Hey Cisco!
I'm french, **** on marine le pen, live in australia, don't drink beer and don't cook on a barbie.
I also get medicare and and I does not spoke a proper english.
How much do you get piss off with that?
I'm sure as soon there will be no more legal or illegal immigrant in the world, the global warming and the GFC will end up...(like would say that dear DICKsmith.
Oh great, so we've got the Jew hater and now Cisco running quotes from ultra nationalist Le Pen. So cisco are you a neo Nazi as well?
Hitler invaded country after country in Europe.
Google how many countries the Brits + Yanks have invaded.
cisco is not a nazi,the cronies at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue certainly are.
cisco is but one small voice of truth,getting drowned out by the noisy herd of cattle that he co-habits with.
Why would you post in the first place if you didnt sympathise with the person who is quoted.
You did research the article a bit right?
You do know le pen and his cronies are far right neo Nazi types right?
At this point in the Right wingers rant there's usually a sort of defensive back pedaling "I was just saying" or "I was just asking the question" or, "O.K, I didn't say I agreed with EVERYTHING Hitler did", or "most Jews are OK", or "I'm not a racist, but".......Look, Just come out of the closet, be out and proud.
Nationalism vs globalism:
Why is it OK to advocate globalism, but nationalism is bad?
Why is it OK to open your borders to everyone without proper planning... do you open your house to everyone?
Protectionism vs freetrade:
Why is it OK to destroy your national industries to benefit a small number of globalist? How can local manufacturing compete when the system is rigged and it costs you more to turn up to work than your competitor for the whole day?
National socialism vs corporatism:
Why is it OK for corporations to pay less tax than the workers of the corporations?
Why do the share holders pay less tax than the workers?
Why does outsourcing/offshoring carry less tax than local production?
Regulated banking vs liberal banking:
Why is it OK for banks to take your money, multiply it by 9 and lend it out or use it as they want?
I'm playing devils advocate here; what policy of National Front are people disagreeing with? I've only seen personal put downs (me too, sorry evlPanda) and the usual insane ramblings of loggy and soggy.
There's a reason why nationalist parties rise to power and that's always due to polarisation, if people did a bit more listening and met in the middle there wouldn't be these wild swings.
The more opinions people have the greater number of options we all have.
Europe is being consumed by an unelected technocrat government that to me looks more and more like a USSR everyday.
Everyone bemoans corporate M&A with it's limiting a choice and monopolistic outcomes... and then some of the same idiots want one world governments, unification, globalisation, etc...
Do you want to wake up in a world where you only have WoolColes and NCB (National Commonwealth Bank).
As long as they don't hurt anyone I don't care what people think, do to themselves, or say.
Loggy, whenever you post Christopher Robin's description of Winnie the Pooh comes to mind, a bear with very little brain. Do you have this effect on your mates or is it just an internet thing?
No, it's one of those situations where you start typing a response to "the load of old cobblers"( FL's manifesto) and you could write a book in response. FL's post is characterised no only by what's said but what's meant ..... the motivation. It's full of half truths, misunderstandings, bogus ideas and over simplicity. EG. Globalism isn't necessarily bad, the olympics are great.... 3rd world wages for Australians are bad..... Nationalism can be good but nationalism being used by right wingers is code. And the code is thinly veiled racism, jingoism, xenophobia etc. Nationalism placed in this context is usually just a dog whistle for the disenfranchised, and the marginalized. Just think of Pauline and the way Howard rode that wave of middle class fury against the refugees. So for me Quoting from neo Nazis is repugnant because words are weapons. Just a couple of more specific criticisms: The national front..... I cant believe that we still have these cockroaches in society. FL .... IF you hold up the national front as some kind of real political option, your peddling xenophobia, racism, white supremacism,....... your holding up hate as a political alternative.......... don't do that....... it's wrong. Do you really need to be told! Oh just one more "Europe looking more like the USSR"....?????? what the ****. Oh and just another one..." There's a reason why nationalist parties rise to power and that's always due to polarisation, if people did a bit more listening and met in the middle there wouldn't be these wild swings". Yes we should be more reasonable when dealing with Nationalists after all they're the friendly face of racism. So summing up .... A load of old cobblers.
Loggy, you and your mate Soggy need to calm down.
A suggestion that Socialism is not the best system for freedom loving people to live under is not cause for WW III.
This forum is an open discussion area for the exchange of ideas and definitely not a place for anger or personal attacks.
While on the subject of the "National Front", I was quite amused many years ago when I read an article in Penthouse magazine in which they had interviewed a character who was known as "The Skull".
He was the spitting image of Peter Garrett with added horn rimmed glasses with lenses from the bottom of a Coke bottle.
His biggest pissoff with the Australian Government was that they would not let him into the Army so that he could go to Viet Nam and kill slope heads.
When questioned on his opinion on land rights, he said, "Land Rights!!! I'll give 'em land rights!! Rookwood Cemetery, six foot of it."
Now that I have quoted that I suppose you will accuse me of endorsing that concept and that it is my mind set.
In the inimitable words of Telly Savalas (Kojac) "Who loves you baby??"
Without you I might not even be here.
A while back I was working on pseudo AI, a web bot. Among other things the idea was to crowd source opinions with themes and see how easy it was to create viral campaigns.
It was a fairly simple .net 2 console application using something like System.Net.WebClient, with an xml configuration file that allowed you to define a sequence of actions.
- Go to facebook.com
- if you find x and y fields > enter values from x table.
- check mail table
- ...
Once the sequence was dialled in, it was easy to replicate for millions of records... anything that didn't rely on CAPTCHA was fair go... all we did was randomize the First Name, Last Name, etc... from a CRM DB; for testing purposes we used the same email domain so any administrator could easily clean up.
Our phrases and words were categorised primarily by theme, but the app had the ability to save replies. This is where we ran in to trouble, because we didn't have a good reply/conversation algorithm.
The algorithm basically looked and grouped nouns, and based on the number of nouns on the page it would ascertain the theme, and then find the closest reply from the phrases table.
Eg: I ride my bicycle in the rain.
The bot would look for phrases with "bicycle" in it.
What am I getting at? Well I think Loggy is so dumb he can't be human and must be a bot.
Ask a bot a simple question that requires cognitive abilities and they fall over... the new ones (military run ones) have operators that handle those tasks like CAPTCHA, the numeracy tests some forums have, complicated replies, etc...
Hey loggy if you have 3 brain cells and 2 don't have synapses to communicate, how many functioning brain cells do you have?
Q: "Hey loggy if you have 3 brain cells and 2 don't have synapses to communicate, how many functioning brain cells do you have?". A: Dunno!,... what do you reckon Einstein?