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CO2 Taxation Australia

Created by FlySurfer > 9 months ago, 8 Jul 2011
NSW, 601 posts
12 Jul 2011 5:11PM
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FlySurfer said...
At least Abbott isn't a back stabbing proven liar.

Should probably be his slogan for the next Election

Vote Abbot : Not a backstabbing liar

WA, 7671 posts
12 Jul 2011 3:47PM
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Gillard is appalling, deficient and dishonest.

I also like "back stabbing proven liar"

My view: It is important not to be distracted by the fact that T-Bott is a goose, and just focus on the loser Labs running the show.

Too often we hear, "yeah, but she is better than him". So what? Being better doesn't make her good!

NSW, 9202 posts
12 Jul 2011 5:47PM
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FlySurfer said...
At least Abbott isn't a back stabbing proven liar.

I'll just put this here:

3777 posts
12 Jul 2011 4:02PM
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It would of been introduced buy both of them get over it. Its in. The main concern now is how the Government uses this tax to make a greener country.\

Well see as to what tenders they give out on infrastructure (cheapest) (as apposed to expensive and greener) My guess is the government dont give a **** about supporting greener technology
.The more Revenue will be raised for the government regardless of what happens.

QLD, 6806 posts
12 Jul 2011 6:25PM
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Trant said...

Macroscien said...
Let go to the Moon. I can see on the Moon's maps more sea's are there then on the Earth so I will take my windsurfing with me.

I think I see the slightest of flaws in your plan

Damm, you are right, I will stick to kite surfing or just wave surfing.
Altough I am not so sure. I saw with own eyes US flag flapping , so maybe there is just a bit of wind? Bigger rig should help.
Wait , I am lost again. Do I need to carry Formula board too or the smallest will do since there everything weight 6 times less then on the Earth ( me including)

Let me think .... my 82 kg divided by 6.... plus 5 liters on top.... 18 liters slalom board should do just fine on the moon..

WA, 3519 posts
12 Jul 2011 4:47PM
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Macroscien said...

Trant said...

Macroscien said...
Let go to the Moon. I can see on the Moon's maps more sea's are there then on the Earth so I will take my windsurfing with me.

I think I see the slightest of flaws in your plan

Damm, you are right, I will stick to kite surfing or just wave surfing.
Altough I am not so sure. I saw with own eyes US flag flapping , so maybe there is just a bit of wind? Bigger rig should help.
Wait , I am lost again. Do I need to carry Formula board too or the smallest will do since there everything weight 6 times less then on the Earth ( me including)

Let me think .... my 82 kg divided by 6.... plus 5 liters on top.... 18 liters slalom board should do just fine on the moon..

No mate it is conspiracy no one went to the moon! Didn't you watch Capricorn one? The doco on the moon landing wit OJ Simpson?

NSW, 807 posts
12 Jul 2011 6:50PM
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larry1950 said...

And they say humans are the smart ones on the planet?

Apparently, yes.

Sadly, a few of them seem to have very little to do with their lives that's worthwhile.

NSW, 4188 posts
12 Jul 2011 8:32PM
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This whole thing kind of reminds me of something I saw a while ago, oh wait, I know what it was...

NSW, 4453 posts
13 Jul 2011 12:37AM
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evlPanda said...

FlySurfer said...
At least Abbott isn't a back stabbing proven liar.

I'll just put this here:

No lie there buddy.
Let me show you want a liar sounds and looks like:

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
13 Jul 2011 1:17AM
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FlySurfer said...

evlPanda said...

FlySurfer said...
At least Abbott isn't a back stabbing proven liar.

I'll just put this here:

No lie there buddy.
Let me show you want a liar sounds and looks like:

geez mate calm down, your sounding really desperate.

WA, 7671 posts
13 Jul 2011 8:13AM
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log man said...

geez mate calm down, your sounding really desperate.

Good point loggy. There only needs to be one clip to prove Gillard is a liar. Two is excessive

Here is a nice simple drawing, I hope it is calming.

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
13 Jul 2011 10:45AM
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Ah!!,that evil Dr. brown, forcing the PM into a Carbon tax that she's staked her political career on and wanted for 10 years.

WA, 7671 posts
13 Jul 2011 8:58AM
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Agree... She has staked her political career on a carbon tax. I think you and I might want different outcomes though

It is brave, considering:

Julia Gillard said...

There will be no carbon tax under a government I lead.

