we come

2614 posts
20 Nov 2012 9:14AM
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The trouble with doctors, is that you can finish at the bottom of your class and still become one.

So many of them should not be practicing.
And that is the trouble, so many of them never stop practicing.

Hope it all works out ok for you.

6657 posts
20 Nov 2012 9:51AM
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Jesus - mate I hope your lad makes a swift recovery from that it looks nasty
cheers Pup

SA, 3589 posts
20 Nov 2012 12:37PM
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I found this information which may be helpful

The white-tailed spider (Lampona cylindrata), and bites from some other spiders, such as the common black window or house spider (Badumna species), the cupboard or brown spider, and (in the US)the brown recluse (Loxosceles reclusa) and hobo spiders (Tegenaria agrestis), have been infrequently implicated in the development of the so-called necrotising arachnidism syndrome, in which a near-painless bite progresses to painful cutaneous blistering and inflammation which may progress...

Hope your boy gets well soon.

VIC, 5000 posts
20 Nov 2012 4:54PM
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I'd also suspect a white-tail depending on your location. They love hiding in clothes & towels etc. A redback's bite (from memory) is painful & your young'un would've known about it straight away.

Hope the little guy pulls up ok.

QLD, 557 posts
20 Nov 2012 4:51PM
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My cousin was bitten by a redback years ago, 2 days in hospital from it, only because it got her above the eye. Docs will proably lance it, and give a shot of antibiotics and probably send u home still. Cover it up and dont let any of the fluid leak out.
Hope he gets well soon.

WA, 2503 posts
20 Nov 2012 5:12PM
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deejay8204 said...
Docs will proably lance it, and give a shot of antibiotics and probably send u home still. Cover it up and dont let any of the fluid leak out.
Hope he gets well soon.

That's pretty much it deejay, general consensus was spider bite and that was the end result. Told to keep a sharp eye on it and if the redness spreads anymore to get him straight back in.
Thanks all for your thoughts, fingers crossed it doesn't necrotise as there's not much flesh there to spare before you hit tendons etc.

901 posts
20 Nov 2012 5:19PM
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Wow smicko that looks nasty. I wish the little fella a speedy recovery.

NSW, 1087 posts
20 Nov 2012 8:22PM
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it looks like the nasty green dinosaur bit him good

WA, 1227 posts
20 Nov 2012 10:47PM
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Been bitten twice by redbacks. Believe me, he'd know if he'd been bitten by a redback. Humungous pain starting almost immediately.

VIC, 3829 posts
21 Nov 2012 4:47PM
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I would say white tale from the looks of that....guy at school got bitten on the neck from one and it looked the same

QLD, 4873 posts
21 Nov 2012 5:27PM
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Holy hell that is nasty - nothing worse than seeing your tin lids in pain. What was the final diagnosis?

PS - nice wedding ring .....I don't wear one but do you get teased wearing it

QLD, 557 posts
21 Nov 2012 7:12PM
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Hows it looking today?

WA, 2503 posts
22 Nov 2012 8:55PM
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Can't see it it's under a dressing, but the redness hasn't spread any. He doesn't seem any the worse for the ordeal, still nuts.

Sausage, are you inferring that my lovely has man hands?

Be careful, or I'll tell her and she'll hunt you down and strangle you with them
They're actually quite petite, it's the fact that the lad she's holding is only two that make them look like this

QLD, 4873 posts
23 Nov 2012 12:00AM
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Sorry Smiko, just my weird sense of humour. It was more the contrary. Good to hear your boy is better too. Thanks for the Seinfeld clip - my all time favourite show.

QLD, 557 posts
23 Nov 2012 10:45AM
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Good to hear,

WA, 2503 posts
24 Nov 2012 12:54AM
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Manhands took McCool to the quacks today to get his shoulder re-dressed and checked out.
Still pretty manky Amazes me that he hasn't been whinging about it, looks like a really gnarly burn.
Who'da thunk that a wee spider could do that.

WA, 2503 posts
24 Nov 2012 1:06AM
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I am a prat and my wife does not have man hands. She is an amazing wife and far superior to me in most ways although I do have superior man hands to her.

edit* get your own login Manhands.

WA, 2371 posts
24 Nov 2012 11:09AM
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I agree wife wifey...manhands in deed
...but sometimes manhands might be a good thing, yes!

wave knave
306 posts
24 Nov 2012 11:32AM
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NSW, 625 posts
25 Nov 2012 3:35PM
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Had a similar bite on side of my ass. After the blister thecskin died back and went all blackish around it, the it started to eat a hole in the flesh. I could stick a cotton wool bud in it and the head wouldn't touch the sides or the bottom. Ended up having to have numerous injections to help clean it up.

Keep a close eye on it Smicko, hope it clears up soon.

QLD, 557 posts
30 Dec 2012 6:30PM
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Hey smicko how's your boy doing now? Been a while since the last update

WA, 2503 posts
30 Dec 2012 7:54PM
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Yeah all good Deejay, AB's cleared it up in a week or so. He's got a pretty gnarly scar, like a burn scar but being only two that should clear up with time. They make a bloody mess for such a little bite that you don't even feel.

QLD, 557 posts
30 Dec 2012 10:38PM
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Did the Docs work out what it was sort of spider? Glad he's alright now.

WA, 2503 posts
30 Dec 2012 9:41PM
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Not really mate, suspected Whitetail but who knows really. We do have quite a few white tails too so more than likely.

TAS, 450 posts
2 Jan 2013 10:00PM
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There is NOTHING special about white tail spiders.

A study of their venom shows they have nothing which can cause necrotising arachnidism. No Australian spider venom has been idetified which can, unlike the fiddleback in the USA

The ONLY clinical study of their bites was done in Newcastle maybe five years ago. Several hundred people who came to emergency departments WITH THE KILLED SPIDER THAT BIT THEM were studied. They sent the dead bits to spider-ologists to confirm identification of all spiders. Not surprisingly, there were all sorts of spiders, some of which were white tails.

White tails did nothing special. A bit of redness and not much else.

Not a SINGLE case of ulceration from any spider bite in the whole study.

When case reports of ulceration following white tail bites are checked - in NONE of them did anyone see the spider. What happened is someone got an ulcer of whatever cause, and then people decided it must have been a white tail bite. And hence the myth perpetuates.

I see this happening all the time in my work.

While the blisters here are cool, there is no way any doctor could positively identify the type of spider by the bite.

The ones which can be positively identified? Redback (severe pain coming on within seconds but usually not immediate, localised sweating and the hairs standing on end near the bite site). Funnel web and relatives - sick patient, severe pain immediately (they have acidic venom), localised twitching of muscles

Sorry to be a party-pooper

NSW, 625 posts
3 Jan 2013 12:49PM
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^ well something chewed the side outta my ass and it wasnt a dog...

What would the cause of that be then?

WA, 3519 posts
3 Jan 2013 11:52AM
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Got bitten by a white arsee bastard, was about 2 years ago during my sleep..... Felt the bite and slapped the monster and found it dead on the mattress. Had a bad itchy spot, it is still itchy now!


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Bug bite" started by smicko