Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...


Created by theDoctor > 9 months ago, 29 Apr 2010
QLD, 2057 posts
2 May 2010 9:23AM
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crock of sh1t..

no evidence, no facts just allegations and conjecture..

Keeps people busy!

poor relative
WA, 9091 posts
2 May 2010 8:21AM
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Never let the truth get in the way of a good conspiracy

QLD, 7428 posts
2 May 2010 1:08PM
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shark said...

cisco said...

Anybody here ever been able to make cell phone calls from an inflight aircraft???

Well apparently one of the flight attendants on flight 93 did,or did she???

of course you can, why wouldnt you be able to? Havent you ever heard someones phone ringing in their bag in the locker?

I think that's a safety issue (maybe over the top) to do with rfi effects on aircraft communication and fly by wire controls.

NSW, 4460 posts
2 May 2010 3:07PM
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I 1st read about them around 1999, and they generally didn't quite make the cost/benefit requirement to be feasible... unless in limited test for radar bounce. Then when I was in the UK "I remember exactly; it was the day before the Queens birthday" in 2001 there was supposed to be some big concert... anyway I went for a bike ride with the Mrs (west london ~5km from heathrow) and stopped for a beer a long the way.

I looked up and saw this plain with a thick contrail... nothing clicked yet... a little while later I looked up again... and this time I saw a pattern in the sky just like a grid... well the plain was flying up/down spraying and after around 2 hrs the grid was full. The day was clear, and now the evening we had the 1st and only time I've seen overcasting caused by spraying.

Never seen any other unusual contrails in Oz or anywhere else.

And no, it wasn't in a holding pattern for 2hrs!

9/11: The evidence is overwhelming the towers didn't come down cos of the planes and fires. But we live in a word with people who have decided to hand the privilege of thinking to another entity.

I've tried reasoning with them, but they're devoid of logic... Like when trying to inform them about 9/11 I start off with something like

How did "building 7" implode?

Based on their response I can gage if they can reason.

They may respond with... Building 7?

Yes building 7 was 3rd building to collapse that day... it was a 47 story steel/concrete building and it imploded on itself 6hrs after the other buildings.

At this point he/she is receiving new info, and the way they handle it will give u a good indication if you are wasting your time.

You may get responses like:
I have a friend who is an architect who helped design part of X he said it was caused by 1 support column bending that made one floor pancake and caused a chain reaction.


No you're getting confused there was no other buildings that didn't burn.


The shockwaves from the other collapses. (Yeah John Bardeen, the shockwave was just waiting underground for the right moment)

If you're real lucky you will get somebody who can think and he might say... Hey I looked at a video of Building 7 and it looks like it was demolished.

Well then you have somebody you can exchange ideas with... a fellow "sane person" but of course you will be labelled a "conspiracy theorist" by the fools... which is a shame cos there are "conspiracy theorist", but they too are unable to reason logically... moon bases, Martian ruins, implant tracking devices...

Do reasonable people have a right to try and reason with those that have decided no to?
So who really benefited from all the crap that happened since 9/11?

NSW, 2510 posts
2 May 2010 8:10PM
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then put on a tin hat, go to you tube and dig up " research" on hearsay.

VIC, 1395 posts
4 May 2010 10:49PM
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Do chemtrails alter your mind? Apparently chemtrails do have a placebo effect, ie; people who believe it's a government conspiracy actually are dumber

WA, 6415 posts
9 May 2010 10:17PM
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watched the golf on foxtel yesterday.

the tournament players championship from Ponte Veda Beach Florida.

sky was mostly blue, short of a few very distinctive chemtrails!

one of which was particularly fresh and quite low in sky.

no need to worry though, it is only a theory.

seeing is not believing for majority.

despite being able to see the chemtrails with your own two eyes, it is still just a theory that they exist.

WA, 15849 posts
10 May 2010 10:39AM
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So the compressed air vapor has chemicals in it? Is that what you are trying to say?

