With a lot of respect to our American friends, anyone read about Building 7?
The thing is - it wasn't hit......
For a bunch of people that can't even organise a new debt ceiling without squabbling like children I have my doubts about any mastermind conspiracy theory.
...or are they just trying to look stupid?
Big boobs ahead.
If the idiots had only started an office fire or used jet fuel they would have come straight down.
Yeah, can't help but think America is unable to send in a 'Cwack Legion' demolition team into there without anybody noticing..
Remote controlled crash test.
All fly by wire (FBW) bus systems are modular and can have remote control units plugged in.
and what of the THOUSANDS of people that had to be in on it, even if your science is correct (and it isn't)?
building 7 had every characteristic of a controlled implosion---if it looks like a duck.....
1. squibs shooting from the building
2.symetrical [straight down] collapse of building,building falls in own footprint
3.near free-fall collapse
4.centre column is taken out first [as happens in building 7 if you look carefully] so building will fall in and down on itself---a classic controlled implosion.
if anyone on this forum is saying buiding 7 was not a controlled demolition,
do you have tangible evidence to back up your theory as to why the building fell?
north/south tower was opposite to building 7,they were not a controlled implosion,but a controlled explosion [material went out and upwards vaporized by micro-nukes]
ever wondered why so little debris [approx 6 floors] left of 110 floors?
yes, majority of towers were turned to dust,not after contact with ground,but turned to dust on way down!!!
vaporized by nukes!
pools of molten steel reported,photographed,videoed....damning evidence of nukes.
agree,building 7....smoking gun.
I know I'm just a simple sheep, but would you mind explaining for me what happened to the radiation from these nukes or how they acheive critical mass with such baby nukes.
Yes yes, hook line and sinker, but it's hard to tell when some people are taking the mickey.
If they've managed miniature radiation free nuclear devices they wouldn't be worried about heading to iraq for oil.
I'm feeling very stupid writing this...
1. Iraq never had enough oil for it to be about oil
2. Iraq wasn't threatening to withhold supply of their oil anyway
So that conspiracy excuse never made any sense.
If the Iraq War is all about oil, then the U.S. has spent a lot of money and resources to topple Saddam, run elections, and train the military/police to get less oil from Iraq and the Persian Gulf region.
i'm just a simple sheeple, so can someone please explain to me how 'pools of molten steel' came to be found at wtc?
thermite can melt steel,however pools of molten steel 'like in a foundry',i don't think so.
nukes would explain the pools of molten steel.
100's of lateral and upward ejections,dead giveaway for use of nukes,google Ed Ward.
fire and two planes bringing down three buildings,i would be embarrassed to think/write that.