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Catchy (and funni) information thingamies

Created by getfunky > 9 months ago, 3 Feb 2010
WA, 4485 posts
3 Feb 2010 10:44AM
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These songs still pop into my melon occassionally 30+ yrs later. Bl00dy effective.

Perhaps WAKSA could post the dingalings number up where the safety info is?

VIC, 5000 posts
4 Feb 2010 9:00AM
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This is one of my favs...thanks for that getfunky!...I forgot where those tunes in my head came from for a while. I remember being mesmerised by those ads as a kid.

Mister Dugong
368 posts
4 Feb 2010 7:54AM
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Yep those songs are tops must add them to my itunes when i figure out how.
thanks for them.

I have been singing the theme song to hong kong phooey for three days but cant get past the first line.

'hong kong phooey...quicker than the human eye....
hong kong phooey.... eerrm dad daa da daaa dad da....

Found it!!!

WA, 4485 posts
4 Feb 2010 10:48AM
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Hong Kong fooey.. #1 super guy! Man that was a goody awright.

Anybody get Milton the monster stuck in the melon also?

Ha ha - the Ch9 community ads above ran for about a decade but they were very well written toons with killer hooks to get them stuck in the grey matter - permenantly!

Wish they still ran em today, but not sure they would get away with the more than a little indigenous looking 'dingaling' singled out against the WASPy lookin kids?

Single Dads may also object to Mum being the only one in the know too.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Catchy (and funni) information thingamies" started by getfunky