Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...


Created by theDoctor > 9 months ago, 29 Apr 2010
WA, 6658 posts
11 May 2010 9:25PM
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japie said...

If you take into consideration some of the atrocities perpetrated by privately funded government agencies in recent times, such as the fact that the CIA used the heroin trade to fund their war in Asia,

The events of 9/11 have resulted in the most sustained military expenditure in recent times. Wars make very rich people one hell of a lot richer. I have no doubt that there was American involvement.
Very probably the same organisation that expanded the drug trade in the 60's and 70's.

Don't mean to pick on anyone in particular but do any of you read any text books, study history, look around you - or do you all just watch Utube ?

The British, Dutch, Portugese, Spanish, Chinese (and a few other minor players) used the Opium trade to fund global land expansion and empire building on a massive scale from 1650 to 1850. It isn't anything new.

The period 1945 to date has been the most peaceful in history. They have been fewer wars in this period than at any other time in world history.

In a global sense and generalisation commerce makes people rich, not wars. All the european powers from 1560 to 1945 fought wars to open markets for their manufactured products. New markets created more wealth than war plunder. This was realised along time ago. The British empire succeded where the other europeans didn't because of this one fact. The Spanish wanted to plunder gold. They spent thier time looking for El-Derardo. The British spent their time looking to sell beads to Indians. Early 1600s, the British started to pull ahead because of this. They never looked back (well until 1945).

The phrase 'new world order' is some Guardian reading, vegetarian eating, knitted cardigan wearing pseudo socialist crap. There has never been order in the world, and that isn't anything new.

We actually live in a time when there is no true superpower. Right now there is no nation that has an empire. This is the first time in more than 3,000 years.

Hstory would say that America should be out there waging war / brokering treatease and doing whatever it needs to in order to create an empire. The US doesn't. It's commercial influence affects the globe, but less so than the British did in 1850, the Turks did in 1650, the nation of Islam did in 750 or the Romans did in 150.

The reason the US isn't more aggressive in empire building is not because it is benevolent, not because today moral standards have 'developed' and in the past they were 'undeveloped', but because all empire building nations had one thing in common that the US doesn't - they were all net exporters, and needed new markets to sustain their free markets (commerce, religion, politics and everything else market). The US is still an importer, of goods, people, customs, religous beliefs, it imports everything. It has not developed enough in 200 years to become and exporter and to have to build an empire to sustain itself.

Electricity and TV have done far more than anything else in history ever has to pacify and control the majority. The internet may yet exceed both. Never before have so many people stayed in doors every evening and been so compliant to authority.

The invention and promulgation of both electricity and TV were results of free enterprise and free markets, not some covert higher controling power.

And, if Chemtrails are true and the all seeing, all knowing powers don't want you to know about them why is this thread still here, and why is theDoctor still able to tell me about it ? (unless the answer to the questian who is theDoctor is Doctor Who)

Elroy Jetson
WA, 706 posts
11 May 2010 10:42PM
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Your reasoned educated common sense answer has no place on this thread Carantoc.

The majority of people on this site would think like you. But a minority of people have a strong feeling that they should be someone else. And since (for what ever reason) they aren't that 'someone else' a void appears.

The internet and youtube are searched in depth for answers to fill this void. Evidence for this is the large amount of effort one may go to to avoid credible internet sites and the library to find obscure sites.

Conveniently, one side thinks everyone in the world is dumb except them. While the other side gets a good laugh and sometimes becomes frustrated.

The unwritten rule is: Believers' shall never give details. The non believers must explain why the believers' ideas are false and the believers' then nit pick the explanation.

More can be found here:

NSW, 864 posts
12 May 2010 10:40AM
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Well put, carantoc.

(It all makes sense now that I have protection)

QLD, 4083 posts
12 May 2010 4:02PM
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More Youtube:

NSW, 5780 posts
12 May 2010 7:32PM
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Carantoc said...

The invention and promulgation of both electricity and TV were results of free enterprise and free markets, not some covert higher controling power.

Tesla- the father of today...

