Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Does anyone not work a 40 hour a week?

Created by Big eeeZeee > 9 months ago, 4 Jul 2011
Big eeeZeee
NSW, 1100 posts
4 Jul 2011 11:44PM
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Anyone out there that works to make enough money to be happy?
That works on their own terms?
That doesn't have a mortgage to pay off?
That is relatively stress free?
That can choose to go for a walk, read a book, kite/windsurf when they want?
That doesn't set an alarm each and every week day?

I'm talking about an actual life that isn't dictated by a 9-5, 5 days a week program...

NSW, 2495 posts
5 Jul 2011 12:01AM
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well, almost. i have a mortgage.
i am a plumber that works for himself but mainly do blocked sewers (im not going to plug it here though )
pretty stress free, get to surf or whatever with a bit of planning, and sleep in a couple of times a week.
and i enjoy the work. i think thats the secret. if you enjoy what you do, you wont spend a day working

NSW, 4188 posts
5 Jul 2011 12:47AM
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Hmm lots of interesting questions, but why do you need all of those to be "happy"?

As someone once said "life wasn't meant to be easy"

Every day I wake up and make a conscious decision to make my day stress free, regardless of:

- how much money I make
- the fact I don't work on my own terms
- the bank owns me
- I work when I want to be doing other things (beach etc)
- my alarm clock seems to be going off earlier and earlier

NSW, 4453 posts
5 Jul 2011 12:57AM
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Hell yay, 35hrs a week. Can come in any time I want as long as I do 35 hours a week. So usually 10 hrs 1 day, 8hrs, 6hrs, 6hrs and 5hr Friday.

I make enough to buy toys and drugs.
No mortgage or property... bank pays me 6.51%... government takes half though .

Property is just a pain in the neck... always bills, bills and more bills... and you can't even run away from them, and your buggered if your neighbours suck as$.

Life is good, and when the wind blows in the right direction again and the sun stays up longer it's gona be TOTALLY AWESOME!

If there were less people in Sydney and sun and wind everyday this would be heaven.

WAIT you said:

That doesn't set an alarm each and every week day?
You got me there, damn fire alarm goes every time I cook something. I can smoke a cigar in the garden with the door close and it goes off... pisses me off!

QLD, 12326 posts
5 Jul 2011 1:06AM
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Big eeeZeee said...

Anyone out there that [does not have to] work to make enough money to be happy?
That works on their own terms?
That doesn't have a mortgage to pay off?
That is relatively stress free?
That can choose to go for a walk, read a book, kite/windsurf/ land sail when they want?
That doesn't set an alarm each and every week day?

I'm talking about an actual life that isn't dictated by a 9-5, 5 days a week program...

I am a hands upper for that one and have been that way for about the last 6 years ie since the age of 55.

Life is sweet but not necessarily a bed of roses. There are still a few things to do to maintain the situation such as fix a dunny now and then or get up on the roof of the rented shop to have a look at the nearly shagged air conditioning unit that will cost $5,000 or more to replace.

Bit of stress in that one.

WA, 3271 posts
5 Jul 2011 12:04AM
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Big eeeZeee said...

Anyone out there that works to make enough money to be happy?
That works on their own terms?
That doesn't have a mortgage to pay off?
That is relatively stress free?
That can choose to go for a walk, read a book, kite/windsurf when they want?
That doesn't set an alarm each and every week day?

I'm talking about an actual life that isn't dictated by a 9-5, 5 days a week program...

I make a decent wage but I'm too tight to light the gas heater.
I work a 40 hour week on varying shifts.
The bank owns my soul.
I set the alarm most days.


I'm too tight to light the heater because gas bottles are expensive and that money could be better spent on a new kite.
I might be stuck working 40 hours a week but shift work is very accomodating to kiting (and the new boss is a wink junkie so things can only improve) and I've got the time between sitting in the office to being on the beach pumping up the kite down to 4 minutes.
I have a mortgage on a house but someone else is living in it and paying that mortgage for me so I can live in a cheaper rental 200 metres from the beach.
In summer the alarm is normally set so I don't sleep in after a late shift the night before, that might give me 5 hours down the beach instead of 4 before I go to work again.

Sounds like working for a wage isn't too bad sometimes.

SA, 472 posts
5 Jul 2011 2:05AM
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Big eeeZeee said...

Anyone out there that works to make enough money to be happy?
That works on their own terms?
That doesn't have a mortgage to pay off?
That is relatively stress free?
That can choose to go for a walk, read a book, kite/windsurf when they want?
That doesn't set an alarm each and every week day?

I'm talking about an actual life that isn't dictated by a 9-5, 5 days a week program...

