there's some cool vids of crap circles on youtube.
And what do all of them have in common? 8-200 pages of comments about God.
So stop giving aliens credit for Gods work.
If the aliens come here they should learn to speak English, or they're not welcome. We don't need that crop circle jibberish.
And if the circles are for the dolphins then the aliens are even stupider than one could possibly imagine.
And if they travel all that way, talk to us telepathically, walk through walls, have obviously advanced technology, etc. etc. why do they still persist in anal examinations?
Has anyone considered that it could be Ming the Merciless from Flash Gordon?
I have never given it much thought but if you were so inclined it would not take terribly much work if you know a little about mechanics and programming to modify a harvester that could cut the most intricate patterns with zero human effort other than some smart work with a computer and gps.
As to the things like the lines in Mexico, with the little I know about unexplained stuff like that, and there is purportedly stuff in the pyramids that is also not fully explained, if I was alive and it was proved to be caused by some intergalactic travel, I would not be suprised. It is very, very big out there and almost incomprehsibly complex.
What I can understand is that any life form that has developed sufficiently to do such stuff has developed well beyond the comprehension of the majority in our planet. And it is likely that they don't want to visit because they left our approach behind so long ago that they no longer have the weapons or the will to fight.
@ Doc.
So if they wernt man made, how did what ever made them, make them?
I have read plenty on the subject and would like to know your theory on them.
I am convinced that they are man made but, like aliens, we cant say they exist but cant say they do either.
I always thought that it was strange that alot of them happened near stonehenge.
What are your thoughts?
i believe crop-circles are man made.
by a bloke in a suit pressing a switch to turn on haarp or some other hi-tech device.
come on Doc,what is the cause,spell it out.
the crops are not cut, they are not even 'pushed' over, they are heated on one side of the stalk/stem gently forcing the plant to lay over on one side. the stems are interwoven with each other, kind of like a hair plat pattern not just layed flat.
the plants are not damaged at all, and there are reports of increased yeilds in areas of crop circle activity.
they are exact to within inches, some 800ft circles and complex geometric paterns exact to within inches, and thats only because we can not measure them more exactly.
the symbols on many examples have been discovered to represent formulae, algorithm and molecular structure. symbols are used as a universal communication device.
there have been many eyewitness' to the circles forming and one case i know of where the circle (pattern) formed around them while they were unawares.
this is defineately not haarp
they are not just limited to crops in the uk
there have been many examples recorded in australia (quite a few around the area of canberra)
if intelligent life were to contact us, would they turn up to the local shopping mall and present themselves to the juvenile deadheads we regard as our future?, how about the military, maybe they would like to compare guns and torture techniques?, would they book a tv special in corporate controlled media with our sycophantic, pathetic disgusting politicians as the leading examples of humanity....? (anyone watch Q&A on abc last night, graham richardson is a down low and disgusting human being)
or, would they place amazingly intricate, detailed and exact symbols of communication out in the open for all to see, and watch for someone smart enough enlightened enough and worthy to acknowledge and understand them for what they are and wait for the rest of us catch up.
yeah you got me doggie, it really is just twenty of your mates with a gps and couple of fence pailings tied to some rope, out in the fields at night after a couple of six packs.
here are some more examples of your mates work... boy are they ever so clever..
It's a giant dot matrix printer. And the printer runs on tracks of the same gauge as the harvester. Are there any large examples done on a clean canvas?
You want to believe Doc regardless.
You remind me of an evangelist - their whole life shaped by their passion that their beliefs are absolute - spurred on by the nay sayers
You should take a step back, create some balance.
Their are perhaps some arguments that are for crop circles being of unknown origin, however there is another train of thought that says its hoax.
Until their is an official standard developed for determining the nature of crop circles its always going to be an unknown.
So, do you believe in god Doc?