Select to expand quote

And, if Chemtrails are true and the all seeing, all knowing powers don't want you to know about them why is this thread still here, and why is theDoctor still able to tell me about it ? (unless the answer to the questian who is theDoctor is Doctor Who)

part of any contract is disclosure to the facts, ignorance can therefore be no excuse, THEY have to tell us and actually get off by doing it subliminally through movies, music and sticking right in our faces and having us laugh it off as conspiracy.

and no I am not the Doctor who

... but Aimee Pond is a fox..

QLD, 12327 posts
13 May 2010 12:39AM
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Forget about chem trails. What about:-

Climate Change
According to a news story, if global warming continues, in 20 years the only chance we'll have to see a polar bear is in a zoo. So in other words, nothing is going to change.
-- Arthur Carlson

WA, 15849 posts
13 May 2010 9:12AM
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WA, 15849 posts
13 May 2010 9:26AM
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^^Ooops didnt mean to post the pic of the wave sorry

NSW, 1575 posts
14 May 2010 11:18PM
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it is a fact that when atomic testing was done in Australia the British government lied to Australia about the size & height of the aerial testing and fall out coverage the last test done blew radiation across the whole of Australia and fall out naturally falls and gets concentrated when eaten by animals example cows eating contaminated grass .It was then mandatory for every Australian child to drink milk at school with radioactive milk the head of the csiro wanted to blow the whistle & they shut him down after seeing a documentary on this i was glad i didn't drink the milk

NSW, 4453 posts
16 May 2010 6:04PM
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pweedas: unless the plane was seed sowing U want to avoid been sprayed.

Doctor: you've been reading too much rense, the rest of u's not enough.

I saw that Nicola Tesla movie the other night, terrible acting but enjoyable none the less.

Chemtrails were/are real, but it's high unlikely it's for some nefarious purpose... more than likely military science... single transmitter over the horizon radar...?
When I saw them the plane was spraying at ~ 17-21,000ft

Since we're on the subject, lets talk about water fluoridation... yup that metallurgic by product fluoride "they" put in our water to supposedly help strengthen our teeth... I hand the thread to theDoctor...

NSW, 5780 posts
16 May 2010 6:58PM
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sambos' POISON thread has a pretty good hold on the very real dangers of flouride.

chemtrails are most definately real and if the purpose of them being military isn't enough of a clue that their intentions be nefarious, then I must have have the evil banker owned military industrial death machine confused with some chocolate lollipop marshmallow butterfly kisses sweet dreams in fairyland kind of military.

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
16 May 2010 8:25PM
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what did paranoid people do before the internet was invented?

QLD, 7428 posts
16 May 2010 8:58PM
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The phrase 'new world order' is some Guardian reading, vegetarian eating, knitted cardigan wearing pseudo socialist crap. There has never been order in the world, and that isn't anything new.

he he he... I can imagine the neocons reaction to being described as cardigan wearing socialists.

QLD, 7428 posts
16 May 2010 9:05PM
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actiomax said...

it is a fact that when atomic testing was done in Australia the British government lied to Australia about the size & height of the aerial testing and fall out coverage the last test done blew radiation across the whole of Australia and fall out naturally falls and gets concentrated when eaten by animals example cows eating contaminated grass .It was then mandatory for every Australian child to drink milk at school with radioactive milk the head of the csiro wanted to blow the whistle & they shut him down after seeing a documentary on this i was glad i didn't drink the milk

This is hard to read. A little punctuation would help.

WA, 8727 posts
16 May 2010 7:28PM
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ginger pom said...

what did paranoid people do before the internet was invented?

They masturbated in private now they webcam it

NSW, 5780 posts
16 May 2010 9:57PM
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All you have to do in this modern world to shut people up . or make them look silly is call them - paranoid or a conspiracy theorist , it has worked very well , we have been trained to associate anything controversial, underreported, clandestine or stuff like that with bigfoot sightings, its the same technique as calling those who oppose mass immigration a racist , its all psychological , social approval or social disapproval , follow the herd mentality.

I prefer to make my own mind up about things thanks.

