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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Cosmology nerdery

Created by NotWal > 9 months ago, 10 Feb 2013
WA, 15849 posts
15 Feb 2013 12:56PM
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Macroscien said...
OK there is a V-beer (Virtual Beer) for somebody that provide us with solution for that paradox mentioned above !


1. You posted a plan to build time machine

2. Bad guy build machine and back to kill you to keep secret for himself

Question: How could you be saved ?

c'on that is joke and nobody will kill you for wrong answer ....

Can you still drink the beer?

Ian K
WA, 4122 posts
15 Feb 2013 1:04PM
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Macroscien said...
OK there is a V-beer (Virtual Beer) for somebody that provide us with solution for that paradox mentioned above !


1. You posted a plan to build time machine

2. Bad guy build machine and back to kill you to keep secret for himself

Question: How could you be saved ?

c'on that is joke and nobody will kill you for wrong answer ....

I first read this as a VB to solve this paradox. Does the solution involve a truck load of manure?

QLD, 6808 posts
15 Feb 2013 3:15PM
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Ian K said...
. Does the solution involve a truck load of manure?

well that may works for sure
by discouraging you to 1) in first place

QLD, 6808 posts
15 Feb 2013 3:21PM
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doggie said...
Can you still drink the beer?

Sure, once you have Time Machine you could drink ( the same beer) ANYTIME.
Many times over

NSW, 9205 posts
15 Feb 2013 4:29PM
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Macroscien said...
OK there is a V-beer (Virtual Beer) for somebody that provide us with solution for that paradox mentioned above !


1. You posted a plan to build time machine

2. Bad guy build machine and back to kill you to keep secret for himself

Question: How could you be saved ?

c'on that is joke and nobody will kill you for wrong answer ....

Don't post the plan?

...I don't get it.

QLD, 7428 posts
15 Feb 2013 3:33PM
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The Big Bang Conspiracy, or some grounds for disagreement with the Bib Bang standard model:

QLD, 6808 posts
15 Feb 2013 3:43PM
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evlPanda said...
Don't post the plan?

also good... because ...since you didn't post the plans .... machine couldn't be build in few hundred years time... and paradox is avoided in first place....

but we still want to try to resolve paradox rather that avoid... means go through and win...
beat the bad guy[}:)]

NSW, 9205 posts
15 Feb 2013 4:50PM
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The time machine in the plans can only go back so far.


You travel back in time yourself, now there are two of you in the same time period the bad guy is in. Or even more.
Etc., Ad lib a bit. There's heaps you can do now. Heeeeeeaaaaps.

By the way don't thank me all at once for going back in time and killing Joseph Krunsky. Never heard of him? Exactly.

Mark _australia
WA, 22870 posts
15 Feb 2013 2:11PM
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NotWal said...
The Big Bang Conspiracy, or some grounds for disagreement with the Bib Bang standard model:

That is what I am talking about.
No, not just pushing buttons IanK

I firmly believe that lots of contrary theories and some really good observable stuff (experimental data) is discarded as it is unpopular. In no other field of science would that happen.

The problem is the contrary theories can be really really good and the observations / research / data etc likewise but if it goes against big bang and/or expanding universe it is immediately viewed as somebody trying to prove creation is right, god exists, there was no big bang. So it is not viewed objectively by the establishment.
The science can be good but nobody wants to touch it.

QLD, 6808 posts
15 Feb 2013 4:14PM
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evlPanda said...
killing Joseph Krunsky. Never heard of him? Exactly.

may works... but...
killing somebody is not the best advice at anytime...
you will go to jail your time for a long time

Mark _australia
WA, 22870 posts
15 Feb 2013 2:18PM
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Macroscien said...
evlPanda said...
killing Joseph Krunsky. Never heard of him? Exactly.

may works... but...
killing somebody is not the best advice at anytime...
you will go to jail your time for a long time

Not if you killed him before you were born, or after you died.

You need to be a person who "exists" at the time the offence was committed, to be charged with an offence.

QLD, 7428 posts
15 Feb 2013 4:33PM
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Publish the plans on the web so they are widely spread in the public domain.

Ian K
WA, 4122 posts
15 Feb 2013 2:36PM
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Mark _australia said...

I firmly believe that lots of contrary theories and some really good observable stuff (experimental data) is discarded as it is unpopular. In no other field of science would that happen.