WA, 4642 posts
10 May 2010 2:23PM
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2 stroke motor bikes and outboards leave chemtrails.
They really stink!
Maybe they are putting 2 stroke motors in aeroplanes now and that's what made the chemtrail that you saw.

WA, 15849 posts
10 May 2010 2:55PM
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petermac33 said...

watched the golf on foxtel yesterday.

the tournament players championship from Ponte Veda Beach Florida.

sky was mostly blue, short of a few very distinctive chemtrails!

one of which was particularly fresh and quite low in sky.

no need to worry though, it is only a theory.

seeing is not believing for majority.

despite being able to see the chemtrails with your own two eyes, it is still just a theory that they exist.

They are con-trails, not chem-trails. BIG difference Peter. It is condensed air particals. Why is that so hard to believe????

NSW, 5784 posts
10 May 2010 6:34PM
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the difference between CONtrails and CHEMtrails

pay attention doggie....

WA, 15849 posts
10 May 2010 4:36PM
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theDoctor said...

the difference between CONtrails and CHEMtrails

pay attention doggie....

No utube @ work, so in text please explain

WA, 15849 posts
10 May 2010 4:37PM
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And how do you tell the difference as I would expect that they would look the same???

NSW, 9205 posts
11 May 2010 12:06AM
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doggie said...

And how do you tell the difference as I would expect that they would look the same???

Condensed water vapour, also known as clouds, will look different depending on the atmosphere in which they reside.

Black clouds, fluffy clouds, your breath, cumulonimbus (my favourite), cirrus, even ones with bolts of lightning etc. etc.

Contrails are contrails. They look different just like clouds look different.

Dear MR Doctor: I still didn't catch which airlines are doing this, or why it is not simply added to petrol or salt. You do know the government adds chemicals to the salt don't you?

Bonus vid:

NSW, 9205 posts
11 May 2010 12:12AM
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cisco said...

Anybody here ever been able to make cell phone calls from an inflight aircraft???

Yes. You get a signal from quite a reasonable altitude. Bit of a shock when your phone starts ringing in your pocket.

QLD, 12351 posts
11 May 2010 12:15AM
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doggie said...

So the compressed air vapor has chemicals in it?

Compressed air is compressed air, it is not a vapour until you make it very cold. Compressesd air may carry a vapour and the vapour may carry so called "chemicals".

One needs to be very precise and specific when discussing the very weighty topic of these so obvious "chemtrails". The people trying to exterminate us are using very precise and specific technology, so to combat it we need to be very precise and specific as well.

QLD, 12351 posts
11 May 2010 12:21AM
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doggie said...
It is condensed air particals.

Incorrect physics and spelling. tsch, tsch, tsch.

WA, 4642 posts
10 May 2010 11:56PM
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theDoctor said...

the difference between CONtrails and CHEMtrails

pay attention doggie....

Doctor you're obviously not listenning to anything I say.

Right back at first reply I said;

The length of time a contrail hangs in the air is entirely dependent on the temperature and relative humidity of the air that it is formed in.
Usually, at very high altitude, the relative humidity is very low, thus after the contrail forms, it is quickly reabsorbed into the atmosphere and disappears.

Sometimes, and particularly at lower altitudes, the relative humidity can be much higher. Thus after the contrail is formed it can take a long time to be reabsorbed. In fact it might not be rebsorbed at all. It simply dissipates with the air currents over a wider area until it blends in with whatever wispy clouds might be around.

And now you put up a U choob which demonstrates that perfectly.
You can plainly see that the contrail which disappears in a few seconds is in the upper atmosphere which would be colder and dryer. The upper atmosphere is almost always dry which is why you don't get cumulous clouds up there unless some huge updraft from a thunderstorm sucks up moist air from the lower atmosphere.

The big contrail which doesn't disappear is clearly in the lower atmosphere which would have a higher relative humidity, probably above 80 percent.
If it's much above that it will hang there indefinitely in the same way that cumulous clouds hang there indefinitely, until they finally blow away.

