Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...


Created by theDoctor > 9 months ago, 29 Apr 2010
WA, 15849 posts
1 Jul 2010 4:52PM
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maxm said...

My missus said they've been enhanced. I said who cares?


WA, 6415 posts
3 Jul 2010 5:51AM
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'People from abroad are amazed by the number of vapour trails in the skies over London,' he said.

i bet they are amazed and so am i.

Attack of the vapours - how jet trails block out the sunshineBy Oliver Tree
Last updated at 8:00 AM on 28th June 2010
Comments (241) Add to My Stories If you are jetting off for an exotic holiday this summer, spare a thought for those you leave behind.

Because it seems that sun-seekers are responsible for leaving the rest of us languishing under grey skies - thanks to the emissions from aircraft engines.

These vapour trails create clouds which, experts claim, can block out sunlight for millions. This is the reason that our skies appeared unusually blue when the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajokull was erupting, and all flights over Britain were banned.
Vapour trails create clouds which, experts claim, can block out sunlight for millions
The phenomenon occurs when aircraft fly above 25,000ft, where the air temperature is around minus 30C. This causes water vapour emitted by the engines to crystallise and form the familiar white streaks across the sky, known as contrails.

These can be short-lived. But if there is already a significant amount of moisture in the atmosphere they can linger for hours, as the excess water vapour from the engines tips the surrounding air past its saturation point.

This acts as a catalyst to speed up the natural process of cloud formation. Cirrus clouds - the wisp-like formations seen at high altitude - begin to form around the contrails.
Scientists say these grow into thin layers of cloud and can cover up to an astonishing 20,000 square miles of sky - or about a fifth of the UK.
The level of moisture in the air at high altitudes is unrelated to weather conditions at ground level, which is why it is possible to see contrails on a clear day.

Reading University's Professor Keith Shine, an expert in clouds, said that those formed by aircraft fumes could linger 'for hours', depriving those areas under busy flight paths, such as London and the Home Counties, of summer sunshine.

The Jet clouds that can cover 20,000 square miles
'People from abroad are amazed by the number of vapour trails in the skies over London,' he said. 'When the air is wet enough, the cloud formed by contrails can last for hours.'

Experts have warned that, as a result, the amount of sunlight hitting the ground could be reduced by as much as ten per cent. Professor Shine added: 'Over the busiest areas in London and the South of England, this high-level cloud could cover the sky, turning bright sunshine into hazy conditions for the entire area. I expect the effects will get worse as the volume of air traffic increases.'

In a 2009 Met Office study into the effects of contrails, scientists from a number of UK institutions used a weather satellite to track a large military aircraft as it circled over the North Sea. The team expected high-level winds to disperse its contrails without trace.

But instead they helped to form clouds, which the researchers were astonished to find eventually covered a massive 20,000 square miles.

NSW, 2510 posts
3 Jul 2010 9:21AM
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doggie said...

evlPanda said...


just thought it needed another opinion on this subject. its a very nice picture.

and i like bolt-ons.

NSW, 2510 posts
3 Jul 2010 9:24AM
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petermac33 said...

'People from abroad are amazed by the number of vapour trails in the skies over London,' he said.

i bet they are amazed and so am i.

Attack of the vapours - how jet trails block out the sunshineBy Oliver Tree
Last updated at 8:00 AM on 28th June 2010
Comments (241) Add to My Stories If you are jetting off for an exotic holiday this summer, spare a thought for those you leave behind.

Because it seems that sun-seekers are responsible for leaving the rest of us languishing under grey skies - thanks to the emissions from aircraft engines.

These vapour trails create clouds which, experts claim, can block out sunlight for millions. This is the reason that our skies appeared unusually blue when the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajokull was erupting, and all flights over Britain were banned.
Vapour trails create clouds which, experts claim, can block out sunlight for millions
The phenomenon occurs when aircraft fly above 25,000ft, where the air temperature is around minus 30C. This causes water vapour emitted by the engines to crystallise and form the familiar white streaks across the sky, known as contrails.

These can be short-lived. But if there is already a significant amount of moisture in the atmosphere they can linger for hours, as the excess water vapour from the engines tips the surrounding air past its saturation point.

