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Costa Concordia

Created by Simondo > 9 months ago, 17 Jan 2012
VIC, 8020 posts
17 Jan 2012 9:46PM
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I lay awake enduring sleepless nights thinking of the horrors of those on the Costa Concordia - hell, so akin to the Titanic what with its pleasant water temperature and land not 200 metres away - I bet James Cameron is already penning the script of the absolute horrors endured by the passengers and crew as we speak. I reckon the movie will end with Leo just getting up and walking the f&@k into town. Not a dry eye in the house.

(Disclaimer - I stole this from a mate on Facebook!)
(2nd Disclaimer - condolences to those who actually did suffer)

SA, 2865 posts
17 Jan 2012 10:12PM
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A modern ship with state of the art technology and still human errors occur.... just be be thankful it was a ship rather than a Nuclear Power Plant in your local neighbourhood.

WA, 15849 posts
18 Jan 2012 12:41PM
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Gizmo said...

A modern ship with state of the art technology and still human errors occur.... just be be thankful it was a ship rather than a Nuclear Power Plant in your local neighbourhood.

Wouldnt they have an echo sounder

QLD, 4873 posts
18 Jan 2012 3:41PM
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doggie said...

Wouldnt they have an echo sounder

They would have until it was ripped off the side of the ship by a big rock.

VIC, 411 posts
18 Jan 2012 4:48PM
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Gizmo said...

A modern ship with state of the art technology and still human errors occur.... just be be thankful it was a ship rather than a Nuclear Power Plant in your local neighbourhood.

Damn, your telling me there's a nuclear powerplant in my local neighbourhood,
And I didn't even know about it ?,
You cant trust them pollies

WA, 7673 posts
18 Jan 2012 1:55PM
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^^^ lucky you weren't there, because you cantswm4sht

WA, 2331 posts
18 Jan 2012 5:49PM
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without wanting to take away from the terror of being in a ship that collided with reef and nearly capsised ...
... I looked at the photo's and thought to myself, "if only it had tipped another 1 degree everyone could have just stepped off the funnel onto the land next door".

What the hell was it doing that close to the island, even blind freddie could have seen it was about to run aground

NSW, 123 posts
18 Jan 2012 9:26PM
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that's the phone call between the port captancy and the idiotic captain of the ship, while the captain was fleeing, leaving the passengers alone in the sinkin ship.. (with subs in english )...

NSW, 2005 posts
18 Jan 2012 10:06PM
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Did the passengers leave the ship thinking it was sinking?
Otherwise it looks quite safe (for now) on top of it...

QLD, 1535 posts
18 Jan 2012 9:59PM
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I reccon there was a bloke rock fishing, cast out, got onto a big one, reeled it in, then got snagged.....

NSW, 123 posts
18 Jan 2012 11:01PM
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pierrec45 said...

Did the passengers leave the ship thinking it was sinking?
Otherwise it looks quite safe (for now) on top of it...

well, 6 people died, so I guess that the hint of what was happening was in the air..

6657 posts
18 Jan 2012 8:22PM
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Captain is going to get the full 12 years under Italian maritime law for abandoning ship (deserved too imo). cruise company already has 70 lawsuits filed against it too.More deceased folks recovered today - appalling really.

QLD, 1326 posts
19 Jan 2012 2:19PM
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grumplestiltskin said...

without wanting to take away from the terror of being in a ship that collided with reef and nearly capsised ...
... I looked at the photo's and thought to myself, "if only it had tipped another 1 degree everyone could have just stepped off the funnel onto the land next door".

What the hell was it doing that close to the island, even blind freddie could have seen it was about to run aground

Actually it hit further out. Once it became apparent it was sinking the captain apparently came in close to shore to effectively ground it. I heard he dropped the anchor and was going to swing it's stern close to shore, but it listed and sank too quickly.

Apparently it has actually sailed closer than the rock it hit previously. It must have been a pinnacle that they missed previously due to blind luck. What a comlplete failure of basic safety.....Captain couragous is faaaarked.....

SA, 956 posts
19 Jan 2012 3:11PM
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dont worry too much......they will weld it up, pump it out , and refurbish it all for the live sheep trade out of Aussie....."Comming to a Port Near You SOON"[}:)]

NSW, 9205 posts
19 Jan 2012 4:13PM
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Simondo said...

I lay awake enduring sleepless nights thinking of the horrors of those on the Costa Concordia - hell, so akin to the Titanic what with its pleasant water temperature and land not 200 metres away - I bet James Cameron is already penning the script of the absolute horrors endured by the passengers and crew as we speak. I reckon the movie will end with Leo just getting up and walking the f&@k into town. Not a dry eye in the house.

(Disclaimer - I stole this from a mate on Facebook!)
(2nd Disclaimer - condolences to those who actually did suffer)

What happens is that as the ship capsizes the structure bends a bit, and you can no longer open your cabin door.

