NotWal said...Mark _australia said...
I firmly believe that lots of contrary theories and some really good observable stuff (experimental data) is discarded as it is unpopular. ...
The science can be good but nobody wants to touch it.
That may be your gut feel but it doesn't appear to be anything more than that.
If you could point to an example of
good science being ignored i.e. not just waiting confirmation but
ignored, I would be really very surprised.
In short, I don't share your disquiet. There aint no conspiracy. Good science will out.
It is not a case of deliberate suppression or lack of interest. It is a simple fact that science has been over-run by business and politics.
All the below examples were published, either completely self-evident (like the observable phenomena) or were properly conducted research. The problem is the only place they were published was a very minor journal, or in a creation science forum (stay with me here, I'm not going all god-botherer...)
Simply because of that fact, when the author says "i found this and it is contrary to accepted belief but we need more research..." that further research never happens as he will NOT get grant funding and no employee of a major tertiary institution would get approval to use all the time and resources of their employer for that purpose as it is perceived as loony creation science no matter how good it is of who initiated it. So the good research is never furthered.
- stalactites forming to about a foot long in 200yrs or less
- Fossilisation of leather boots and hats in similar time frames
- fossilised trees standing upright through a LOT of sedimentary layers that should be thousands of years old (rapidly deposited is the obvious inference)
- Slowing of speed of light (which also fits with earlier postulated reasons for red-shift before popular science got hold of the expanding universe theory and made it "fact"). There is some really good stuff about red-shift and the later (@2004) slowing of c observations fitted well
The first 3 are observed. The latter was good science and needs further investigation (33 of the biggest names agreed in that letter to the journals!!! That says something)
Saying (basically) "we saw red-shift so the universe MUST be expanding so therefore it IS.... so now, hey we have to create dark matter else the densities are all wrong" ... is not observed, it is a theory. But the former 3 observable phenomena are ignored.

Now, really ..... which sounds better. "I think.." or "I fkn saw it, it is indisputable and here is the pics, wanna see it for yourself..?"
Another example is all the galaxies spin, so the "mass" (whatever it was) was also spinning before it blew up (or rapidly expanded). That is in all the text books but violates the conservation of angular momentum as some galaxies spin the wrong way. It is still described as an "infinitely dense spinning mass that exploded" in all the highschool books even though it is plainly wrong. It is hard for uni people to escape that indoctrination and exercise independent thought because it is inside them as much as ABC or 123.