My life exactly all through the 90's

Wife got pregnant

The end

NSW, 2005 posts
5 Jul 2011 6:56AM
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Gwendy said...
My life exactly all through the 90's

Wife got pregnant

The end

LOL you beat me to it.

I used to watch Rage lazily in the morning, then make my way to the beach for surfing and windsurfing, whenever I wanted.

Yep, family life, with all of its good sides, brought all this stress I didn't have before.

QLD, 679 posts
5 Jul 2011 7:00AM
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saltiest1 said...

well, almost. i have a mortgage.
i am a plumber that works for himself but mainly do blocked sewers (im not going to plug it here though )
pretty stress free, get to surf or whatever with a bit of planning, and sleep in a couple of times a week.
and i enjoy the work. i think thats the secret. if you enjoy what you do, you wont spend a day working

Theres a pattern here.
Also self employed plumber, nill staff. Average Mortgage.
Depending on work load but can usually get a wednesday arvo of for golf and if its blowin can add a one or two quick mid week sessions, sometimes I will have to work 11 hrs before a short day but not all the time.
Also helps that the old girl works 38hrs for 60G.

QLD, 3620 posts
5 Jul 2011 9:59AM
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Galah nailed it.

Sometimes I sit there thinking that life is way to easy... I love... then a bomb hits everytime and it brings me back to earth.

Its about the attitude. But that is a practiced art. Maybe I should become a buddist?

VIC, 5000 posts
5 Jul 2011 10:18AM
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I made a conscious move from self-employed to employed a couple of years back...lower wage, and less perks, but a career doing what I always wanted to do. The lure was flexible hours & the career I always wanted...the flexible hours lasted about a year before my work ethic kicked in, now doing 45hrs a week and not taking those flexible hours and that dream career...has now become simply a job.

I'm about to make the shift back. Family & lifestyle first, and as long as I can pay the bills, money is the least important thing to me.

WA, 2153 posts
5 Jul 2011 8:30AM
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I'm debt free and work when I want, for myself.
So basically...I'm free as a bird

QLD, 5610 posts
5 Jul 2011 12:06PM
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yes to all of the above.

Little Jon
NSW, 2115 posts
5 Jul 2011 2:19PM
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Yeah I work 40 to 50 hours per week but never get paid more than 38. Not allowed to take holidays last x-mas so it will be 2 years inbetween holidays. Plenty of stress as I report to eight directors with managers above them and below them means I have up to 40 or so mangers trying to tell me what the priority is. Public service an't what it used to be.

WA, 373 posts
5 Jul 2011 12:20PM
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We live in a good suburb in a nice house, the bank owns 1 third of it, we can cope with the repayments however we dont seem to be reducing the loan much, live well spend pretty well what we like (within reason) still buy 2nd hand boards cause Im just like that, pay the kids school fees,have a holiday every year etc....I work 45 hours +, wife works 16 hours, we could sell the house, pay off the mortgage move "back" 1 suburb from the beach increase drive to beach by 5, currently 5 minutes, still get a nice house mortgage free, ie downscale, could then look at reducing working hours etc and start surfing and sailing more, curently sail once per week in summer, surf once per week winter,,,family comitments also impact on sailing time, however the kids are getting into it and the kids its good.

so why does it feel "wrong" to down size? Im 43 years old.

WA, 2520 posts
5 Jul 2011 12:35PM
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I could have written that - almost word for word my situation... [Except that I don't buy second hand boards - but do keep them until they are starting to go brown and have more pressure dings than you'd find in a second hand rack...].

I have just been asked to apply for a senior role that is another 20km+ city commute on top of the 20km I currently do - and working Saturdays most weeks... the money and position are very attractive and good for the long term career path, but the work-life balance would be shot to sh!t. I am tending to think that I don't need the extra stress or loss of family/my time... whilst we are not wealthy by any means, we make ends meet...

WA, 1916 posts
5 Jul 2011 1:52PM
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i try to get a 40 hour week in but am failing.
kids, wife, surfing and cycling have taken priority
the less i work the less i get paid (self employed)

Mark _australia
WA, 22378 posts
5 Jul 2011 2:01PM
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Chris6791 said...
(and the new boss is a wink junkie so things can only improve)

Please edit to "wind" ... don't want anyone to think your new boss has an unvoluntary tic in one eye

(wink junkie)

WA, 3271 posts
5 Jul 2011 2:10PM
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Ha ha, oops, and the D and K are a long way apart on the keyboard. I don't think he lurks on SB so its all good, he can wink away.

Big eeeZeee
NSW, 1100 posts
5 Jul 2011 10:22PM
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GalahOnTheBay said...

