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CO2 Taxation Australia

Created by FlySurfer > 9 months ago, 8 Jul 2011
laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
31 Jul 2011 10:43PM
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gobal warming is now being seen as a commodity. these potential users of this commodity don't/wont give a #hit about australia and thats my issue.
as soon as you bring the dollar and international interest into it's going to go pear shaped.
do we really want gobal warming to be played by corporates.

less talk of money and more doing by our goverments imo

NSW, 807 posts
1 Aug 2011 9:54AM
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FlySurfer said...

No you dingbat, $ is an invented means of exchange. I don't want to exchange what I do for something I believe is a lie and doesn't make sense, by liars for their own goal.

In another thread FlySurfer said...

Looks nice but it is junk.

This is actually pretty cool, cos it has a suction cup at the bottom that's rock solid.

Also pretty cool cos it works great... the battery charger could have been a little smaller.

This is an IR switch... and it works great! I have a couple of them under the TV stand that switch on/off bias lights and stuff.

UPS girl brought me an RC heli to pass the cold boring winter months

Still haven't finished putting it together... Pitch Throttle curves, Expo, swash plate mixing 3G... wtf? May need to head to a forum for some advice, cos the manual of my Tx and the flybarless setup don't make sense in English.

...and you call me a hypocrite!?!?

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
1 Aug 2011 11:07AM
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FlySurfer said...

log man said...

"Some losers just want the world to be smoking so they can make some money saving it."
FL, you shouldn't attribute others with you own motivations. It's pretty clear from your posts on this subject and others that your motivation to oppose action on global warming is based on.............. $.
How frikken noble of you. Other people's motivations are maybe a teeny weeny little bit less self serving than your shallow philosophy.

No you dingbat, $ is an invented means of exchange. I don't want to exchange what I do for something I believe is a lie and doesn't make sense, by liars for their own goal.

"Dingbat", hell man you're the guy who posted "KOOZZOO NEWS".

Little Jon
NSW, 2115 posts
1 Aug 2011 1:51PM
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log man said...

FlySurfer said...

log man said...
You going to the rally FL ?

Dude, you still sucking on Al Gores hockey stick?

Hey mate, you know us socialists, I have to suck on anything my union, communist, PC loving , tree hugging, UN infiltrating, new world order, masters tell me to. Ah well, such is life. Did Al Gore ever play hockey?

Give me solialisum ahead of facisum anyday. The worlds highest living standards and best economies are are socialist and not facist like USA. Bush couldn't even balance a budget in during the boom.

WA, 1227 posts
1 Aug 2011 7:56PM
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Little Jon said...
Give me solialisum ahead of facisum anyday. The worlds highest living standards and best economies are are socialist and not facist like USA. Bush couldn't even balance a budget in during the boom.

Socialism/communism/fascism - with only minor detail differences are essentially the same whore in different rags. cf Franco, Stalin, Hitler, Castro, Mao, Kim Il Sung, et al. The far right is anarchy.

Calling the US (or us for that matter) (the usual misguided meaning of) fascist is emotive stupidity. Most of the western world is living in varying degrees of socialism.

WA, 15849 posts
2 Aug 2011 2:27PM
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History's top 11 appropriate uses of the F-word:

11th - "Scattered f***ing showers, my arse!" - Noah, 4314 BC

10th - "How the f*** did you work that out?" - Pythagoras, 126 BC

9th - "You want WHAT on the f***ing ceiling?" - Michelangelo, 1566

8th - "Where did all those f***ing Indians come from?" - Custer, 1877

7th - "It does so f***ing look like her!" - Picasso, 1926

6th - "Where the f*** are we?" – Amelia Earhart, 1937

5th - "Any f***ing idiot could understand that." - Einstein, 1938

4th - "What the f*** was that?" - Mayor of Hiroshima, 1945

3rd - "I need this parade like I need a f***ing hole in the head!" - JFK, 1963

2nd - "Aw c'mon. Who the f*** is gonna find out?" - Tiger Woods, 2009

AND .... just arrived...

"I'm going to save the f***ing world with my carbon tax!!" - Julia Gillard, 2011

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
2 Aug 2011 5:34PM
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dinsdale said...

Little Jon said...
Give me solialisum ahead of facisum anyday. The worlds highest living standards and best economies are are socialist and not facist like USA. Bush couldn't even balance a budget in during the boom.

Socialism/communism/fascism - with only minor detail differences are essentially the same whore in different rags. cf Franco, Stalin, Hitler, Castro, Mao, Kim Il Sung, et al. The far right is anarchy.