This acts as a catalyst to speed up the natural process of cloud formation. Cirrus clouds - the wisp-like formations seen at high altitude - begin to form around the contrails.
Scientists say these grow into thin layers of cloud and can cover up to an astonishing 20,000 square miles of sky - or about a fifth of the UK.
The level of moisture in the air at high altitudes is unrelated to weather conditions at ground level, which is why it is possible to see contrails on a clear day.

Reading University's Professor Keith Shine, an expert in clouds, said that those formed by aircraft fumes could linger 'for hours', depriving those areas under busy flight paths, such as London and the Home Counties, of summer sunshine.

The Jet clouds that can cover 20,000 square miles
'People from abroad are amazed by the number of vapour trails in the skies over London,' he said. 'When the air is wet enough, the cloud formed by contrails can last for hours.'

Experts have warned that, as a result, the amount of sunlight hitting the ground could be reduced by as much as ten per cent. Professor Shine added: 'Over the busiest areas in London and the South of England, this high-level cloud could cover the sky, turning bright sunshine into hazy conditions for the entire area. I expect the effects will get worse as the volume of air traffic increases.'

In a 2009 Met Office study into the effects of contrails, scientists from a number of UK institutions used a weather satellite to track a large military aircraft as it circled over the North Sea. The team expected high-level winds to disperse its contrails without trace.

But instead they helped to form clouds, which the researchers were astonished to find eventually covered a massive 20,000 square miles.

answer to global warming. more planes = more shade

WA, 6415 posts
3 Jul 2010 7:42AM
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yes, these planes spewing out chemtrails [that will result in more shade] to fix a problem [global warming] that does not exist in the first place.

NSW, 5784 posts
22 Jul 2010 3:17PM
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poor relative
WA, 9091 posts
22 Jul 2010 5:27PM
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I thought i would inquire further regarding this phenomena.
My family have a long association with flying both in a commercial sense and in the military.
I asked around - everybody said don't know what your talking about.

I asked my dad he has 32 years of flying experience predominantly with the military he said it was BS.
So i asked family friends who between them have about 150-160 years of flying experience. All said they had never seen or heard of anything
So i asked a friend of my fathers friend who was an air traffic guy for most of his life around the UK, he said that he knew of every flight coming in and/or leaving various airports around the UK when he was 'on watch' and he called BS.

None of these people - most are retired now - were able to shed any light on this
All suggest that its BS
None have anything to loose but everything to gain from saying yes Chem trails exist.

WA, 6415 posts
22 Jul 2010 6:08PM
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99 percent of people i know are not aware of the chemtrail spraying that is going on.

90 percent of people i know have not even heard about building 7.

95 percecent of people are not aware vaccines contain mercury or aborted fetal

95 percent of people are not aware that G/M food is deadly according to the research.

go for holiday to London or Devon.

i watch Relocation Relocation on foxtel, those two cities are being sprayed heaps.

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
22 Jul 2010 8:16PM
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Pete - (quick tip for you) I think he's saying it's bull****. Responding with "99% of people agree with you, because they're stupid", is not a good response

WA, 6992 posts
22 Jul 2010 8:09PM
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petermac33 said...

go for holiday to London or Devon.

i watch Relocation Relocation on foxtel, those two cities are being sprayed heaps.

Devon isn't a city.

It is a rural county, county town Exeter (which is a city as it contains Exeter Cathedral).

There would be no similarity between London and Devon for air-spraying of populations. Devon is one of the more sparsly populated counties in England, containing both Dartmoor and parts of Exmoor.

I lived there for a while, I can assure you there were not blankets of contrails across the skies everyday. I paraglided there for a fair few years. I had enough interest in the sky to look up occasionally.

Coincidently Devon is also in the flight plath for every flight from London airports to North America, and Bristol and all South Wales airports to Europe. Plus the military bases at Culdrose and close to the military bases of Yeovilton and several on Salisbury Plain. It would see it's fair share of air traffic (more so than many other English counties that you may also see on Relocation Relocation).