What is it now? More than 60% of Australians want a vote on it

WA, 3519 posts
13 Jul 2011 10:51AM
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We agree that the carbon tax will have no effect on carbon level so just call it the "2o12 tax overhaul" and stop ranting about it we should be better of with the new $18,000.00 free tax threshold and as per the 60% unhappy voters that the press want us to believe exist they have to stick it up their bum and wait for the next election, if we had an election every time the polls were bad for the government we would be voting every 2 weeks.
Also we should agree that both side of politic are liars (If I am elected it will be no GST..... I can recall someone saying that ) and be with it.

WA, 7671 posts
13 Jul 2011 11:18AM
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felixdcat said...

We agree that the carbon tax will have no effect on carbon level

felixdcat said...

if we had an election every time the polls were bad for the government we would be voting every 2 weeks.

Clearly a sign of how much frustration there is with this deficient government.

felixdcat said...

Also we should agree that both side of politic are liars (If I am elected it will be no GST..... I can recall someone saying that ) and be with it.

Actually, Howard took the GST to an election - and won. Mandate.

The Labs lovers can all bleat on about how Gillard always wanted a carbon tax - who cares? She wants half a squizzilian more taxes. Loves 'em. Tax tax tax tax tax obsessed! The fact is, Gillard PROMISED there will be no carbon tax under a government she leads...

Next bleat from the Labs Lovers - Howard wanted an ETS... So what? He lost the election where that was part of his policy! No mandate there.

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
13 Jul 2011 6:42PM
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Pugwash, stop saying "Labs" it's....... HORRIBLE.

WA, 7671 posts
13 Jul 2011 4:51PM
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No way loggy

Ultimately, we should stop talking politics on SB, coz politics ain't fun

Check this out, it's a hoot:

WA, 3519 posts
13 Jul 2011 4:59PM
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She should be upfront with it and say: It is not my fault.... the little (green) voices told me to do it!

NSW, 9202 posts
13 Jul 2011 9:17PM
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I think we can all agree that politicians are back-stabbing liars. All of them. Most of them.

Former Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull has accused the man who replaced him as leader, Tony Abbott, of changing his position twice on climate change.

Mr Turnbull says Mr Abbott moved from supporting a carbon tax, to supporting a market-based emissions trading scheme and then opposing both policies outright.

And he says having done that, Mr Abbott resigned from shadow cabinet in 2009 to challenge him for the leadership.

And Tony has given Malcolm a job he can't win. Shadow Communications Minister. Ha ha.

WA, 6666 posts
13 Jul 2011 8:26PM
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In the same way global warming has morphed into climate change, what will carbon pollution morph into ? -

'non-natural chemical imbalances'
'atmospheric emisson situation'
'organo-chemical discharges of a non-neutral ambivilance'
'a load of ****e'

the gibbo
WA, 776 posts
13 Jul 2011 8:31PM
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Trant said...

FlySurfer said...
At least Abbott isn't a back stabbing proven liar.

Should probably be his slogan for the next Election

Vote Abbot : Not a backstabbing liar

Vote Abbot : Punch drunk muppet

3777 posts
13 Jul 2011 9:23PM
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CONSTRUCTION of the controversial Northam detention centre, worth $125 million, is expected to start in the next fortnight.

wonder if it is green friendly?

QLD, 6806 posts
13 Jul 2011 11:32PM
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busterwa said...


CONSTRUCTION of the controversial Northam detention centre, worth $125 million, is expected to start in the next fortnight.

wonder if it is green friendly?

interesting point
the only time in their life that exempt from paying any taxes
live, eat, don't work, don't pay any taxes
they produce even CO2 and still no taxes
they consume energy !! doesn't matter coal or solar powered electric chair - and still no taxes !!!
sorry ... it tough about real detention ... not holiday detention centers... my mistake ...
apparently recently my friends were caught in airport detention center - all flights cancelled - they still have to pay all departure taxes, even parking fees, hotels,,,
that is real damn detention

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
13 Jul 2011 11:40PM
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evlPanda said...

I think we can all agree that politicians are back-stabbing liars. All of them. Most of them.

Former Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull has accused the man who replaced him as leader, Tony Abbott, of changing his position twice on climate change.

Mr Turnbull says Mr Abbott moved from supporting a carbon tax, to supporting a market-based emissions trading scheme and then opposing both policies outright.

And he says having done that, Mr Abbott resigned from shadow cabinet in 2009 to challenge him for the leadership.

And Tony has given Malcolm a job he can't win. Shadow Communications Minister. Ha ha.

