Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Cyclone iggy

Created by Razzonater > 9 months ago, 28 Jan 2012
2224 posts
28 Jan 2012 4:13AM
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I am concerned about cyclone Iggy as it has the potential to feed of the front coming on Tuesday through the south coast Its possible recurve could place iggy back on the coast as far south As geraldton with A high chance of Perth receiving strong winds by Next Friday This is a very very strange Weather pattern for this time of year as was the 3.6 meter swell which came Tuesday . this is the year of galactic alignment creating more free surface effect on earths water and gravity. Unfortunately this slow wobble which we are experiencing due to our cosmic journey to the centre of our milky way will result In more frequent storms higher rainfall flooding and electrical storms the likes of which have not been seen for many generations this is not the ranting of a lunatic(person known to go crazy on full moon or moonth a month being a cycle Of the moon)this has been written by a same man who has serious concerns about our modern lack of knowledge about the stars and the planet earths journey through this galaxy I am not pushing religion or conspiracy theory . We are socially programmed from a young age to believe what is presented as a plausible theory or scientific fact If we take the ice
Age for instance which apparently went for anywhere from 5 to 10 thousand years is there not the slight possibility we may have driven the earth through space using the magnetic polarity of the moons orbit between us and the moon this possibility of leaving one star and traveling to another magnetically could be the closest thing to perpetual motion as people get. I find it amusing to entertain the idea that this is the only star we have orbited around .flying a planet through space would be reallatively basic In theory to do .Something as simple as storing iron ore underwater creates current through electrolysis which in turn is creating a giant electromagnet . Electrolysis or rust between dissimiliar metals can create a large amount of gas and carbons I can guarantee you that the business of storing iron ore in vast quantities in china Japan Korea etc has been of major contribution to carbon levels world wide global warming due to they used electricity created In the iron ore pickling process but i suppose when you area superpower with a large percentage of the worlds population one of the oldest calenders and pass down the knowledge acquired to fly a planet of its axis by allowing ice to melt create a wobble( free surface affect) while shifting the earth of its axis by creating a giant electromagnet to travel through space to find a new star to call home These possibilities may sound ridiculous but Greenland wasn't called Greenland cause it was frozen and in all early history across all cultures the stars were the first map ever understood by humans and quite possibly the creatures that we have become thank you for reading this far I hope you have found it interesting for further reading I suggest looking into the north star Polaris and the southern star Sirius apparently up used to be down and down was up
greatest cellestiel

QLD, 679 posts
28 Jan 2012 7:04AM
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You and PM33 need to get a room,
lock the door,
throw away the key!

WA, 14637 posts
28 Jan 2012 5:16AM
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I wanted to flag this as inappropriate, but there doesn't seem to be a flag for crazy.

2224 posts
28 Jan 2012 6:39AM
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Absolutely crazy so was Albert Einstein and yet however absurd it sounds you still read it and also felt compelled to reply so the very fact it was commented on null and voids your opinion of craziness The fact of the matter is its crazy because it's unbelievable but not impossible but thank you for your negative comments next thing I'll be saying aliens used pyramids as the equivent of channel markers to guide their ship back to earth depending which planet they were flying back to earth from .I suppose I should of just said we've thrown the earth of its axis and there's a high chance of drifting off orbit into space but hey at least well get an ice age and oxygen will freeze Into the oceans so we can have an atmosphere on the next sun yours sincey from the crazy guy who studied geophysics and cellestial navigation for 10 years

NSW, 5780 posts
28 Jan 2012 10:36AM
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Did you see that crow that started a fight between two cats...?

WA, 14637 posts
28 Jan 2012 7:52AM
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Razzonater said...

Absolutely crazy so was Albert Einstein and yet however absurd it sounds you still read it and also felt compelled to reply so the very fact it was commented on null and voids your opinion of craziness The fact of the matter is its crazy because it's unbelievable but not impossible but thank you for your negative comments next thing I'll be saying aliens used pyramids as the equivent of channel markers to guide their ship back to earth depending which planet they were flying back to earth from .I suppose I should of just said we've thrown the earth of its axis and there's a high chance of drifting off orbit into space but hey at least well get an ice age and oxygen will freeze Into the oceans so we can have an atmosphere on the next sun yours sincey from the crazy guy who studied geophysics and cellestial navigation for 10 years

Okay, I will bite. How have you studied 'cellestial navigation' for 10 years? Are there university degrees in this? Is there a college for cellestial navigation?