Calling the US (or us for that matter) (the usual misguided meaning of) fascist is emotive stupidity. Most of the western world is living in varying degrees of socialism.

Minor detail changes!!!Crikey!!

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
2 Aug 2011 5:35PM
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doggie said...

History's top 11 appropriate uses of the F-word:

11th - "Scattered f***ing showers, my arse!" - Noah, 4314 BC

10th - "How the f*** did you work that out?" - Pythagoras, 126 BC

9th - "You want WHAT on the f***ing ceiling?" - Michelangelo, 1566

8th - "Where did all those f***ing Indians come from?" - Custer, 1877

7th - "It does so f***ing look like her!" - Picasso, 1926

6th - "Where the f*** are we?" – Amelia Earhart, 1937

5th - "Any f***ing idiot could understand that." - Einstein, 1938

4th - "What the f*** was that?" - Mayor of Hiroshima, 1945

3rd - "I need this parade like I need a f***ing hole in the head!" - JFK, 1963

2nd - "Aw c'mon. Who the f*** is gonna find out?" - Tiger Woods, 2009

AND .... just arrived...

"I'm going to save the f***ing world with my carbon tax!!" - Julia Gillard, 2011

Needs work, 1 star

WA, 6415 posts
2 Aug 2011 4:06PM
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got into discussion/argument last night with my otherwise intelligent corporate media brainwashed parents.

while watching ABC show about cost of carbon pricing i made valid point that if Abbott were to win office, he would not stop this carbon tax.[as sure as the sun comes up in the morning]

effectively,both sides of politics are for it,so what is the point of voting if on main issues we don't have a choice?

example of the degree of this corporate media brainwashing---my otherwise intelligent parents are absolutely convinced that the sea-levels are rising! that land on sea-level will soon be covered in water!

have sailed the river for 20 years, have not noticed ANY rise in water level,obviously is it happening, just ask the mindless masses like my parents. if you do not see any increase in water level then you are a nutcase/whacko/conspiracy theorist for not believing what the media/corporate scientists/govt pushes as truth.

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
2 Aug 2011 4:42PM
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SomeOtherGuy said...


log man
VIC, 8289 posts
2 Aug 2011 7:17PM
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Peter, take no notice of poor relative. He has been probed and an implant put into his brain. Now, when I get a bit bored I can make him think ridiculous thoughts just by using my PS3 controller. You should give it a try!! Check it out!! OK, so now I'm making him think he's a fluffy little fox terrier at feeding time. Sit poor relo!!! SIT!!!

NSW, 807 posts
2 Aug 2011 8:08PM
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petermac33 said...

while watching ABC show about cost of carbon pricing i made valid point that if Abbott were to win office, he would not stop this carbon tax.[as sure as the sun comes up in the morning]

effectively,both sides of politics are for it,so what is the point of voting if on main issues we don't have a choice?

You do have a choice peter.

Should an election come up tomorrow, you could vote Labor in which case the carbon tax would go ahead and you'll get tax cuts and possibly even a rebate from the taxes being charged to polluters

Or you could vote Liberal in which case you'll get a tax hike and they'll give your money to the polluters

Or you could refuse to vote in which case you should lose the right to complain as far as I'm concerned

*sigh* I'm sure I explained this in an earlier post.

If, on the other hand the current government goes full term then yes, it'll be a done deal and like you, I think nothing will be changed. Despite Abbott's promises. In which case will he become Toliar?

petermac33 said...

have sailed the river for 20 years, have not noticed ANY rise in water level,obviously is it happening, just ask the mindless masses like my parents. if you do not see any increase in water level then you are a nutcase/whacko/conspiracy theorist for not believing what the media/corporate scientists/govt pushes as truth.

Y'know it has amazed me for some time how a died in the wool conspiracy theorist such as yourself (and many others here apparently) can bang on endlessly repeating these arguments.

Which are the same as put out by big media organisations. Limitless websites out there from unknown one-man bands who put themselves up as experts. The right leaning political parties. All bang with the same stuff.

All claiming that a bunch of scientists have got it wrong.

Those scientists would be working for (for example) the CSIRO or Macquarie University. They get NOTHING if a carbon tax is introduced. They get NOTHING if their theories are correct (OK, some of them might get more funding - which basically just means they get to keep working instead of being out of work).

Right leaning political parties get power.

Media organisations get advertising from their big end of town mates in the corporate world.

Web site bloggers... who knows!?? They could be anyone!

