Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...


Created by mytchook > 9 months ago, 22 Mar 2008
QLD, 561 posts
22 Mar 2008 11:13PM
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This is just something I stumbled across whilst waiting for the kids to go to sleep before putting out their Easter Eggs.

Happy Easter everyone!!!!

TAS, 2213 posts
23 Mar 2008 9:58AM
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Everyone to their own thing. Weird o's.

VIC, 5000 posts
23 Mar 2008 4:50PM
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mytchook said...

This is just something I stumbled across whilst waiting for the kids to go to sleep before putting out their Easter Eggs.

Are you the easter bunny???

Otherwise, some explaining needs to be done!

QLD, 561 posts
23 Mar 2008 6:09PM
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Well being a chook I have a better chance of producing those eggs!!

Was awoken this morning by my 4 year old at 5am telling me that there was chocolate on the table, I told him not to tell fibs and then he said that the Easter Bunny has been. He was very excited. My 18 month old and my 4 year old both had a gut full of chocolate before 6am.

I am now exhausted after running around chasing after 2 very hyperactive children!!!

Damn Easter Bunny!!!

Needs to be caught and turned into soup!!!


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Costumes" started by mytchook