But why doesn't he step down, guilty or not guilty his Union and Political Career is screwed. So why doesn't he step out of the light?
i think the part I find hard to believe in the whole government sector is how little accountability there is. If anyone in the private sector so much as misused their credit card on a minor level, there is a disciplinary hearing. They don't get forced to pay it back, they get their asses fired. The whole idea that there is little understanding on what they can't use it for is bull. People know that they can't use a credit card for personal things. It isn't your own private stash of money. Any idiot would know that (apparently being in government qualifies you to be dumber than an idiot) and yet, there is a simple "pay it back when you get caught and nothing happens" out.
I'd like to see a government where people are accountable for their promises and they are measured based on them. Its all fine and well for someone to make promises and then get voted in and do nothing for 4 years (or wait until the final year before they make it look like they are doing something). Why shouldn't they have a job contract like any CEO would have, and get fired when they don't meet their deliverables within a reason timeframe, not 4 years.
The other issue I have is how people with no experience in a particular industry get put in positions where they have no qualifications or skills. Mr X gets pushed into the minister of transport position. What experience does he have with transport? Absolutely zero other than having caught public transport. Is he qualified to make decisions on the inner runnings of public transport? Nope, but apparently he has advisors who tell him what to do. WTF? Just put the advisors in the position and make sure the person doing the job actually understands what they are doing. No corporate would ever put some random in charge of their company who has no industry experience.
Rant over
It's even worse than that.
If for instance, a business proprietor who has run his own business for donkeys years and has done a really good job of it, is made a minister for small business say, he is then thrown out of the job because of a perceived 'conflict of interest'.
That pretty much guarantees that the person awarded that job has never had any experience in the job he is given and is therefore probably going to be hopeless at it.
No wonder the government stuffs up nearly everything it does.
And to keep it relevant to the topic, I think it would be a good idea for Craig to be given the job of looking after the sex industry but he's now never likely to be given that job because of a conflict of interest.
The Plot, my friends, continues to thicken nicely...
Someone else has come forward from the HSU alleging false allegations by VP of Fair Work Australia:
And here is a very interesting read about the other side of the story:
Kiteboy Dave
Your labour hereos have extended the possible deficit spending to
300 billion in another brilliant piece of legislation.
So next year they will fudge a 1 billion surplus, morons like you
will then re-elect them. it will take 300 years to
pay off the countries debt.
Have you got great grandchildren?
Quick, whats in it for me!
Nothing they have done secures australia's future.
You're calling me a moron? You can't spell H-E-R-O, your name's "Boofta", and you think you're better at economics than actual economists.
Now how about you try to play the ball not the man, if you've got something to add about Craig Thompson or Parliament come out with it, otherwise back in your hole mate.
Spot on Safer, the whole system is a joke, and will always be a joke on all sides of politics until Running a country is treated and run like any other business.
The amount of money wasted with retards running the show makes me
Interesting developments on Today Tonight......Tonight. The 60 grand hooker now says she didn't shag Thomson......It was a case of mistaken identity. WTF!!
A clear case of thinking "I can make 60k instantly, all i have to do is prostitute myself to the australian media, which can't be much worse that what I already do."
Then she found out it's much, much worse.
Maybe Craig Thomson's alter-ego (Craig Thompson) got these guys to knock up his cred card?
Sounds good!! Check out this series of articles. The Author has posted 8 updates on the whole sordid mess....fascinating. independentaustralia.net/politics/politics-display/thomson-8-the-hsu-family,4170
So Jacksons a crook too, are you really surprised? There will be alot of unions craping their daks right now.
Er, in case you didn't realise the whole of the NSW ALP is rotten to the core.
Bob Carr ensured that any dissenting voices were removed in 1996, what we are seeing now is a crack of light into the heart of darkness.
Google a few of these Aussie champs
and sitting nicely in government are Carr and Albanese.
It's a bit embarassing as I have Indian friends and they reckon Oz is just as corrupt as Indian, and they're not wrong.
Back to the original topic - I'm curious now - the guy's supposed to have spent thousands of dollars on brothel services and not a single witness has come forward to the media. From an industry not exactly known for taking the high moral ground??? I think most people would have some memory of someone throwing cash around like this.
^^^ also according to the 8 part story linked above, I haven't been thru it all but one thing I saw was that apparently that's the bank copy of the slip.
Meaning if it was real he would have never actually been charged that money.
(A bank will never process any other copy. And they won't keep/hand out processed copies either.)
[edit - look really close at the right hand side]