And YOU conspiracy theorists have swallowed it hook, line and sinker.

I don't think you could spot a conspiracy if it flew down from space in a huge neon pink UFO and stuck an ice-cold probe up your bum!

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
2 Aug 2011 8:28PM
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tell me if i'm wrong here. the big polluters get hit with a tax. they have the choice of changing their setup which will cost them money or there is nothing to stop them passing the tax onto consumers. consumers get rebates from the goverment- for how long?. in the second likely scenario as i've portrayed, 'acme coaling burning inc' is still pouring out carbon.

i've made this pretty simple. i am genuinely interested in the brains of the general forum explaining if this right or not.


NSW, 807 posts
2 Aug 2011 9:19PM
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laceys lane said...

they have the choice of changing their setup which will cost them money or ...

That's the bit where you slip up, lacey - from where they sit, there is not much of an "or". Yes, they have a choice to change their setup and yes, it'll cost them money to do it - one time. From then on they reduce their tax slug.

If they end up paying less money every month, you can bet which choice they'll make.

It's something that all companies do all the time. My company (for example) decided a couple of years ago to improve our kitchen facilities but to cut out free tea and coffee to employees. Was rank coffee anyway - cheapest stuff they could lay their hands on.

WA, 64 posts
2 Aug 2011 7:23PM
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Second scenario is most likely LL. But of course the consumer has a choice too. He can buy from acme coal, and pay the passsed through tax, or choose to buy from wally's windfarm, who pays no tax. But the consumer still gets the rebate, so ends up in front.
Compare this to the alternative proposal. The government pays acme coal to cut back on the coal burning and invest in cleaner technology. The government gets the money to pay acme coal from the taxpayer. Gee, that sounds like a good deal for us taxpayers, right?.

QLD, 12338 posts
3 Aug 2011 12:55PM
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I have just received Gillard's sales brochure on the carbon tax entitled "What a carbon price means for you." with headings such as:-

"Millions of households will be better off."

"Assistance will be permanent and will increase."

"Tax cuts for millions of people."

"Over one million more Australians will no longer need to lodge a tax return."

"Increased payments for age pensioners."

"Tax cuts and increased payments for families."

"Tax cuts and extra payments for self-funded retirees."

"Supporting people with disability and carers."

"Assistance for students and low-income earners."

"You can play your part and save money too."

It all sounds like "smoke and mirrors" to me and a typical left wing Labor ploy to buy the vote of welfare recipients and n'eer do wells.

This country is already buckling under the weight of welfare hand outs and now hardly is the time to be increasing them.

The perspective in this email copy and paste below, I think is closer to reality.


So this is how it works?

And, there are another 499 other businesses out there, who will suffer.

Why don't the Government include themselves as one of the top 500 polluters. Government cars, Aeroplane trips and Energy suppliers. It is ridiculous, particularly as their emissions increased more than 15% in the last year (just 1 year?), they certainly setting 'by example'????.

As they say the Australian public are 'Plebs' and their bureaucracies will do as they please (from leaked email)

Subject: STOP PRESS Latest on carbon tax.

Julia Gillard's Labor and the Greens are going to take us all down with this carbon tax.

We as Australians should protest & protest till we cannot protest any more. A real scenario bought on by Gillard.

A transport company by the name of Nolan's Transport which operates out of Gatton Qld. has been ear marked as one of Gillards 500.

This company has been going for 102 years and owns 126 transporters and employs 265 people.

Gillard has targeted this company in one of her 500 guests to pay carbon tax.

Just imagine this scenario, last year this company was told they put out 144,700 tonnes of carbon gas.

So 144,700 tonnes x $23 per tonne = $3,328,100 - yes that's correct, approx. 3.3 million dollars.

Where is the level playing field going to be if companies like this one, and there are several much bigger than Nolan's.

LinFox is another that comes to mind.

Gillard said there would be no extra charges on transport or fuel, what do you call $3.3 million on just one operator?

Any transport company not producing more than 25000 tonne are not paying anything.

What does it matter if Nolan's go broke or shut down his operation and another 126 transports are put on the road to take up the slack make.

Mr Nolan said in interview that if he put what the company was worth into a bank account he would make ten times as much as he makes now, so where is the justice.

We must as citizens of Australia and tax payers not to mention consumers of goods to keep this nation going must force Gillard's cronies to an election on the issue of Carbon Tax before July next Year.

If we don't this country will be ruined. I have given you one scenario, what about the other 499 companies that will follow.