QLD, 12327 posts
16 May 2010 11:14PM
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theDoctor said...

sambos' POISON thread has a pretty good hold on the very real dangers of flouride.

chemtrails are most definately real and if the purpose of them being military isn't enough of a clue that their intentions be nefarious, then I must have have the evil banker owned military industrial death machine confused with some chocolate lollipop marshmallow butterfly kisses sweet dreams in fairyland kind of military.

confused with some chocolate lollipop marshmallow butterfly kisses sweet dreams in fairyland kind of military.

That one is a beauty Doc!

Keep 'em comin' and eventually it might sink in to the numb nuts that their nuts have been numbed so they just do what they're told and believe anything the mainstream media puts up.

QLD, 7428 posts
16 May 2010 11:19PM
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theDoctor said...

All you have to do in this modern world to shut people up . or make them look silly is call them - paranoid or a conspiracy theorist , it has worked very well , we have been trained to associate anything controversial, underreported, clandestine or stuff like that with bigfoot sightings, its the same technique as calling those who oppose mass immigration a racist, its all psychological , social approval or social disapproval , follow the herd mentality.

I prefer to make my own mind up about things thanks. You're welcome.

Yes. "Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get me" and equally "Just because I'm a conspiracy theorist doesn't mean there isn't a conspiracy" are valid points of view but they lack authority and are in fact meaningless without good supporting evidence.

Karl Popper made the point (I understand not having read him) that key to the success of Nazi propaganda against Jews was the the proclivity of the herd to disregard "conspiracy theories". I'm sure there are conspiracies that depend on that. In other words it is not sufficient to point to a conspiracy. You really need a good swag of corroboration to lift your finger pointing to the level of a revelation.

In other words you should expect to be slagged off Doc. It's par for the course.

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
16 May 2010 11:20PM
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theDoctor said...

I prefer to make my own mind up about things thanks.

You must go through a long and critical process to evaluate both sides of every argument.

Please list the conspiracy theories that you don't believe in...

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
16 May 2010 11:38PM
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Karl Popper made the point (I understand not having read him) that key to the success of Nazi propaganda against Jews was the the proclivity of the herd to disregard "conspiracy theories".

We studied popper briefly (in philosophy of science so I can't comment on politics). The main element of his thinking was that a theory has weight if it can be falsified by evidence.

In Popper's time, Marxism and Freudian were regarded as scientific theories alongside special relativity. Popper regarded special relativity - which could be proved wrong by a single experimental result - to be scientific, whereas Marxists and Freudian thinking could explain pretty much everything (ie both a result and the opposite result) within their theories - and hence they weren't scientific.

Conspiracy theories work in a similar way. If something that corroborates the theory arises, then it corroborates the theory, but if there is evidence for the opposite, then it is a result of the conspiracy. Hence all evidence supports conspiracies.

QLD, 7428 posts
17 May 2010 12:12AM
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^^^^ Ah so I got it wrong. He was saying the herd is easily swayed by conspiracy theories. The Nazis promulgated stories about the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and stuff like that. That makes more sense.

NSW, 4453 posts
17 May 2010 12:31PM
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sure, banker bankrolled military industrial death machine... but they're just testing ways to better kill people, so scientific research... not actually inflicting harm on its own people.

A nefarious act would be to say blow up a couple buildings and blame it on some cave dwelling camel jokeys with AK47's.

But the other stuff is just business as usual... I mean that's what the military does, train to/kill and develop better ways of killing.

It's irrational to attribute the atmospheric test with things like Morgellons, not that u's have... but it has been connected.

Anyway all's well in the lucky country... the Waratahs made it through and China's our best friend.

BTW: Pay attention @ 1:15

Also notice how they get a proper weather forecast, here we get "Chance or a shower or two, increasing later" WTF does that mean increasing to what two or increasing to 3 or 4... and when is later, after I read this or 5 hours.

I pay too much tax, and I'm not getting value for money.

NSW, 9202 posts
17 May 2010 5:31PM
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Ginger Pom said...