Albert Einstein was definitely not crazy. He could back up his theories with decent argument. He even wrote stuff down without pronouncing off-the-wall ideas out of the blue.

Me, I just read this because I am intrigued by some things, but your lack of punctuation and paragraphs made me read the first half of it and then scan the rest of it.

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
28 Jan 2012 8:06AM
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You made my eyes hurt

NSW, 4453 posts
28 Jan 2012 11:31AM
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What about the rabbit eating a banana?

Wait...Razzonater... is that you Peter???

WA, 1305 posts
28 Jan 2012 8:37AM
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To my dismay , I thought this thread had some relevence


king of the point
WA, 1836 posts
28 Jan 2012 9:35AM
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Geraldton 44c yesterday 48c 40km inland


With all the HUGE size of fires up in the north west and lower pilbra extending down Nw coastal hwy what effect will this have on a cycolne ??????? and to what degree ?????? Weather heads

May be it will go POP

sORRY IGGY POP ......remender him in an interview with molly meldrum off his dial on count down

WA, 319 posts
28 Jan 2012 9:44AM
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poor relative said...

You made my eyes hurt

A 200 word sentence is a solid effort

They should print stuff like this on bog roll, good for a laugh on the can and then...

WA, 26 posts
28 Jan 2012 10:41AM
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"when you area superpower with a large percentage of the worlds population one of the oldest calenders and pass down the knowledge acquired to fly a planet of its axis by allowing ice to melt create a wobble( free surface affect) while shifting the earth of its axis by creating a giant electromagnet to travel through space to find a new star to call home"

Are you trying to say that China is currently intentionally trying to fly our planet out of our solar system?
I'm sorry but you do realise that we need to be a certain distance from the sun to maintain life on this planet?

All of your arguements are terrible and I'm not going to bother trying to shut them down but even if your theory was possible (which it's not), the amount of time it would take to shift our planet to another solar system would far exceed that of the 100,000 years the last ice age lasted for, which you seem to think coincides with our "space travel".

Not to mention there not being any life forms left when we arrived.

NSW, 5780 posts
28 Jan 2012 3:25PM
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this has been going on for quite a bit

some people freakout, some people think its a viral marketing for a cloverfield type movie,

whether you buy into the endtimes hebby gebby or not (i personally don't)...,

the times they are a changing

and the 'date' is more a mid point reference along the time scale of change.... don't you know anything...? bloody hippies gotta stop drinking your tye dye

this cyclone looks like it could smack into onslow @ cat 4

maybe the north west haarp doesn't work afterall... (or maye it does)

QLD, 2246 posts
28 Jan 2012 4:42PM
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^^^^^^^^^^^ who ya gunna call.........

WA, 7671 posts
28 Jan 2012 3:16PM
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Razzonater said...

blah blah blah geophysics blah blah blah

And what was that about then?

VIC, 1299 posts
28 Jan 2012 6:44PM
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I am with you pugwash, read it a couple of times and none the wiser what was it about?, is razzonnator a kite surfer by chance?

6657 posts
28 Jan 2012 3:54PM
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>>>> Holy Bags of Dungeon Weed Batman!<<<<

131 posts
28 Jan 2012 8:42PM
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Razzonater said...

I am concerned about cyclone Iggy blah blah blah blah galactic alignment blah blah blah cosmic journey blah blah blah electrical blah blah a cycle Of the moon blah blah blah magnetic polarity blah blah perpetual motion blah blah flying a planet blah blah blah blah electrolysis blah blah carbon levels blah blah superpower blah blah by allowing ice to melt create a wobble blah blah Greenland blah blah apparently up used to be down and down was up rabble rabble rabble....

You may of well have said

" I dont like the Idea of cyclone Iggy because my car is pineapple and monkeys are like dragons if you push your bike like a tomato and try not to plastic bag."

Equally as much sense, just funnier.

3777 posts
28 Jan 2012 9:20PM
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Whats that razz to busy laughing at ...Bunny eating banana..

NSW, 4453 posts
29 Jan 2012 11:46AM
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theDoctor said...

That movie is so old... we eventually win cos we're riddled with bacteria.

This is however has to be better than that Battle for LA.

NSW, 5780 posts
29 Jan 2012 12:07PM
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Battle of l.a took three hours to download, and i could barely make it through 15mins..