And we also musn't forget the other smaller companies which will fail because these larger companies either fold or cut back on their work force.






Apart from the unresolved debate about "Is climate affected by human activity?", this "Gillard Carbon Tax" will affect our CO2 emissions only by shutting down economic activity and impoverishing the nation.

154 posts
3 Aug 2011 11:35AM
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Where we are being conned is the terminology, it is not a tax, it is wealth distribution. So what if a few companies go to the wall, the Government just wants the money from the "wealthy" (read - workers and business owners) to give to the poor (read - welfare recipients). If a few thousand lose their jobs, big deal, the Government lose a few votes, however, give the money from the Carbon "tax" to the millions upon millions of people on welfare in Oz and you are guarenteed their vote. A heck of a lot of people in this country are turned on by a few dollars more in their hand for doing nothing. Oh, and don't forget, they also keep the Greens happy!!!!

NSW, 807 posts
3 Aug 2011 1:46PM
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cisco said...

"Millions of households will be better off."

"Assistance will be permanent and will increase."

"Tax cuts for millions of people."

"Over one million more Australians will no longer need to lodge a tax return."

"Increased payments for age pensioners."

"Tax cuts and increased payments for families."

"Tax cuts and extra payments for self-funded retirees."

"Supporting people with disability and carers."

"Assistance for students and low-income earners."

Sounds just like the Liberal party election capaign for the previous 3 elections there cisco! What's your problem? Do they sound too much like your guys?

WA, 3519 posts
3 Aug 2011 12:01PM
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SomeOtherGuy said...

cisco said...

"Millions of households will be better off."

"Assistance will be permanent and will increase."

"Tax cuts for millions of people."

"Over one million more Australians will no longer need to lodge a tax return."

"Increased payments for age pensioners."

"Tax cuts and increased payments for families."

"Tax cuts and extra payments for self-funded retirees."

"Supporting people with disability and carers."

"Assistance for students and low-income earners."

Sounds just like the Liberal party election capaign for the previous 3 elections there cisco! What's your problem? Do they sound too much like your guys?

Was reading that and could not see any bad points! And we will need it as the libs are increasing every single utilities bill at the state level!
And do not forget that the libs if they had been allowed in would have installed a carbon tax as well but with a difference.... in their case the high end of town would have received the benefit!
Julia's only mistake was to call it carbon tax instead of the 2011 tax reforme!

QLD, 12338 posts
3 Aug 2011 2:22PM
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SomeOtherGuy said...

Sounds just like the Liberal party election capaign for the previous 3 elections there cisco! What's your problem? Do they sound too much like your guys?

LOL Good on yer mate!!! I didn't think I would get away with it scott free.

Gunna1 understands.

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
3 Aug 2011 2:54PM
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" welfare recipients and n'eer do wells ".......Yeah couldn't agree more , the sooner those old age pensioners **** off, the better off we'll all be

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
3 Aug 2011 3:16PM
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felixdcat said...

SomeOtherGuy said...

cisco said...

"Millions of households will be better off."

"Assistance will be permanent and will increase."

"Tax cuts for millions of people."

"Over one million more Australians will no longer need to lodge a tax return."

"Increased payments for age pensioners."

"Tax cuts and increased payments for families."

"Tax cuts and extra payments for self-funded retirees."

"Supporting people with disability and carers."

"Assistance for students and low-income earners."

Sounds just like the Liberal party election capaign for the previous 3 elections there cisco! What's your problem? Do they sound too much like your guys?

Was reading that and could not see any bad points! And we will need it as the libs are increasing every single utilities bill at the state level!
And do not forget that the libs if they had been allowed in would have installed a carbon tax as well but with a difference.... in their case the high end of town would have received the benefit!
Julia's only mistake was to call it carbon tax instead of the 2011 tax reforme!

personally, i don't give a rats ass who they give the money too, as long as something happens with our enconomy. it's been over two years in recession.

in my time, the big end of town don't open up until the liberals in- right or wrong, they don't trust labor. right or wrong we need the big end of town

i expect to be hammered for this

NSW, 4453 posts
3 Aug 2011 3:19PM
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1.- Unconditional pledge of 5% below 2000 levels.

2000 = 558 Mt CO2-e
2000 = Population 19200.0 (

2010 = Current 624 Mt CO2-e
2010 = Population 22477.4 (

2010 = Increase emission from 2000 12%
2010 = Increase population from 2000 17%

2020 = Projected 690 Mt CO2-e
2020 = Target 530 Mt CO2-e

2050 = Target 60 or 80% below 2000 levels... I noticed says 60% but the propaganda leaflet I think said 80%, can somebody confirm this?

