Here is an email sent to me today that might be of interest particularly for those with young children.
I have blacked out sections to make me feel comfortable about posting this WARNING. But its apparently doing the rounds at some schools around the country.
Well whaddayaknow,
Unlike many "warning" emails this one is plausible! confirms it. I'm not linking to the article due to similar concerns that Gizmo had. You can find it if you put in the effort.
and it has been happening for years - just that now the internet allows scaremongering to be more efficient
I think it must be a fake. My dog has been pissing on these in everyones yards for the last 10 years.
Typical email forward. Wow 3 kids in the usa did this, now the rest of teh world panics at every empty bottle lying around.
we used to make these as kids. definetly not for unsuspecting people to pick up and loose limbs. ingrediants are very common and simple. would blow up very thick glass bottles. great fun untill some of that boiling hot liquid covered me....BURN.. wow kids can be dumb.
And here's me thinkin' old buggers used to place them on there lawns to stop dogs pissin' and ****in' on there grass