The day the earth caught fire, now there's a movie for the Razzonater

2224 posts
29 Jan 2012 11:31AM
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It's easier to believe we went to the moon in a tin can of course we went there there's a flag on it You can actually buy a block on the moon I originally wanted a star but I believe the moon to be a bit more suitable for human habitat I bought a block I had to buy it sight unseen but I'm planning on going there in a few years once I've collected enough dark matter for my spaceship Design is in early stages but should be completed within 5 years however if someone has a space ship they can lend me in the meantime I would be most thankful no Russian spaceships please I see myself as more of an astronaut than cosmonaut and It would also be a little hard to fly as I can't read Russian Also if your going to be negative on here If you end up living next door to me on the moon I'll let me kids throw rocks on your spaceport roof while your kickin back after a hard day at work while ya tryin to enjoy your moon juice

WA, 6632 posts
29 Jan 2012 2:30PM
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Hey Razzonater,

Don't worry about Iggy. Iggy will sell out.

The time to panic will be when Cyclone Icke forms.

As soon as you see theDoctor of meterology warning people not to Flysurf Cyclone Icke because it has deepend to a category PM33, then be afraid, be very afraid.

In fact, Razzonater, you may as well just lie back and jizzonater

QLD, 1534 posts
29 Jan 2012 5:30PM
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Doc, you posted this in another thread, but it sits better here!

"Food science asside...

When yo eat a maccas burger

Your brain smacks to the mustard, ketchup and sugar bun, and mayo if you eat a mac

Just buy american mild mustard, heinz ketchup and leave your mayo in the sun for a couple o hours, then with some sugary hamburger buns you got a better maccas burger when you add ACTUAL meat

NSW, 4453 posts
29 Jan 2012 10:08PM
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Razzonater said...

It's easier to believe we went to the moon in a tin can of course we went there there's a flag on it You can actually buy a block on the moon I originally wanted a star but I believe the moon to be a bit more suitable for human habitat I bought a block I had to buy it sight unseen but I'm planning on going there in a few years once I've collected enough dark matter for my spaceship Design is in early stages but should be completed within 5 years however if someone has a space ship they can lend me in the meantime I would be most thankful no Russian spaceships please I see myself as more of an astronaut than cosmonaut and It would also be a little hard to fly as I can't read Russian Also if your going to be negative on here If you end up living next door to me on the moon I'll let me kids throw rocks on your spaceport roof while your kickin back after a hard day at work while ya tryin to enjoy your moon juice

The Mrs named a star after me for one of my birthdays... most overrated experience ever.

So can we power my time machine with your dark matter? We also need an inertia dampener, so as not to mush ourself on the way to the speed of light. Ideally I'd go to the 60's, but it only works for the future.

Not sure about the moon, that's where they send clones, and there's no wind... I figured a low g planet and lots of wind.

There's a farmer in the US who built a rocket all by himself... he eventually got to space too.

131 posts
30 Jan 2012 1:50AM
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Uuuugghhhh......Ok i fess up.

Christmas just gone, amongst the other novelty items my sister got me, she did actually buy me an acre on the moon. I have the title deed here for my sector (i'm not kidding).

Her boyfriend meanwhile got a star. Pretty cool as-well, but when she was out of the room, i gave him a nudge and a wink and said "have fun building a house on your burning ball of gas"

I know its all just a bit of a humour gift, but i wonder what the caper is with these " moon blocks"? If in 30 years, they start mining that hunk of rock, ima pulling out my deed and demanding a payout :)

6 posts
1 Feb 2012 12:16AM
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Amazing. I had to sign up just because of this topic!
I think some people are to quick to try and ostracise others in forums like these, in a inept attempt to portray themselves to be a "big shark" amongst the fish in the forum. So quick to disregard any concepts which step out of the three demensional box which the vastly unimaginative and socially engineered populous of earth thinks in..... Some of the science we learn has vast relevence to our lives, but this knowledge will only go so far , if it is not able to ask questions of itself ....if you look at a box from the outside people, you will see alot more than if u stay inside.

Instead of ridiculing razzonator for poor punctuation and grammer. Your time may be better used thinking about some of his outlandish, but plausible theory"s as if you cannot prove something is not possible. You cant say it hasnt or wont happen. If something is possible and all the contributing factors to enable it to happen are present. Then it is simply a matter of time before it happens. Time is merely a measure of the distance between an events . Im merely asking some of you to poke a few holes in your imagination box, and let some light in people.....without light, how can there be light travel?