Don't worry the government's going to cover all your costs, you'll be better off, trust them... they never lie.

154 posts
3 Aug 2011 2:10PM
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log man said...

" welfare recipients and n'eer do wells ".......Yeah couldn't agree more , the sooner those old age pensioners **** off, the better off we'll all be

Gee Log, not like you to take things out of context. for you info i think a pensioner who has worked hard, saved their hard earned and retired on a healthy income should still get the same entitlements as someone who has squandered and lived off the country all their lives, not be penalised financially for doing the right thing. I was actually referring to the ever increasing welfare group who selfishly sit back and take take take and only vote for whoever offers them the most this week!

WA, 3519 posts
3 Aug 2011 2:23PM
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Select to expand quote

personally, i don't give a rats ass who they give the money too, as long as something happens with our enconomy. it's been over two years in recession.

Where did you get that?

in my time, the big end of town don't open up until the liberals in- right or wrong, they don't trust labor. right or wrong we need the big end of town
i expect to be hammered for this

Yes but they need us as well, look at them crying because we started to care about our wallet b4 their profit and buying on line for 1/2 price! Greedy greedy bastards!

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
3 Aug 2011 5:26PM
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Select to expand quote
felixdcat said...

personally, i don't give a rats ass who they give the money too, as long as something happens with our enconomy. it's been over two years in recession.

Where did you get that?

in my time, the big end of town don't open up until the liberals in- right or wrong, they don't trust labor. right or wrong we need the big end of town
i expect to be hammered for this

Yes but they need us as well, look at them crying because we started to care about our wallet b4 their profit and buying on line for 1/2 price! Greedy greedy bastards!

i don't know where you live, but i'm living it with a lot of other people in the gold coast/se region and it's getting even worse- every business is suffering- two years plus, real hardship stories in the papers daily and nobody one in the goverment seems to give hoot. hmmm, must not be that way in other states? talk of taxes around these parts doesn't go down to well

it's worse was then i've ever seen in my time. talk is of a pickup at christmas, but i can't see it


log man
VIC, 8289 posts
3 Aug 2011 5:42PM
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Gunna1 said...

log man said...

" welfare recipients and n'eer do wells ".......Yeah couldn't agree more , the sooner those old age pensioners **** off, the better off we'll all be

Gee Log, not like you to take things out of context. for you info i think a pensioner who has worked hard, saved their hard earned and retired on a healthy income should still get the same entitlements as someone who has squandered and lived off the country all their lives, not be penalised financially for doing the right thing. I was actually referring to the ever increasing welfare group who selfishly sit back and take take take and only vote for whoever offers them the most this week!

I'm not out of context, I'm pointing out the the horrible linkage Cisco made in the first post. You can't just say " n'eer do wells and welfare recipients " without some response ....can you? Are old age pensioners "n'eer do wells"? are people on single parent benefits? returned service pensioners? your call!

WA, 3519 posts
3 Aug 2011 4:30PM
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laceys lane said...

felixdcat said...

personally, i don't give a rats ass who they give the money too, as long as something happens with our enconomy. it's been over two years in recession.

Where did you get that?

in my time, the big end of town don't open up until the liberals in- right or wrong, they don't trust labor. right or wrong we need the big end of town
i expect to be hammered for this

Yes but they need us as well, look at them crying because we started to care about our wallet b4 their profit and buying on line for 1/2 price! Greedy greedy bastards!

i don't know where you live, but i'm living it with a lot of other people in the gold coast/se region and it's getting even worse- every business is suffering- two years plus, real hardship stories in the papers daily and nobody one in the goverment seems to give hoot. hmmm, must not be that way in other states? talk of taxes around these parts doesn't go down to well

it's worse was then i've ever seen in my time. talk is of a pickup at christmas, but i can't see it


I am having a go at the BIG END OF TOWN not the small business owners I know they are struggling, I am thinking more like Coles, Myer's, Harvey Norman... The big corporate that owns the retail centre (the greediest of all)...... Try to pay $ 35,000.00 (plus 10% of profit) a month for renting a small outlet in a food mall that is the kind of blood suckers I am having a go!

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
3 Aug 2011 7:38PM
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crossed wires, i wasn't thinking of retail.


3777 posts
3 Aug 2011 9:06PM
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"CARBON TAX is to prevent the global western world going broke"


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"CO2 Taxation Australia" started by FlySurfer