Geophysics has one of the best examples of scientists discarding unpopular theories.

lilienthal first noted that continents could jig saw together in 1756.

The scientific establishment did not want to believe it.

It wasn't until 1968 that Oliver was credited with publishing the proof that had continental drift accepted.

It took a while but in the long run science eventually got to the bottom of it.

QLD, 6808 posts
15 Feb 2013 4:41PM
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Mark _australia said...
NotWal said...
The Big Bang Conspiracy, or some grounds for disagreement with the Bib Bang standard model:

That is what I am talking about.
No, not just pushing buttons IanK

I firmly believe that lots of contrary theories and some really good observable stuff (experimental data) is discarded as it is unpopular. In no other field of science would that happen.

The problem is the contrary theories can be really really good and the observations / research / data etc likewise but if it goes against big bang and/or expanding universe it is immediately viewed as somebody trying to prove creation is right, god exists, there was no big bang. So it is not viewed objectively by the establishment.
The science can be good but nobody wants to touch it.

evlPanda said
killing Joseph Krunsky. Never heard of him? Exactly.

may works... but...
killing somebody is not the best advice at anytime...
you will go to jail your time for a long time

Now suppose that Mark above is right and Stephen H is wrong in his prediction and evaporation indeed occurs at lower rate then accumulation for microscopic black objects that could soon swallow CERN with all the ground below ...
Should the Matrix guy arriving to us from the future to save our planet
1. KILL the ....
battery on SH vehicle to prevent him from acting toward future disaster
2. rather try to convince him being wrong in calculation ??

disclaimer... scenario is purely hypothetical ... and I didn't calculated results either way ..since doesn't fit my model anyway....

Mark _australia
WA, 22870 posts
15 Feb 2013 2:45PM
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I like macro's stuff way better than mine.

QLD, 6808 posts
15 Feb 2013 4:47PM
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NotWal said...
Publish the plans on the web so they are widely spread in the public domain.

Good scenario:
1. Bad guy will be back to put the plug of your computer before you managed to publish it...
Bad scenario
2.Bad guy arriving late ... needs to pull the life-plugs on all those who read the web... I am afraid could be done .........toooooo easyyyy .....there is still ony one RED Button to do just so.....

QLD, 6808 posts
15 Feb 2013 4:48PM
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Mark _australia said...
Macroscien said...
evlPanda said...
killing Joseph Krunsky. Never heard of him? Exactly.

may works... but...
killing somebody is not the best advice at anytime...
you will go to jail your time for a long time

Not if you killed him before you were born, or after you died.

You need to be a person who "exists" at the time the offence was committed, to be charged with an offence.

killing is still baaaaad
although governments commonly convincing you otherwise

QLD, 6808 posts
15 Feb 2013 5:16PM
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Macroscien said...
Ian K said...
theory at the highly speculative end of science,

as you know the best theory is worthless unless you have simultaneously concept the experiment to test it in real world....

You know what ? Sometimes I should listen to myself....
I propose following experiment:

I will publish here later tonight my blueprint for the Time Machine.

NOW is the time for THE EXPERIMENT starts !....

We can sit and wait and check if :

1. Bad/ or Good guy will arrive soon to prevent me from doing that


2.I will publish blueprint, bad guy will build machine and then ... a) come to prevent me from publishing the bluprint 2)uplug your life -plugs on those who did read it

or 2a)bad guy come with load of s***t follow IanK above advice- so I will now no publish anymore on SB 2b) I will drink a beer and forget to publish _Doggie 2c) bad guy willl come, dreess like a shark and eat me when windsurfing -Panda 2d)I will hide in other dimension then catch the guy and dump in my pond -Mark 2e) NotWel -bad guy will get the knife to the throat to one Red Button handler tonight ( how many are there this days ? Let me think Obama has one, Putin, next in China and NK king has one, could be much more.... i bet the pope has one too and could use it in revenge for retirement...


3. I will publish blueprint .........


.......nothing happened

..... doesn't work !!!

QLD, 7428 posts
15 Feb 2013 5:34PM
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Mark _australia said...

I firmly believe that lots of contrary theories and some really good observable stuff (experimental data) is discarded as it is unpopular. ...

The science can be good but nobody wants to touch it.