My point is,

Science agrees
: space is expanding
: stars burn out
: stars form black holes once imploded

This is commonly agreed upon, however
If I use this information to create a self manufactured theory by allowing my brain to ignore its programmed hard drive, and run on only specific and relevent filed facts and its own impulse .....this is just one question that the three space facts listed above produce.

If a star burns out, and implodes, it changes the gravitational balance of its solar system, if one solar system is imploded by its star, this would change its gravitational effect on other systems in that galaxy, considering space is expanding it must be pulling different galaxys in differnt bearings contorting there design, there are now two factors which are constructing the gravitational balance of the universe, is it not fair to say that it is possible that if one solar system is lost from star implosion, (which is a regular event when you consider the overwhelming entirety of the cosmos) and it was held in a balance of orbit between several larger solar systems, that this could cause to closer systems to merge, or that perhaps a planet on the edge of the small solar system could be drawn to the pull of another system as its imploding star fails to reach it and destroy it in time due to its newfound orbit. This would mean its possible for a planet to be moved from solar system to system....perhaps this can be loosely applied as a theory when looking at galaxys......all this just from three little dot points, if u dont agree its possible for earth to relocate through one method or another, then u can no longer assume space is expanding, then space is not changing, no change means no events , and as time is the measure of the distance between events , no expansion of space = TIME STANDS STILL

But if u dont think this is possible to travell using earth as a vessell, than I guess u believe in no change, so I wont try to change your minds, they will just have to watch the earth spin as space stands still.

Razzonater, do not be discouraged by doubters and conformists, live your dreams. You have a refreshing train of thought, and am happy to discuss your ideas. 4years of study in quantum physics, and a vast understanding of metals magnetic properties due to my occupation, has only scratched the surface on the mysteries of space . Id be happy to converse further, thanks razzonator

QLD, 679 posts
1 Feb 2012 6:51AM
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Believe what you like,
Talk about whatever you please,
I'm sure there are forums for people like you out there.
Go find them.

NSW, 9202 posts
1 Feb 2012 4:14PM
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Asteroid101 said...
If a star burns out, and implodes, it changes the gravitational balance of its solar system, if one solar system is imploded by its star, this would change its gravitational effect on other systems in that galaxy... blah blah.

An imploding star be it a black hole or a neutron star has no more mass than it did before it collapsed. The gravity is the same or less, because a lot of material gets ejected as it collapses.

It's density changes to something beyond our understanding. Off the top of my head if you fell from 1m above the surface of a neutron star you'd be travelling at 1/3 the speed of light by the (short) time you hit, and you'd be smashed into the same exotic material as the star.

Myth busted.

NSW, 9202 posts
1 Feb 2012 4:35PM
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Razzonater said...

this is the year of galactic alignment creating more free surface effect on earths water and gravity. Unfortunately this slow wobble which we are experiencing due to our cosmic journey to the centre of our milky way...

I don't think you understand the meaning of 'slow'.

our modern lack of knowledge about the stars and the planet earths journey through this galaxy...

We learn more in an afternoon now than we did over millenia.

I am not pushing religion or conspiracy theory . We are socially programmed from a young age to believe what is presented as a plausible theory or scientific fact

Oh yes you are.

If we take the ice Age for instance which apparently went for anywhere from 5 to 10 thousand years is there not the slight possibility we may have driven the earth through space using the magnetic polarity of the moons orbit between us and the moon...


That doesn't even make any sense. "The magnetic polarity of the moons orbit between us and the moon."

What? They're just words put together to look impressively nano bionic magneto sphere mystery.

Seriously, we understand how magnets work. Very, very well. They are not as mysterious as you would like to think.

... this possibility of leaving one star and traveling to another magnetically could be the closest thing to perpetual motion as people get.

Better bring a warm blanket if you want to move between stars. The nearest is 4 light years away *, how fast are we travelling?

This is just insane. I'm stopping here.

* I find it endearing that the nearest star will eventually turn into a white dwarf, giving us the best possible chance to move to another star when our eventually dies (a looooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggg time). While small a white dwarf also burns the longest, giving us even more time to avoid entropy (somehow).

PS I'm a gonna get stoned one day and write the crazy **** that I think on here. Challenge accepted.

WA, 15849 posts
1 Feb 2012 1:56PM
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I had three of them but the wheels fell off


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Cyclone iggy" started by Razzonater