I was sickened by what Chis Judd did last night in the afl game last night, a North Melbourne player lying face down on the turf with a Carlton player on his back whilst Judd grabs the North's guys arm and twists it back to dislocate his shoulder, what an effyn mongrel act. deserves 6 weeks plus a couple of teeth removed
Yeah he's done a few dirty things. Eye gouging, elbowing and now this. Saying that it would be farkin frustrating getting tagged as intensely as he does. Still no excuse...
Yes, I agree Ock. My first reaction was 3-4 weeks.
Juddy is trying to say he was just trying to stop the handball, hold his arm... But I tend to think he was doing another one of his little martial arts moves, and that he had a brain fade...
Didn't see it, but reckon he will get 1 to maybe two weeks going on the described incident. No way will the AFL match review team rub out a major draw card from one of the big four in line with what was/is handed out to players from teams other than the big four.
The Collingwood play who only gets 3 for jaw break, admits on TV he was out to hit him hard but didn't want to inflict that mach damage.
Match review mob score rate this year, minus 8
Take a look at all the hype from any of the media channels each week and its all based around doom and gloom. Hardly any good time stories anymore. Even to the point the media was blathering on how the AFL managed to rub players to a max of 22 weeks after last weekends games
No wonder the NRL are making headway with how the game is promoted. I think same round they lost one player for one week.
I have five girls in my family group. When they start to switch off in regards to how the game is promoted, and the inconsistency of its player rules. The AFL has a problem. One even commented that if the same match review mob lorded over the National Netball comp with the same review approach, half those would be on the sidelines as well
Just saw the replay, not much in it, didn't apply much pressure. Was going thru youtube to find that video of Barry Hall showing the correct way to deal with a tagger and found this.
Pretty AFL poster boy will get a week , two tops , they love him -look at the brownlow votes he attracts.
I'd say as a Carlton supporter he was just trying to help him up.
No, I missed it, is that what all the booing was about whenever Judd had the ball?
I only watched 2 quarters and just when Carlton was comming back there was a string of bad calls, thought " this is bullsiht!" and turned it off. If my teams about to lose I don't like seeing the end.
I know jack sh-t about afl but that was a serious low act hope he gets 8 weeks weak as p-ss Judd the dud
^^^ his team mates should get 2 for not having the heart to stand by there mate...
In league that is all in.. It was a Dirty act.. But very weak back up of your mate on the ground.....
He'll get fark all. If he was on a west aust team he'd get the book thrown at him. Funny how barry hall's hit is good old joke, but any time and eagle or docker has a crack, the afl throws the book at them.
He should be rubbed out for the season and half of next season , no pay !! Go get a real job ,or become a wrestler .
No place for that crap in football .
Given that he purposely injured the other guy, shouldn't he be out until the other guy is playing again?
The few elite athletes I have had personal contact with have had
an underlying aggression in their nature. This of course boils over
when they start their eventual decline with time.
It's a bit like death and taxes,just part of the territory of sport.
are you serious Little John
I would love to see full contact Golf Cycling and Tennis...would beef those sports up a bit!!!!
How good would tennis be if when Roger or Serena "fall" to the floor in celebration their opponent could jump the net and "chicken wing" or "Barry Hall" the sh1t out of em?
It is no wonder you don't watch AFL or Rugby!!!
Here's a recipe for Chris Judd Pies. Chicken Wing Pies.
I think 4 weeks is fair outcome and deserved considering his actions, the guy is a champion player of AFL no doubt and hopefully he can overcome the dark spaces that cause the digressions, but I sorta feel sorry for him as a person. He has shown weaknesses in his character that trips him over the line of normal behaviour but the competitiveness of sport and the managers of sport/ public's expectations should also assume a responsibility for the hyperbowl that puts these players in a position of greatness and delight in the rise and the sometime fall, often resulting in a "shoot the messenger syndrome"
What's the line from Monty Python?, he's not the messiah just a very naughty boy, can ring true whereby society often clasps at celebrity status for all the wrong reasons and forgets we are all sometime victims in the human frailty stakes
2+2 would have also been a good result. 2 weeks off, plus 2 weeks suspended for 12 months, to go with any other brain fades he might have.
Carlton games are more watchable when Judd plays!
He will miss;
R17 - Bulldogs at Docklands
R18 - Tigers at the MCG
R19 - Swans at Docklands
R20 - Lions at Docklands
back for R21 - Bombers at the MCG