If the humidity is close to 100 percent they can even increase in the same way that small cumulous clouds, once started, can get bigger and bigger.

You don't need any chemicals to do this, just a bit of water vapour which is blown out the exhaust in much the same way that your car exhaust makes a small coud trail on a cold morning. Only, a big jet makes a big trail.

WA, 15849 posts
11 May 2010 8:51AM
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cisco said...

doggie said...
It is condensed air particals.

Incorrect physics and spelling. tsch, tsch, tsch.

Im only a dog

NSW, 9205 posts
11 May 2010 12:08PM
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doggie said...

cisco said...

doggie said...
It is condensed air particals.

Incorrect physics and spelling. tsch, tsch, tsch.

Im only a dog

I hear you brother.

NSW, 864 posts
11 May 2010 2:19PM
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cisco said...

doggie said...

So the compressed air vapor has chemicals in it?

Compressed air is compressed air, it is not a vapour until you make it very cold. Compressesd air may carry a vapour and the vapour may carry so called "chemicals".

One needs to be very precise and specific when discussing the very weighty topic of these so obvious "chemtrails". The people trying to exterminate us are using very precise and specific technology, so to combat it we need to be very precise and specific as well.

So in the interests of precision...

Air need not be cold to form a vapour. It only needs to be decompressed. See information on thermodynamics eg

Air flowing over an aircraft wing is decompressed (is at lower pressure to surrounding air) thanks to the nature of the wing itself. It's how aircraft fly (and incidentally how sailing boats sail upwind). Under the right conditions the water in solution in the air can condense to form droplets (visible vapour) as the air is decompressed. These droplets may or may not re-enter solution depending on the atmospheric conditions at that altitude at the time.

Formation of water droplets can easily be demonstrated here at ground level in a cloud chamber. Here's some info on them as well

So no need for mythical chemicals.

WA, 15849 posts
11 May 2010 12:40PM
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maxm said...

cisco said...

doggie said...

So the compressed air vapor has chemicals in it?

Compressed air is compressed air, it is not a vapour until you make it very cold. Compressesd air may carry a vapour and the vapour may carry so called "chemicals".

One needs to be very precise and specific when discussing the very weighty topic of these so obvious "chemtrails". The people trying to exterminate us are using very precise and specific technology, so to combat it we need to be very precise and specific as well.

So in the interests of precision...

Air need not be cold to form a vapour. It only needs to be decompressed. See information on thermodynamics eg

Air flowing over an aircraft wing is decompressed (is at lower pressure to surrounding air) thanks to the nature of the wing itself. It's how aircraft fly (and incidentally how sailing boats sail upwind). Under the right conditions the water in solution in the air can condense to form droplets (visible vapour) as the air is decompressed. These droplets may or may not re-enter solution depending on the atmospheric conditions at that altitude at the time.

Formation of water droplets can easily be demonstrated here at ground level in a cloud chamber. Here's some info on them as well

So no need for mythical chemicals.

Yea, thats what I ment to say

NSW, 864 posts
11 May 2010 2:58PM
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doggie said...

maxm said...

cisco said...

doggie said...

So the compressed air vapor has chemicals in it?

Compressed air is compressed air, it is not a vapour until you make it very cold. Compressesd air may carry a vapour and the vapour may carry so called "chemicals".

One needs to be very precise and specific when discussing the very weighty topic of these so obvious "chemtrails". The people trying to exterminate us are using very precise and specific technology, so to combat it we need to be very precise and specific as well.

So in the interests of precision...

Air need not be cold to form a vapour. It only needs to be decompressed. See information on thermodynamics eg

Air flowing over an aircraft wing is decompressed (is at lower pressure to surrounding air) thanks to the nature of the wing itself. It's how aircraft fly (and incidentally how sailing boats sail upwind). Under the right conditions the water in solution in the air can condense to form droplets (visible vapour) as the air is decompressed. These droplets may or may not re-enter solution depending on the atmospheric conditions at that altitude at the time.