As a side note the strange things that I did used to see in the air were the powerline chopper, which flew the HV powerlines once a week at about 3 foot from the ground and scared everybody and everything, my mate in his microlight buzzing cows and a very strange shaped plain grey plane that flew a fairly low altitude and appeared slow from the ground with no markings (of any country or any military) and flew overhead the same route once a week exactly the same time. Nobody I ever asked knew what it was. It did not leave contrails everyday. I always figured it flew the approximate route of the trans-atlantic fibre optic cable over southern england (Devon to London), this was the best idea I ever had. Definitely looked like some sort of ground reconnisance thing.

NSW, 2510 posts
22 Jul 2010 10:19PM
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heaps of aircraft do inspections of gas lines, optical fibre, infrastucture stuff all the time. try living in a rural area along side an important gas main and you will see what i mean. they will spot a problem and within hours they are at your door.

WA, 6992 posts
22 Jul 2010 8:32PM
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Funny you say that 'cause at the time we first started noticing it we were doing some building work near a gas main.

The gas main was considered to be 'critical to the nations defence', which we were told many times by many authorities, because we couldn't do anything near it and when we asked why that was the only thing we were ever told.

It was actually two pipes, running side by side.

Don't know what they fed, maybe everything.

WA, 6415 posts
23 Jul 2010 12:36AM
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i was not aware Devon was the county and not the town,however i am aware much chemtrail spraying is going on in this district.

have watched nearly every episode of Relocation Relocation and when on location in County of Devon,i have seen numerous trails in the sky.

if your belief Carantoc that these trails are a result of large aircraft traffic, then can you answer as to why they also happen in areas of very low aircraft traffic?

i live in Cannington over the flight path of incoming flights to Perth Airport, i have yet to see a single trail of any sort from all of those planes on this flightpath.

if you watch the world famous documentary AEROSOL CRIMES,much of the video footage is shot in Arizona.

Arizona, i believe is a very hot/dry climate, with low air traffic relatively speaking.

so why are so many long lasting trails being left there when the sky is a deep blue colour?

NSW, 4460 posts
23 Jul 2010 10:56AM
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My dad only taught me a couple of things I can remember... one was that I should never use a blade towards any part of me, another was that 99% of the people are stupid; "son, chances are you're going to grow up stupid".

A friend of mine who flies out of Carswell AFB said they regularly spray... said it was the only way to get a town size antenna suspended @ 20,000 ft.

poor relative
WA, 9091 posts
23 Jul 2010 10:03AM
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What are they spraying?
Why are they spraying?
Why would anyone release/authorise these chemicals to be released over their own families and/or friends?
How does one differentiate between a contrail and a chemtrail?
Why does everything i have read/seen sound like something that someone would want to believe rather that based on proven fact?

poor relative
WA, 9091 posts
23 Jul 2010 10:08AM
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petermac33 said...

99 percent of people i know are not aware of the chemtrail spraying that is going on.

But you would think those that have been involved in the aviation industry in both a commercial and military sense for a combined 'phenominal amount of years' throughout the globe would have at least heard a rumour?

poor relative
WA, 9091 posts
23 Jul 2010 10:09AM
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theDoctor said...

these were from this morning

...and other pics of contrails.

How did you feel in the afternoon ?

VIC, 5000 posts
23 Jul 2010 1:06PM
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It's not just the sky you have to worry about...Chemwakes are the danger I tells ya!

I see heaps of boats cruise through our local harbour leaving white trails on the water behind them, that take a while to disperse, whilst most yachts (Conwakes)don't!?!

You can try to explain this very strange phenomenon...but I won't buy it!

Also, I'm sure someone can scientifically explain those illuminous chemical trails behind boats at night...but I won't buy that either, I've made up my mind that it's a conspiracy!

NSW, 5784 posts
23 Jul 2010 1:11PM
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poor relative said...

What are they spraying?
Why are they spraying?
Why would anyone release/authorise these chemicals to be released over their own families and/or friends?
How does one differentiate between a contrail and a chemtrail?
Why does everything i have read/seen sound like something that someone would want to believe rather that based on proven fact?

watch aerosol crimes, visit

NSW, 4460 posts
23 Jul 2010 2:26PM
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poor relative: My cousin's a commercial (Etihad/A340) pilot and he says he's seen quiet a few UFOs on the instruments and with his eyes.

Now that I think about it, my Mrs cousin (Cathey) also said he'd seen some.

