I could be unpopular here but if we could:
melt OUR iron ore here
using OUR COAL here
instead of taking over all to China
to melt there
and then bringing all back here we could save a planet a bit of CO2.
Obviously carbon tax doesn't allow ( or does it ? ) for common sense to prevail...
ok .. I agree .. call me an idiot ....
Australia, under our Green-Labor-Independent dictatorship, will be deliberately undermining our own coal-fired electricity sector via the Government's no-mandate imposition of a carbon "X" scheme; we will then be buying some $3 Billion per annum worth of carbon dioxide credits from countries such as China and India; they will be able to sell us their UN-provided free carbon credits, while at the same time, buying our coal to burn in their UN-subsidised coal-fired power plants.
Explained: We pay for India to burn our coal in its power plants.
Carbon credits for India coal power plant stoke criticismhttp://www.eco-business.com/news/carbon-credits-for-india-coal-%20power-plant-stoke-criticism/
Thanks to Australia's Coal, China and India to spew out 100 megatonnes of CO2
in 5 days - the approximate amount that Australia aims to save annually by 2020.
so the whole carbon tax thing is just a load s### like all these things are.
dirty grubby taxing collectors.
yeah, i'm pissed, their just playing with us- again. its got nothing to do with going green.
gillard is toeing the line. we've got no real idea whats really going on and they sure as hell aren't going to tell us if they can help it
secret service makes us nervous
@log man: OMG, dude you're really hard of reading.
I answered each one of those.
The picture Trant showed us, and you said explained the situation showed.
net in 240w
net out 240w
That means NO WARMING... don't you even understand the picture you say explains my question.
I don't know how to make you understand CO2 while theoretically a green house gas (cos my uncle uses to grow better tomatoes in his green house) causes SO little warming it's almost impossible to calculate.
Seriously do the math... no wait maybe that's too much to ask; google it. If you increased the amount of CO2 10 fold it would still cause ~ no warming. And that warming would be from terrestrial radiation.
I want Australia to have the best standard of living on Earth, I don't care about the other countries.. let them figure out their own ****.
I think we have a lot of areas we can focus on to achieve the ultimate standard of living and I really can't see how increasing our living costs, and losing some of our sovereignty to a bunch of socialist globalist is going to help us.
What's your angle?
The debate is becoming more irrelevant by the day. Its clear the vast majority of Australians do not want the carbon tax and rightly so. The federal ALP is heading for a monumental defeat next election. If anyone wants a career change consider getting Liberal preselection for safe ALP federal seats. Why not stand for Gillard's or Rudd's seat? There is a fair chance you will win and get you place on the gravy train.
Geeezzz Loggy... Play the man ooooo, your idea is wrong because you have blonde hair and green pants
If you feel your career is more relevant, put up, or
This may seem a bit wacko to some but I've often thought that to some point that climate warming may be caused by humans.... think about the sun shines on a black road in summer it becomes hot and then radiates that heat back out where as grass lands don't. So have we over time created things that radiate the heat back into the atmosphere (roads, house roofs, cars, concrete, etc,etc.... IE,Cities & Towns) rather just absorb it like nature does?
And to that point should people with black or dark color car be taxed higher than people with white cars?