Prime Minister Gillard and her government last night ran an advertisement nationwide on all television stations urging Australians to say “yes” to her proposed tax on carbon “pollution”.
The advertisement features a power station supposedly in Australia belching out carbon “pollution”.
But the power station is actually in London, UK and is already closed and obsolete.
These "Warmists" will go to any lengths in their lies.
From: The Courier Mail / Herald Sun
Good Lord - isn't that London's Battersea power station in the background?
Surely no one could be that stupid.
Reader Popular Front confirms - the power station that Gillard's tax will
shut is actually in Britain and actually closed already:
That link says it all and they even used the same photo!!!!!
So, what else are they lying about???????
You're right - it IS Battersea Power Station (now just a shell btw) and
they ARE that stupid. Maybe they should add a giant inflatable pig over it,
or maybe Richard III doing a swan dive off it.
: They have shown the old Battersea power station in England because of the “Australian Cringe”
Our coal fired power stations are not old and evil enough. So this ad claims falsely Gillard's tax will clean the skies from soot which the ad falsely shows belching from
a British station which the ad falsely claims is pumping out pollution today.
Could it get any more deceitful?
Meantime we have a volcano in South America spewing out more carbon than the whole of mankind can create in
the next 100 years.
So Julia, what are ya gonna do about that, tax God?
Thanks, elbau. I see it's written by:
The sooner we have an election the better. Democracy will settle this matter once and for all (and rid us of the looney Left)
Yeah, democracy might settle the current Labor CO2 tax question. Of course, a change'll just mean the Libs will introduce their proposed CO2 tax which is a direct tax on you and me. So the election may not have the effect you're looking for ADS!
Make no mistake peoples.
Labor's scheme puts the pinch on corps producing CO2 and redistributes that money to you and me so we feel minimal pinch. The corps can avoid coughing up money by reducing pollution and I'd bet my left nut they'd be falling over themselves to do just that.
Liberals scheme is to tax you and me and give the money to the corps so they can reduce their CO2. Which would mean they'd be getting off the gravy train. Which they would want to do... why???
And you think the left is looney, ADS??
Written by:
"Some losers just want the world to be smoking so they can make some money saving it."
FL, you shouldn't attribute others with you own motivations. It's pretty clear from your posts on this subject and others that your motivation to oppose action on global warming is based on.............. $. How frikken noble of you. Other people's motivations are maybe a teeny weeny little bit less self serving than your shallow philosophy.