Formation of water droplets can easily be demonstrated here at ground level in a cloud chamber. Here's some info on them as well

So no need for mythical chemicals.

Yea, thats what I ment to say

Thought it was

WA, 15849 posts
11 May 2010 1:17PM
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maxm said...

doggie said...

maxm said...

cisco said...

doggie said...

So the compressed air vapor has chemicals in it?

Compressed air is compressed air, it is not a vapour until you make it very cold. Compressesd air may carry a vapour and the vapour may carry so called "chemicals".

One needs to be very precise and specific when discussing the very weighty topic of these so obvious "chemtrails". The people trying to exterminate us are using very precise and specific technology, so to combat it we need to be very precise and specific as well.

So in the interests of precision...

Air need not be cold to form a vapour. It only needs to be decompressed. See information on thermodynamics eg

Air flowing over an aircraft wing is decompressed (is at lower pressure to surrounding air) thanks to the nature of the wing itself. It's how aircraft fly (and incidentally how sailing boats sail upwind). Under the right conditions the water in solution in the air can condense to form droplets (visible vapour) as the air is decompressed. These droplets may or may not re-enter solution depending on the atmospheric conditions at that altitude at the time.

Formation of water droplets can easily be demonstrated here at ground level in a cloud chamber. Here's some info on them as well

So no need for mythical chemicals.

Yea, thats what I ment to say

Thought it was


NSW, 4460 posts
11 May 2010 3:27PM
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When u see a large plane making a grid pattern of "contrails" and the pattern fills in... you're being sprayed :)

I've only seen this once, 10 years ago.

WA, 15849 posts
11 May 2010 1:59PM
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FlySurfer said...

When u see a large plane making a grid pattern of "contrails" and the pattern fills in... you're being sprayed :)

I've only seen this once, 10 years ago.

By what tho? What is the chemical?

I have never seen a plane do that ever..Not saying it dosent happen but have never seen it so in my 38 years, Where did you see it?

WA, 15849 posts
11 May 2010 2:15PM
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saltiest1 said...

i just watched that video.

doubtful. the footage is not the same as the origionals taken by both news and individuals on the day.

those interviews...... doubtful. who are these guys? could be anyone off the street for all we know.

can you inagine a wrecking ball of 130 ton striking a building? at speed of 200 knots? especially one built this way, itd pass right through!! the planes went about half way with shrapnel exiting opposite.

what is it with these conspiracies?? ive heard so many now, and i especially like the port arthur ones. some things actually can be taken at face value.

Wow, didnt know about the Port Arthur conspircy, a good read so far

WA, 4642 posts
11 May 2010 2:18PM
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FlySurfer said...

When u see a large plane making a grid pattern of "contrails" and the pattern fills in... you're being sprayed :)

I've only seen this once, 10 years ago.

Hey i've seen that.
Back and forwards, back and forwards, back and forwards.
And then he did a few runs to dust up the bits he missed on the grid pattern.
It was a neat bit of flying. I was impressed.
And when he finished he flew right over the top of me and gave me a cheery wave.
It cost a lot of money too.
You can imagine what it's costing the Illuminati to do such a big job.

WA, 15849 posts
11 May 2010 2:23PM
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pweedas said...

FlySurfer said...

When u see a large plane making a grid pattern of "contrails" and the pattern fills in... you're being sprayed :)

I've only seen this once, 10 years ago.

Hey i've seen that.
Back and forwards, back and forwards, back and forwards.
And then he did a few runs to dust up the bits he missed on the grid pattern.
It was a neat bit of flying. I was impressed.
And when he finished he flew right over the top of me and gave me a cheery wave.
It cost a lot of money too.
You can imagine what it's costing the Illuminati to do such a big job.

naughts and crosses

NSW, 864 posts
11 May 2010 4:54PM
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I saw something like that a few years ago. When he was finished, it looked like it spelled "MARRY ME" except that the wind was blowing it away.

Bastard! I thought he was looking for commitment but he was trying to take control of my friggin MIND the whole time!


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Chemtrails" started by theDoctor