I am looking at putting in a new head unit into my 2011 Hyundai Getz....the problem is I can not seem to track down a harness that will allow me to hook up a new head unit to the steering wheel controls. Has anyone any ideas of where to track one down. I have done lots of searching online / ebay etc but have had no luck. People have told me that you can not buy them for that model car. Is this correct? Can I just re-wire it myself?
If you have any ideas re head units with bluetooth for under $400 happy to take advice as well.
Ted, can't help you on this one.
6 weeks ago whilst jump starting my work van I put red on black and blew the fuse in the radio.
In other words I am farking useless.
There is something made in Australia meant to allow you to hook up the steering wheel controls for some cars to aftermarket head units.
When I did a bit of a search then, I got links to www.thecat.net.au , but the website doesn't seem to exist anymore. The units were called CAT09 or CAT10 or something similar.
I did a search on ebay too, and there is something to help with steering wheel controls on CANbus cars. I have no idea if a Getz uses CANbus or not.
From what I read, they are not cheap either. Maybe $200?
Whichever way you look at it, there is no standard way to interface steering wheel controls to aftermarket head units, so its not as simple as connecting the right wires up.
I found this company through ebay, supposedly a local Australian company too.http://www.axxessinterface.com/steering_wheel_control_new.aspx
Maybe give them a call and see if your car is supported. There appear to be generic units on ebay from China, but I guess you are on your own when it comes to connecting them up, or if they work with your car.
Or try www.elite-electronics.com.au/Car_Accessories/Steering_Wheel_Interface#caracc-wheel
well, i nailed it just today!
really happy with it. there is a slight lag after pressing the buttin but its not that bad.
I got the thing at a good price from the U.S. pretty quickly.
The '07 Getz (and probably others) have two wires, red and pink, that connect to the factory deck to control from the steering wheel, in a separate plug to the main wiring harness.
- The RED wire carries the info and must be attatched to the WHITE wire of the SWIJACK interface.
-The PINK wire must be connected to neg (-) ground.
The other SWIJACK connections are as follows...
-connect the red wire to 12v switched, or accessories. it does not need memory.
-connect the black to neg (-) ground.
THATS IT!! - all other wires must be tied off and insulated. the programming instructions are very clear. just make sure you use a compatable deck. i used Alpines 9883e from alberts perth, cheaper than ebay! Alpine decks 9881, 9883 and 9885 all have the 3.5mm plug at the back for use with this interface. I'm sure some of the older/cheaper models have the same. just be sure the plug is there at the back!
Any questions? if this isnt clear, post here and i'll fill you in.
Again, this was in an '07 getz. If your Factory Head unit also has 2 wires that plug in separately at the back, my guess is its exactly the same as mine. enjoy!!
Thanks fellas some good tips there......much appreciated. I really like the sound of those head units without the CD's! Cheap as chips to.
I bought a small unit from the US to do this same thing in a Hyundai Accent. It works a-treat! Hasn't missed a beat in 5 years now. Problem is I'm in Tassie right now and I can't remember the name or model of the unit. I'll be home next Monday, 30th, so if you haven't had a good reply by then pm me and I'll dig out the paperwork and send you the details. The particular unit I bought is one-fits-all programmable device. Pretty much any car you can think of and any head unit you can think of. It all installed easily (by me), programmed as advertised and works flawlessly. All of the steering wheel controls work as they should.
Thanks for the input fellas...I have it all sorted now.
Buy them from their ebay store - they are a touch cheaper. If you are not in a hurry then get them from the US for a bit less. The Getz is not sold in the States so its not listed on this product as a workable solution but I have it on very good authority that it does work. Make sure your head unit is compatible with the steering wheel interface and you are done. I found the people at Elite to be very helpful. Lots of youtubes floating round on how to install them. Game on.
Installed the pioneer yesterday. Nice easy install (Until I cut though a speaker wire running the microphone down the a pillar of my Troopy, cue hours of fugging around instead of drinking beer and watching footy)
Uber impressed so far. Works a treat with my HTC One XL.
Can even link the wifes one (or my sons one) and let them choose the music.
Now to get a short USB stick (http://www.officeworks.com.au/retail/products/Technology/Data-Storage/USB-Flash-Drives/32GB-USB/SDCZ3332GB?catargetid=620015440000023926&cadevice={device}) so it doesnt stick out too far.
So impressive for a mere $138
How did you go Ted? After reading up on these things I bought a SWI-RC and installed it.
The support/service from the company is pretty poor. The guy I emailed couldn't even give me generic information unless it was a car available in the USA. Instead, I stumbled across a few pages describing it, and a link to an archived generic install page.
Anyway, it works. Its good that you can map the buttons to do different things. I ended up using the volume control buttons for mute and Bluetooth mode instead of volume controls. It's much better than using them as volume controls.