Hmm lots of interesting questions, but why do you need all of those to be "happy"?

As someone once said "life wasn't meant to be easy"

Every day I wake up and make a conscious decision to make my day stress free, regardless of:

- how much money I make
- the fact I don't work on my own terms
- the bank owns me
- I work when I want to be doing other things (beach etc)
- my alarm clock seems to be going off earlier and earlier

I might not necessarily need all those things to be happy, but I am planning to try and live a life that doesn't purely revolve around a job. I refuse to build a life in the evenings and weekends, simple as that.

Life isn't meant to be easy, but I also don't believe it's meant to be spent working for a 1/3rd of our lives just so we can put a roof over our heads and food on the table. It may mean that i may have to live more simply (kites not included), but at the same time I believe it will be much more fulfilling living a life that is based upon actually 'living'.

I just wanted to see if anyone has stepped away from the 'norm'...

WA, 229 posts
5 Jul 2011 9:05PM
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I think working for yourself is the way to go.

You may put in the same or more hours but you can be flexible with your time.

3777 posts
5 Jul 2011 9:09PM
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hahah reminds us of this song.

WA, 5921 posts
5 Jul 2011 9:17PM
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Imself employed and managed to live without an alarm clock until recently. I have a policy to try and get home at the same time as the kids, after spending time 10 years ago leaving minesites at 8 and 9pm for the 4 hr drive home.
I think the trick is not to get too far in debt.
I recently took on a little job that means a couple of sundays,and 9hrs at that, It is a reminder to me to plan a bit more carefully

WA, 361 posts
6 Jul 2011 11:47PM
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work a month, play a month (plus a wee bit accumulates).
As close as I can get to a decent income and provide for the tribe.

WA, 421 posts
7 Jul 2011 1:00PM
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work as a contractor. Paid by hour. don't work, don't get paid. But I work with a good team and I look forward, most days, to going into work.
On plus side I start early and am home by 4pm every night which is good for surf and family.

VIC, 5000 posts
7 Jul 2011 4:33PM
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With all this talk about jobs & lifestyle, I wonder if it's worth having a 'Job-board' section on seabreeze?

Just a thought...and btw, anyone in need of services provided by a building designer that is about to go out on own...PM me (pplllleeaaasseee?)

NSW, 6868 posts
7 Jul 2011 8:05PM
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I have landed a bloody brilliant job driving a concrete agitator. It is only casual but I am knocking up 50 hours a week after working as a part time car park attendant for the past two years whilst I took care of some business. The BBC rounded it up quite nicely and it has stirred up a hornets nest amongst the establishment. Always good to score a run:

I learned so much in that time. I achieved what I wanted to achieve and more, and am having a ball earning some cash again.

I have made a pact with myself. I will be aboard my own live aboard 32' steel hulled, junk rigged yacht by the end of next year, unless there is an economic catastrophe.

I will never borrow another cent because I value my freedom.

And I will allow myself on surfboard and one 8 meter kite soon

VIC, 260 posts
8 Jul 2011 12:09PM
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I work a 35 hour week
earn an ok wage.
just bought a house for $107k repayments are less than renting!!!
and live 40 mins from bells beach, jan juc, torquay.

Im 34.

Gotta think outside the box amigo, and not follow the sheep.

I live deep in the bush, commute to the CBD for work (only 65 mins)

I have the best surf, best neighbours (who cook a roast every monday night for half the street) and i know everyone in my township, who are extremely friendly and an awesome laugh.

or.....I could move to the city, rent, be stressed, travel to work packed in a train like a canned pilchard and would want to blow my head off within a month.

theres a very thin line between madness and guiness!!!

everyone at work thought i was mental when i told them where i was moving. now all of them are envyous as f***

oh forgot to mention, theres a waterfall loaded with very small gold nuggets and gold flake (around 1mm) not far from my front door..... (been digging the falls and rapids every weekend!!)

suffer you city mother f******rs !!!!!![}:)]

WA, 373 posts
8 Jul 2011 5:19PM
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Hey Fried Rice, if your gig is that good what the hell are you telling the world for on the interwebby???!!!!!!!

VIC, 417 posts
8 Jul 2011 10:36PM
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Big eeeZeee I think about that all the time. Ever since the arrival of my son it has certainly changed my attitude to work/life balance with life definitely winning.

QLD, 12326 posts
9 Jul 2011 4:24AM
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NasiGoreng said...
theres a very thin line between madness and guiness!!!

Drink enough Guiness and I am sure you will achieve madness.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Does anyone not work a 40 hour a week?" started by Big eeeZeee