Conspiracy theories work in a similar way. If something that corroborates the theory arises, then it corroborates the theory, but if there is evidence for the opposite, then it is a result of the conspiracy. Hence all evidence supports conspiracies.

theDoctor said...

All you have to do in this modern world to shut people up . or make them look silly is call them - paranoid or a conspiracy theorist , it has worked very well , we have been trained to associate anything controversial, underreported, clandestine or stuff like that with bigfoot sightings, its the same technique as calling those who oppose mass immigration a racist , its all psychological , social approval or social disapproval , follow the herd mentality.


NSW, 5780 posts
17 May 2010 7:35PM
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NSW, 5780 posts
17 May 2010 7:39PM
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ginger pom said...

Select to expand quote

Please list the conspiracy theories that you don't believe in...


NSW, 9202 posts
17 May 2010 7:40PM
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Why go to the hard and expensive trouble of spraying stuff in the air when you can just add it to the water or food supply?

Like Iodine is added to salt, therefore everything you eat?

See Mr Doctor the idea that the govt. or some reptilian aliens are trying to control us through dosing us with chemicals, somehow, as ridiculous as that idea may be (and it is), is at least more believable than chemtrails.

If they are doing it that chemtrails are pretty fn stupid way to do it.

ginger pom
VIC, 1746 posts
17 May 2010 8:45PM
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theDoctor said...

ginger pom said...

Select to expand quote

Please list the conspiracy theories that you don't believe in...


well we agree on one thing then

as to conspiracy theories, humans are bloody difficult to organise. They don't do what they're told, they have ideas, they walk off in the wrong direction, get drunk and blab all their secrets, shag their secretaries, shag hookers and get blackmailed, crash their cars drunk, give exposes to tabloid journalists, fail to read their emails telling them what to say and do, miss meetings, misinterpret everything they read, say stupid things, get angry... and that's before you ask them to keep secret about a new world order.. that's just asking them to do simple stuff.

NSW, 864 posts
17 May 2010 9:42PM
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You've only got to work in any large corporation to see that, pom.

Besides, Copenhagen was when this supposed NWO was going to take over the world wasn't it??? What happened? It was a hot conspiracy topic just a little while ago. Or don't you folks want to talk about that any more Doc?

WA, 14681 posts
17 May 2010 9:13PM
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maxm said...

You've only got to work in any large corporation to see that, pom.

Besides, Copenhagen was when this supposed NWO was going to take over the world wasn't it??? What happened? It was a hot conspiracy topic just a little while ago. Or don't you folks want to talk about that any more Doc?

What are you talking about? Who are you reporting to? I am reporting to the NWO here, and was assuming that everyone else was too!

Damn! They might be good at running a conspiracy, but their marketing and PR divisions just suck.

WA, 6658 posts
17 May 2010 10:51PM
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theDoctor said...

ginger pom said...

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Please list the conspiracy theories that you don't believe in...



Now I am truly confused.

You don't believe in the conspiracy theory christianity.

So you don't believe that there are a bunch of people going around promoting this religion based on the teachings of Jesus, that they have been doing it for nearly 2,000 years, that it has worked its way into almost every aspect of our lives and has had a huge influence on the world, politically, socially and economically and they are still doing it in a systematic and planned way?

But, you do believe there are a bunch of people going around secretly promoting all sorts of other strange things to control the modern world.

Or are you saying you don't belive the ideals and beliefs that Christians have, but accept they exist ?

In which case presumably you also don't believe that these other people have any reason to do what they do, yet you will believe they are doing it anyway, despite your belief they have no reason to do it, gain nothing from it and it serves no purpose ?

You have to beileve in Christianity - either as a true religion or as a conspiracy. How can you deny Christianity ?

If I posted a Utube of some people in church would it convince you that Christianity exists ?? Try doing that Wiki thing yourself, it may change your whole life.

Sorry, I understand now, you don't think Christianity is a conspiracy. Therefore you must think it is a truth. With that God exists, is onmipotent and unquestionable and thus anything that God tells you is true. Did God tell you about Chemtrails ??


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Chemtrails" started by theDoctor