imo a dog tied on a rope all day is plain dumb. an active dog in a small yard all day- what the hell is that- any incident is the owner fault imo
when i had my staffy it went on building sites every working day, ran it's self stupid, went around to every other job site for smoko and lunch. chased flies and dragon flies for the afternoon shift.
some how she knew not to get in the way pretty well straight away
there where times where i had to lift the dog into the passenger foot well because she was that stuffed.
she would get out of the car and could hardy walk. had dinner and off to sleep pretty much
basically did that for eleven years - now thats a dogs life.
point is she was well socialised and vented her energy on chasing flies and find tennis balls in the middle of nowhere. even thou she was a driven dog, there was never anything close to a incident toward any one
eight years on and i still think about her.
i miss my dog
Pitbulls and Staffies,,,totally different mental attitudes in my opinion.
Staffies are a massive ball of muscle on stumpy legs that, if WERE agrresive to kids, could do alot of damage.
Im sure there must be a staffie out there,like all breeds, that has been agrresive to humans, but
I have never seen one.
Every Staffie I have seen looks like its tail is gunna fall off from wagging so hard if you dont give it a rub.
Be carefull when purchasing a "Blue" staffie,
Blue is recessive. Blue to Blue mating is just horrific for future generations.
With recessive genes (limited) of particular colour (limited) it gets harder and harder to produce puppies of a heath standard that is acceptable.
There are dozens of examples of breeds that have been ruined this way already.
Funny how Blue pups are considered rare (not) and cost up to $2500 each.
Are you really getting a healthy dog?
Think I see your angle barn , but Dogs are just bloody good fun & a companion to some folks , particularly the elderly where they've lost their partners for one example , blind folks rely on them too as another....more too.
Never been a fan of the macho symbolic thing.... just like the companion aspect mate.
Haha YeeeARGhwagahhahhaggah
I wonder if we could measure the excitement in a dog when the owner gets home, what we could do is breed the most excited dogs together and after ten generations coming home after work will get your dog so excited it will have a heart attack..
My family lived on a farm in Nth Queensland.
My old man had one dog called that was a Bull Arab that used to enjoy dragging my two little brothers around the yard by the tail.
They used to punish that dog being toddlers, take food out of its mouth, poke it in the eyes, pull its ears it never even growled, the most beautiful dog with people ever. Never barked
HOWEVER. As a Pup it was flogged into 100 or so stitches and drains by the neighbours 2 dogs. It changed that dog to be a mad killer.
It would come back up to the house covered in blood from knocking over roo's and pigs and getting its own dinner. Remember this was a farm in a rural area.
One day on the building site a chippy had his male Bull Terrier and my old man had his Rat Dog. He said to the guy that it would be a great idea to keep them apart and better they both tied them up for the day. The Chippy looked at the Rat and laughed, my Dad tied up Rat anyway.
Rat Dog walked his lead out to the end of the rope and went back to sleep under the cruiser with one eye open. The Bull Terrier walked around the site until just one time he walked within the rope length. Rat ran out grabbed him and by the time my old man could get off the roof or the chippy to the truck the Bully had no throat left, dead. Such a heavy situation. Totally unprevoked just because it was a male dog.
The old man didn't know what to do and eventually wrote it off as a bad experience. About a month later Rat seen another male dog and ran without warning hit it from behind, no growling or posturing at all flipped it and was trying to kill it as well. This was an Alsation about 3 times the size.
My old man decided enough was enough and Rat Dog unfortunately went to heaven. No room in the world for a crazy dog like that........ 20% Genetics, 80% life experience with dogs.
I used to own Rottweilers but they were much to unpredictable. As a family and a public dog
i must say that you cant go passed a golden retriever or a Labrador. I have seen staffies kill livestock etc. there not so innocent.
There is a difference between a family dog and a family security dog.
Here's my cute Labby pup shot. Chewing on my arm with her hypodermic needle teeth at 12 weeks old.
She is asleep on my feet right now like usual.
And waggy tail that never stops.....