Love my beer - but I drink around
After many months without any Coopers in the fridge I bought a case of Greenies last night.
Got the washing done, kids fed, washed and in bed - bride happy with a bit of choccy and a cuppa in front of the box to watch a bit of Oohlympics and eagles v cats - right time for beer
Sssh - pour sniff mmmmm seems strange
Slug- what's going on - really carbonated - really thin tasting - must be just this bottle so try another ( every drinkers motto)
Same again - has anyone else noticed this or has my palate and nose been destroyed by really hoppy aromatic beer over the last few months ( little creatures Pale esp)
Testing to resume in an hour once kids are in bed - please tell me things haven't been altered fellow seabreeze drinkers ESP to the sparkling red - or is this what happens when your infedil
Love coopers to... pale ale or sparkling, if you drink lolly pop beer which i do tooheys extra dry at $38 carton Cooper takes me a couple to get the taste back.
I hate my Coopers shaken ( but will drink it either way and enjoy it ) i like the initial fresh taste and carbonation and enjoy mixing in the sluge as required
I hate it when bar staff dont give you the option
I bought a carton of sparkling that was pretty flat and didn't taste great. Let coopers know and they will fix it for you.
Another area of concern is coopers vintage has now dropped from 375 to 355 ml. They better not do it to all of them
Flick Coopers an email, they are normally pretty quick to address any issues that pop up in their home brew forum.
I reckon Coopers has gone to sh!t.
I bought some and all the guarantees meant nothing. All crap.
80,000 km tread life "guarantee". Bovine excrement.
I reckon buy BFG as the all terrains are basically the same but the shallower tread means.... Oh hang on - the other Coopers.....
a warm flat coopers red/green still tastes better than any of those watery sweet pi55weak 'ice' beers. i have a rule that any beer in clear glass is no good: i'm yet to find a drinkable one....and as to the other sort- i still prefer coopers to bfg- i reckon bfgs chip too quickly on rocky roads
Phone/email Coopers with the batch number, expiring date, and place of purchase.
Excess carbonation can be a problem even for experienced/professional/commercial brewers.
Enjoying a Coopers pale as I type. I had a sparkling once & nearly gagged on a big chunk of sediment! Can't bring myself to drink it again, yet.
As mentioned, prob just a bad batch, let Coopers know & they usually make things good. It shows that the beer isn't plastic crap, it's a living thing!
In the interests of science I did some more research.
Bought two single stubbies from another source - one where I know the staff wouldnt let the stock sit in the sun / warm area - marked them got the bride to select a stubby at random from the fridge and pour without telling me.
Same response - carbonated and really thin tasting - and this was from the Control batch
Either the product has been altered or my senses have moved
I agree Stamp - its still a better beer than most of the standard fare - as for Spocktek's comment re EE - my memories of wrapping EE in wet newspaper and driving up the road with the cans lashed into a modified esky to cool it off before drinking and it still tasted Crap - aah the fun of youth
Now - I still have more research to do - a case of sparkling ale please
Try this Its Good Stuff. Follow link to video its educational.
^^ it's a good spot for a beer, too good sometimes
No turntables though, that's the amp, DVD and digital box, as we still have one of those 100 tonne oldskool televisions. Spent all me dough on beer and windsurfers!