What do ur people say?

poor relative
WA, 9091 posts
23 Jul 2010 12:30PM
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I guess with UFO's and unidentified objects everyone that i have spoken to has a story just like your mates.

VIC, 1230 posts
23 Jul 2010 3:06PM
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saltiest1 said...

doggie said...

evlPanda said...


just thought it needed another opinion on this subject. its a very nice picture.

and i like bolt-ons.

Funny I looked at the picture and then heard her say "my eyes are up here"

WA, 15849 posts
23 Jul 2010 1:32PM
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frant said...

saltiest1 said...

doggie said...

evlPanda said...


just thought it needed another opinion on this subject. its a very nice picture.

and i like bolt-ons.

Funny I looked at the picture and then heard her say "my eyes are up here"

Where? (.)(.)

NSW, 5784 posts
23 Jul 2010 3:45PM
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poor relative said...

What are they spraying?
Why are they spraying?
Why would anyone release/authorise these chemicals to be released over their own families and/or friends?
How does one differentiate between a contrail and a chemtrail?
Why does everything i have read/seen sound like something that someone would want to believe rather that based on proven fact?

just about all those questions can be answered by following the links provided in the very first post. here we are thirteen pages later with people asking questions and poo pooing the phenomenon as conspiracy without even taking time to look at the provided scientific evidence and explantion.

maybe if master chef were to disclose the chemtrail information it would be taken more seriously and suddenly become bleeding obvious to the mouth breathing sound bite addicted masses.

it is happening there is a discernable difference between chemtrail spraying and contrails (and it is happening over perth, i have seen it) and there is recorded scientific evidence of the chemical and heavy metal nanoparticulates being sprayed.

as for the reasoning and who is responsible, thats where you can point and wax pontifically about conspiracy and esoteric agendas, but the fact remains it is happening and we have no chance of finding out who is responsible and their reasoning behind their actions until we all start to realise that current media and jouranlism is at best a joke and really nothing more than distraction of dumbed down entertianment, those who own and control all avenues of 'official' or 'credible' (cough cough, yeah right) information lie to us from beginning to end and that most of us are quite happy to be asleep and ignorant to any and every possibilty outside of what TV has to offer.

the goings on in the gulf of mexico are the perfect example.

poor relative
WA, 9091 posts
23 Jul 2010 2:34PM
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I say chemtrails is paranoid conspiracy BS.

WA, 6992 posts
23 Jul 2010 3:15PM
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theDoctor said...

poor relative said...

What are they spraying?
Why are they spraying?
Why would anyone release/authorise these chemicals to be released over their own families and/or friends?
How does one differentiate between a contrail and a chemtrail?
Why does everything i have read/seen sound like something that someone would want to believe rather that based on proven fact?

just about all those questions can be answered by following the links provided in the very first post.

Beg to differ there Doc.

'What' answer in last 13 pages seems to have been anything from chaff to chemicals to nano particles
'Why' has never been explained - other than to control peoples minds into believing there is no world wide conspiracy to control their minds
'How' seems to be ask a 93 year old ex primary school teacher who believes she has been subjected to these things all her life and have made her mad

Poor Relative's final 'why' is the only thing that has been answered, quite conclusively in all thirteen pages, but I will summarise it again : because it is

So, just to help us all; in one sentance answers :
What is it they are spraying
Why are they spraying it
Why is it nefarious

NSW, 5784 posts
23 Jul 2010 6:34PM
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watch aerosol crimes, visit and read

poor relative
WA, 9091 posts
23 Jul 2010 4:37PM
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theDoctor said...

watch aerosol crimes, visit and read

I say chemtrails is paranoid conspiracy BS.

NSW, 601 posts
23 Jul 2010 7:00PM
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theDoctor said...

watch aerosol crimes, visit and read

Bad news for you Doc, it looks like "they" have been spraying the chemtrails for a looooong time




I'd be worried by that last one, looks like the Nazis were really determined to spray everyone.

NSW, 864 posts
23 Jul 2010 7:04PM
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Damned stuff obviously doesn't work - population just keeps INcreasing! Those NWO dumbos should wise up and ask for their money back.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Chemtrails" started by theDoctor