That may be your gut feel but it doesn't appear to be anything more than that.

If you could point to an example of good science being ignored i.e. not just waiting confirmation but ignored, I would be really very surprised.

While there is no denying that the politics of academe may bias attitudes, outright suppression is academic suicide. Contrary ideas breed healthy debate. After the debate is done and dusted there may well be proponents that wont lie down without a stake through the heart but they are most likely wrong. This is not to say that a failed idea can't be modified and resurrected. Then the debate goes around again.

There are lots of ideas and articles that don't get published in peer review journals but continue to thrive on the web and in sensation mongering media. These may pass the first skim read test but when you look into claims you find faults.

In short, I don't share your disquiet. There aint no conspiracy. Good science will out.

WA, 15849 posts
15 Feb 2013 3:38PM
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Macroscien said...
Macroscien said...
Ian K said...
theory at the highly speculative end of science,

as you know the best theory is worthless unless you have simultaneously concept the experiment to test it in real world....

You know what ? Sometimes I should listen to myself....
I propose following experiment:

I will publish here later tonight my blueprint for the Time Machine.

NOW is the time for THE EXPERIMENT starts !....

We can sit and wait and check if :

1. Bad/ or Good guy will arrive soon to prevent me from doing that


2.I will publish blueprint, bad guy will build machine and then ... a) come to prevent me from publishing the bluprint 2)uplug your life -plugs on those who did read it

or 2a)bad guy come with load of s***t follow IanK above advice- so I will now no publish anymore on SB 2b) I will drink a beer and forget to publish _Doggie 2c) bad guy willl come, dreess like a shark and eat me when windsurfing -Panda 2d)I will hide in other dimension then catch the guy and dump in my pond -Mark


3. I will publish blueprint .........


.......nothing happened

..... doesn't work !!!

But I gave 5c, where is my 3c change? Macro, hey Macro ...........

QLD, 7428 posts
15 Feb 2013 5:41PM
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Macroscien said...
NotWal said...
Publish the plans on the web so they are widely spread in the public domain.

Good scenario:
1. Bad guy will be back to put the plug of your computer before you managed to publish it...
Bad scenario
2.Bad guy arriving late ... needs to pull the life-plugs on all those who read the web... I am afraid could be done .........toooooo easyyyy .....there is still ony one RED Button to do just so.....

1 can't happen. Bad guy only sees plans because they are published on the web.
2 would be very dangerous for bad guy. He could destroy his ancestor so he wouldn't do it.

QLD, 6808 posts
15 Feb 2013 7:49PM
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Don't worry, I am still fine

that must me pure coincidence
or very bad aiming at that distance

QLD, 7428 posts
15 Feb 2013 9:21PM
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Meteor shower? As if...
I smell CIA

QLD, 6808 posts
15 Feb 2013 10:05PM
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Lady s and Gentlemen.

Now is the time to answer to morning riddle.

Macroscien said...
OK there is a V-beer (Virtual Beer) for somebody that provide us with solution for that paradox mentioned above !


1. You posted a plan to build time machine

2. Bad guy build machine and back to kill you to keep secret for himself

Question: How could you be saved ?

c'on that is joke and nobody will kill you for wrong answer ....

The correct answer is:
Usually if they are sending a Bad guy to steal you secret plans for time machine, there is always somebody else sending a Good guy same time to take care of bad guy. So there is not really your problem, neither there is much you could do about that...

As we can see bad guy has been taken care off efficiently by a Good Guy.

Now to the meteorite hunters. If you found by a chance near meteorite landing site strange looking wrist watch, better check first what time is showing now, before trying to temper or repair it.
Let me guess. Is it 15-Feb-2412 ? ?? OK now watch is yours , just don't press this button on the side.
It will takes you back to 25 century.

VIC, 851 posts
15 Feb 2013 11:19PM
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The limitation of a time machine is that you have to set up the arrival point so you can't go back to a time before you invented the time machine arrival point. Therefore the bad guy can't get you beforehand.

Too easy. Next. ; )

QLD, 6808 posts
15 Feb 2013 10:40PM
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Cambodge said...
The limitation of a time machine is that you have to set up the arrival point so you can't go back to a time before you invented the time machine arrival point. Therefore the bad guy can't get you beforehand.

Too easy. Next. ; )

I am afraid that good machine could take you to the beginning of the Universe and the Time itself.
Or even further...

