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Dave Hughes - is he funny - yes or no?

Created by oliver > 9 months ago, 11 Dec 2009
3952 posts
11 Dec 2009 8:04PM
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I've been thinking after posting something that I found really funny on the funny images thread that quite a few others didn't think it was funny at all, one person even seemed offended that I posted it and commented "FAIL" - which I actually found funny.

Comedy is a very subjective thing and I thought to myself that I bet the person who wrote that would find Dave Hughes funny.

Is he?

NSW, 148 posts
11 Dec 2009 11:36PM
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I believe the reason you were red thumbed was because the thread was clearly named funny IMAGES, and you posted a video...

NSW, 836 posts
11 Dec 2009 11:46PM
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hughsey is funny buy yeah what you posted wasn't an image so some red thumbed ya. maybe start a vid thread. that would be cool.

I'll start. SNL throw it on the ground.

WA, 7671 posts
11 Dec 2009 9:40PM
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Wasn't it Hughsy that said "if a dog poo's in the park, and no one is around to see it..."

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
11 Dec 2009 9:51PM
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Dave hughes is as funny as apples.

WA, 1321 posts
12 Dec 2009 3:26AM
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Smedg said...

hughsey is funny buy yeah what you posted wasn't an image so some red thumbed ya. maybe start a vid thread. that would be cool.

I'll start. SNL throw it on the ground.

Puck you , have you got ur period muss???

VIC, 5000 posts
12 Dec 2009 12:50PM
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yes...most of the times I've seen him.

I find that comedians that use everyday situations in their acts crack me up the most! Robin Williams, Billy Connelly, Carl Barron, Jimeon...etc. but you're's a personal preference thing. My missus can't stand 'silly' humour like - Southpark/American Dad/Family Guy/Little Britian/Flight of the Concords...or even one of my favs - Black Books!!!

I find most things funny...your vid didn't crack me up, I didn't red thumb you, but it is a "funny images" thread, so I guess that's where most came from.

VIC, 4982 posts
12 Dec 2009 3:20PM
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Is Dave Hughes funny?

Dave Hughes is Handy was on the tv after the comedy festival the other night.

Short answer, no.

When looking for a laugh he seems to just talk louder, whine, or say ****. I understand what he's driving at but he never seems able to follow through with a punch line.

PS I didn't get the humour of a video of a fat black guy with a cup. Nothing happened.

PPS. Yes to most of the other "star" comedians working in Melbourne, Flight of the Conchords, Tom Gleeson, the Umbilical Brothers, Tripod etc etc

NSW, 864 posts
12 Dec 2009 8:24PM
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Gorgo said...

PS I didn't get the humour of a video of a fat black guy with a cup. Nothing happened

Nothing was supposed to happen. It's a "living portrait" - an image in film, an arty thing a bit like performance art but even dumber. So I think it qualified as an image - but just not a funny image.

NSW, 836 posts
12 Dec 2009 11:30PM
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kearnsy got red thumbed by someone who doesn't understand what he wrote im thinking. who ever it was needs punishment. i suggest dicktaiton.

WA, 1321 posts
13 Dec 2009 5:02AM
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NSW, 836 posts
13 Dec 2009 11:01AM
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need some suggestions for the use of this symbol in the sunscreen thread.

WA, 4485 posts
14 Dec 2009 6:47PM
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Off the cuff he is funny. Prepared from script ,mmmyeh, not so funny.

Nobody is funny after you have been exposed to em for long enough. Just ask my wifey. Badoom chsshhh!

WA, 7608 posts
14 Dec 2009 9:19PM
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Hughsie makes me laugh

Mark _australia
WA, 22392 posts
14 Dec 2009 10:16PM
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Australian cricket really went downhill after he left. terrible shame

NSW, 174 posts
15 Dec 2009 12:42PM
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Went to one of his shows ages ago. He had some really funny moments but copped a heap of sh1t from the crowd who he ended up telling them to F up and "pretend your dead and in a library"

VIC, 564 posts
17 Dec 2009 11:49AM
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IMO he can be very funny seems to depend on whats the topic of the day but all in all yha hes a very funny man

WA, 344 posts
18 Dec 2009 3:59PM
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oliver said...

Comedy is a very subjective thing and I thought to myself that I bet the person who wrote that would find Dave Hughes funny.


NSW, 5780 posts
18 Dec 2009 7:36PM
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will anderson - not funny

rove macmanus - not funny

dave hughes - not funny

steve hughes .... very phucking funny

3952 posts
18 Dec 2009 6:35PM
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Wikipedia dosen't recognise Dave Hughes as an Australian comedian. There are hundreds listed but not him.

Why is that ........ because telling rehearsed jokes written by others through your nose isn't funny.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Dave Hughes - is he funny - yes or no?" started by oliver