Anyone had it?
My left eye's farked... and I ain't stressed, only thing that causes me stress is listening to the wranger!
maybe, my left eye has a dark patch and bends light. gets wavy patterns from time to time and gets flashes of white light. opto thought it was MS and still havent ruled it fully out but say its "unlikely". cat scans and tests got too expensive so i figured stuff it. if they dont know by now.....
whats yours doing?
I have a blister on my fovea (Central serous retinopathy)... so it's like looking through a blister, poor night vision, and real blurry... I'm using my right eye to write this.
Fark I hate getting
Damn I hate going to Drs. they never know how to fix you, then charge you ~$300 for the pleasure of waiting an hour.
This video may interest you (all the video on this channel are good)
Well if it make you happier i have been off work for the last 2 weeks with a cyst .Im ok now but painfull.
Im not sure about the eyesight fly I guess we take our vision for granted on the list it comes up as number 1. SIGHT.
2.1 Sight
2.2 Hearing
2.3 Taste
2.4 Smell
2.5 Touch
2.6 Balance and acceleration
2.7 Temperature
2.8 Kinesthetic sense
2.9 Pain
2.10 Other internal sense
Hey fly surfer sorry to be so forward Your not in the welding boilermaker game are you?
Shame i got sick 2 weeks before you ! we could of been seabresse Invalid sickie mates lol.
Its good to have health back hey You dont realize how lucky you are when your at full health.It ****en sucks being sick hey. Id rather be at work than sick.