Mark _australia
WA, 22870 posts
15 Feb 2013 8:42PM
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NotWal said...
Mark _australia said...

I firmly believe that lots of contrary theories and some really good observable stuff (experimental data) is discarded as it is unpopular. ...

The science can be good but nobody wants to touch it.

That may be your gut feel but it doesn't appear to be anything more than that.

If you could point to an example of good science being ignored i.e. not just waiting confirmation but ignored, I would be really very surprised.

In short, I don't share your disquiet. There aint no conspiracy. Good science will out.

It is not a case of deliberate suppression or lack of interest. It is a simple fact that science has been over-run by business and politics.

All the below examples were published, either completely self-evident (like the observable phenomena) or were properly conducted research. The problem is the only place they were published was a very minor journal, or in a creation science forum (stay with me here, I'm not going all god-botherer...)
Simply because of that fact, when the author says "i found this and it is contrary to accepted belief but we need more research..." that further research never happens as he will NOT get grant funding and no employee of a major tertiary institution would get approval to use all the time and resources of their employer for that purpose as it is perceived as loony creation science no matter how good it is of who initiated it. So the good research is never furthered.


- stalactites forming to about a foot long in 200yrs or less

- Fossilisation of leather boots and hats in similar time frames

- fossilised trees standing upright through a LOT of sedimentary layers that should be thousands of years old (rapidly deposited is the obvious inference)

- Slowing of speed of light (which also fits with earlier postulated reasons for red-shift before popular science got hold of the expanding universe theory and made it "fact"). There is some really good stuff about red-shift and the later (@2004) slowing of c observations fitted well

The first 3 are observed. The latter was good science and needs further investigation (33 of the biggest names agreed in that letter to the journals!!! That says something)

Saying (basically) "we saw red-shift so the universe MUST be expanding so therefore it IS.... so now, hey we have to create dark matter else the densities are all wrong" ... is not observed, it is a theory. But the former 3 observable phenomena are ignored. Now, really ..... which sounds better. "I think.." or "I fkn saw it, it is indisputable and here is the pics, wanna see it for yourself..?"

Another example is all the galaxies spin, so the "mass" (whatever it was) was also spinning before it blew up (or rapidly expanded). That is in all the text books but violates the conservation of angular momentum as some galaxies spin the wrong way. It is still described as an "infinitely dense spinning mass that exploded" in all the highschool books even though it is plainly wrong. It is hard for uni people to escape that indoctrination and exercise independent thought because it is inside them as much as ABC or 123.

NSW, 9205 posts
16 Feb 2013 12:08AM
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Mark _australia said...
The problem is the contrary theories can be really really good and the observations / research / data etc likewise but if it goes against big bang and/or expanding universe it is immediately viewed as somebody trying to prove creation is right, god exists, there was no big bang. So it is not viewed objectively by the establishment.
The science can be good but nobody wants to touch it.

Dude, we all smelt bible pages ago.

Mark _australia
WA, 22870 posts
15 Feb 2013 9:13PM
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^^^ and thereby you prove my argument.

Doesn't matter how good the science, people are anti straight away - or if they believe it are too scared to say so in case they get labelled.

BTW I am not a creationist. I just think that it is fkd some stuff gets ignored by people who claim to be "scientists" or "thinkers" and if you have a bias you are not either.

NSW, 9205 posts
16 Feb 2013 12:18AM
Thumbs Up

Macroscien said...
NotWal said...
Publish the plans on the web so they are widely spread in the public domain.

Good scenario:
1. Bad guy will be back to put the plug of your computer before you managed to publish it...
Bad scenario
2.Bad guy arriving late ... needs to pull the life-plugs on all those who read the web... I am afraid could be done .........toooooo easyyyy .....there is still ony one RED Button to do just so.....

You've missed my point #2.

On Monday an army of evlPandas, a million or so strong, kill the bad guy.
On Tuesday I travel back to Monday
On Wednesday the Tuesday evlPanda that travelled back to Monday ...travels back to Monday.
On Thursday the Wednesday evlPanda that travelled back to Monday ...travels back to Monday.

And so on. Until there are a million or more of me on Monday (you could do this every second instead of every day).
No need for a good guy from the future in day-to-day time travel.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Cosmology nerdery" started by NotWal