Sorry mate, I just can't agree with the "they're all liars"
. Lying is a huge political risk it can be easily proved . In my opinion, Reith didn't lie about "children overboard", he used incomplete and confused reports to the governments advantage. To me it's cynicism not lying.
In the same way, Gillard didn't lie. How could she have foreseen what was going to happen in the election, and how could she have foreseen the 1 green in the Reps teaming up with 3 independents and a senate that would be green controlled. I really believe if Gillard had got through the last election with a slim majority but a hostile senate the thought and the possibility of the carbon price would not have been on the agenda. To me, that's political opportunism. It's slightly more palatable than lying.
I guess to all the Gillard haters she's a liar and that's that. I just reckon that analysis in lacking in balance, subtlety and shows a misunderstanding of the history
don't you reckon there's a fair bit of "She's a witch" to all this Gillard hating.

3777 posts
13 Jul 2011 10:11PM
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Good to see our carbon tax will pay for solar power system and wind turbines in this detention centre... NOT. WRanger is finished.


The new plan for the Northam Detention Centre has undergone modifications. It is likely that the first 500 beds will be brought on-line in June/July. Accommodation will be in refurbished buildings.
The full Request for Tender (RFT) will be distributed on 14 March to the short-listed contenders for Head Contractor. The RFT will then be open for 10 days with DIAC anticipating to engage a Head Contractor by the end of March.
Generator power will be utilised for the initial stages of the centre as full power will not be available to the site by Western Power until December 2011.

Rather than seek to deter these wealthy law-breakers, the Gillard Government have steadfastly refused to repeal the changes they made to the Migration Act that have acted as such a magnet for unauthorised arrivals.

This has resulted in the need for the Government to spend over one billion dollars per year processing a group of people prepared to break the law to enter and remain in Australia. In some cases, even when these individuals are clothed, housed, fed, given money and treated for any medical conditions at Australian taxpayers' expense, it is not enough.

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
14 Jul 2011 1:06AM
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busterwa said...

Good to see our carbon tax will pay for solar power system and wind turbines in this detention centre... NOT. WRanger is finished.


The new plan for the Northam Detention Centre has undergone modifications. It is likely that the first 500 beds will be brought on-line in June/July. Accommodation will be in refurbished buildings.
The full Request for Tender (RFT) will be distributed on 14 March to the short-listed contenders for Head Contractor. The RFT will then be open for 10 days with DIAC anticipating to engage a Head Contractor by the end of March.
Generator power will be utilised for the initial stages of the centre as full power will not be available to the site by Western Power until December 2011.

Rather than seek to deter these wealthy law-breakers, the Gillard Government have steadfastly refused to repeal the changes they made to the Migration Act that have acted as such a magnet for unauthorised arrivals.

This has resulted in the need for the Government to spend over one billion dollars per year processing a group of people prepared to break the law to enter and remain in Australia. In some cases, even when these individuals are clothed, housed, fed, given money and treated for any medical conditions at Australian taxpayers' expense, it is not enough.

Cory Bernardi

WA, 1227 posts
14 Jul 2011 12:26AM
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Carantoc said...

In the same way global warming has morphed into climate change, what will carbon pollution morph into ? -

That is the morph - equating CO2 with pollution.

WA, 1227 posts
14 Jul 2011 12:28AM
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the gibbo said...
Vote Abbot : Punch drunk muppet

From the rabble who brought you Mark Latham .

NSW, 238 posts
14 Jul 2011 11:06AM
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dinsdale said...

Carantoc said...

In the same way global warming has morphed into climate change, what will carbon pollution morph into ? -

That is the morph - equating CO2 with pollution.

She has brought in the ridiculous 'Carbon tax' half of the compound next we will be labotomized/ charged for the everything is oxidising... 'Dioxide (O2)tax'

WA, 7671 posts
14 Jul 2011 9:55AM
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log man said...

In the same way, Gillard didn't lie...

Gillard agreed to take on a job, under a certain set of conditions. She has not stood by these conditions. Indeed, she has invented a completely new set of conditions for herself so that she may fulfill her own selfish goal of being Prime Minister.

For example, log man applies for a job logging old growth forests in Tasmania. In his interview, he tells the company he is experienced at logging plantation and old growth forests, but his preference is to log only plantation timber.

A few days after the interview, log man is offered a job to log old growth forests, which he accepts, as the salary of $60K pa is simply too high for him to resist. After three months in the job, log man tells the company, he can no longer log old growth forests, as his chainsaw is too small to cut through the big old trees and he is against it, as he said in his interview.

The company now has a job that is not being done, and log man is not able to do the job he said he would do. Three options for log man may be:
- The company provides log man the training and tools to do the job he said he was going to do.
- The company retrenches log man as he does not have the capacity that is required for the role.
- Log man resigns, as he recognises the job he wants to do, is not the job that he agreed to do with his employers during the interview.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"CO2 Taxation Australia" started by FlySurfer