WA, 344 posts
19 Jan 2012 1:24PM
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evlPanda said...

Simondo said...

I lay awake enduring sleepless nights thinking of the horrors of those on the Costa Concordia - hell, so akin to the Titanic what with its pleasant water temperature and land not 200 metres away - I bet James Cameron is already penning the script of the absolute horrors endured by the passengers and crew as we speak. I reckon the movie will end with Leo just getting up and walking the f&@k into town. Not a dry eye in the house.

(Disclaimer - I stole this from a mate on Facebook!)
(2nd Disclaimer - condolences to those who actually did suffer)

What happens is that as the ship capsizes the structure bends a bit, and you can no longer open your cabin door.

Take it one step further, imagine the room you are in now and tip it on it's side and figure out if you could get to the door. Am in my office and door would be 4m above my head and not a handhold in sight. Throw in some debris like furniture etc that could have injured yourself or block egress and you start to see how amazing it is that the death toll is so low.

WA, 15849 posts
19 Jan 2012 1:46PM
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gibberjoe said...

dont worry too much......they will weld it up, pump it out , and refurbish it all for the live sheep trade out of Aussie....."Comming to a Port Near You SOON"[}:)]

Wouldnt the air bag it then dry dock it?

SA, 956 posts
19 Jan 2012 4:54PM
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Solved by Doggie......... who is of course a relation of "The RED Dog"

WA, 1675 posts
19 Jan 2012 3:05PM
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wow that phone call vid doesn't do much for the skippers reputation but I suppose he thought he was being proactive. I heard the skippers on the lifeboats had no idea so I guess he thought he would go help. total balls up and lives have been lost because of incompetence.

6657 posts
19 Jan 2012 3:16PM
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Apparently the Concordia's Bean Counter (accountant) was a hero , saved folks and marshalled like that skipper should have but didn't

WA, 6913 posts
19 Jan 2012 3:48PM
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doggie said...

gibberjoe said...

dont worry too much......they will weld it up, pump it out , and refurbish it all for the live sheep trade out of Aussie....."Comming to a Port Near You SOON"[}:)]

Wouldnt the air bag it then dry dock it?

Pin pong balls.

poor relative
WA, 9091 posts
20 Jan 2012 8:41AM
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Wife - "can i drive?"

Husband - "No I'm fine"

Wife - "oh please let me. I really want to!"

Husband - "No"

Wife - " I tell you what, if you let me drive, just for a bit, when we get home i'll give you a blow job"

Husband - "really?"

Wife - "Promise"

Husband - "oh go on then"

....and that your honor is the final entry in the black box on the Costa Concordia.

VIC, 8020 posts
20 Jan 2012 1:47PM
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High side cabins would have had the doors now on the floor. Low side cabins would need to climb up to the door. But cabins are small, and with a quick shuffle of beds and furniture, it would be easy enough to get to the door, provided you could also open it. But the ship must have been at 20 degrees at some point... I imagine it would have slowly gone over, and that is probably why so many people got out with probably only minor hassles...

Those cabin doors are pretty light. They would be easy to kick open, provided you could get into the right position... I think most people would have escaped with the ship at 10-25 degrees tilt. Which would have been easy enough. Like a drunken walk down a hallway!

WA, 250 posts
20 Jan 2012 7:26PM
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will the local kiters use it as a rail?

WA, 514 posts
20 Jan 2012 7:43PM
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I heard that all the cabins had electronic swipe cards for entry and once the ship lost power the doors could not be opened. So anyone still in their cabins were locked in. If that is the case that has to be one of the worst ideas of all time. Surely if the ship loses power the cabins should automatically unlock as you would think the only time a modern ship loses power is when something has gone wrong and people need to be getting themselves on deck ready to board a liferaft. Just my thoughts anyway.

QLD, 4873 posts
20 Jan 2012 11:36PM
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As crazy as this might sound, I heard the water in the lido deck pool fell out.

1229 posts
22 Jan 2012 11:54AM
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Winston Churchill was asked in 1947 why he was taking a cruise on an Italian ship
He replied because the food is first class the service is first class and they dont have that idea of women and children first !
I just love some of Winstons one liners !

QLD, 2246 posts
22 Jan 2012 9:24PM
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poor relative said...

Wife - "can i drive?"

Husband - "No I'm fine"

Wife - "oh please let me. I really want to!"

Husband - "No"

Wife - " I tell you what, if you let me drive, just for a bit, when we get home i'll give you a blow job"

Husband - "really?"

Wife - "Promise"

Husband - "oh go on then"

....and that your honor is the final entry in the black box on the Costa Concordia.

Replace "Wife" with first officer and you might be close PR


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Costa Concordia" started by Simondo