Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...


Created by elbeau > 9 months ago, 17 Mar 2012
WA, 986 posts
17 Mar 2012 12:47AM
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I have Sonar Home studio 7 and run Gearbox through it. Can anyone give me a clue about adding percussion from Gearbox to SHs7. Thanks

QLD, 14394 posts
17 Mar 2012 2:54AM
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2 beyer m160's on overheads, a beyer m201 on snare and a beyer m380 on kick through 4 channels of sytek preamps.

QLD, 14394 posts
17 Mar 2012 12:07PM
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what are you trying to do here elbau, i'm not an expert with midi stuff or emulation software but will try and help.

are you using gearbox plugin in vst? isn't gearbox for guitars? are you trying to use the guitar effects over your percussion?

are you using midi samples or acoustic percussion?

lots of questions.

have you tried reaper?

WA, 986 posts
17 Mar 2012 6:59PM
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Thanks Gestalt. I run Gearbox through to SHS7 using guitar. It works fine. Gearbox has a percussion section which I wish to add to old "recordings" I have been working through the instruction book so should find out how sometime. Just hoped someone could short cut for me.

QLD, 14394 posts
17 Mar 2012 9:44PM
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if gearbox has percussion functions. it's a guess but i would imagine you would need to trigger it via midi from sonar then record it back in as you do with guitar.

not sure if it works that way but it would be much easier to do your percussion in sonar via midi and samples.

WA, 304 posts
17 Mar 2012 10:12PM
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Used bfd2 for drums as a plugin for cubase. It has excellent drum samples.

QLD, 14394 posts
18 Mar 2012 12:39AM
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yeh it's cheap plus you get the whole albini library. haven't used it myself as i track real drummers but friends use it and rave about it.

bfd2 combined with reaper and some quality IR based amp sims will cover a lot of ground for next to nothing.

i reckon cubase is over rated. it costs a fortune and i've found it to be unstable with upgrades and vst matches.

for other stuff,

the bricasti IR reverb sims are very good from samplicity and there are lots of excellent free vst plugs stuff out there also.
variety of sound
stock reaper ones.

WA, 304 posts
18 Mar 2012 7:51AM
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Thanks for the tip, will try reaper soon. Does it have good score display capabilities like steinberg's products - nuendo and cubase? Used acidpro before, also good. Not sure about pro tool$ on windows, but many studios appear to use the mac version.

QLD, 14394 posts
18 Mar 2012 10:32AM
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most reaper uses seem to use MuseScore. reaper allows you to assign external programs for different tasks.

again not sure on the specific workings as i don't do scoring. friends and i usually just compose on the fly then record once we have something we like.

i had a quick look on the reaper forums and someone tere has created a vst plug to handlenote views. not sure of it's full compatability.

WA, 4485 posts
19 Mar 2012 11:31PM
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M160s Gesty??

You sure you just aint ribbon him?

QLD, 14394 posts
20 Mar 2012 2:31AM
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boom boom....

Funky, where ya been!!!

m160 i think i love u. am liking it on guitar cab also. maybe shouldn't have bought the royer

but i think i like it on snare shell and hi hat. ummm.... to much choice....

WA, 4485 posts
20 Mar 2012 9:21AM
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It's smooothy for sure.

Good to see/hear you thinking outside the box. Most folks are obsessed with condensors (and Royer ribbons) these days but good dynamics and hybrid dynamic/ribbons have their deserved place for brass, overheads, cabs etc.

How's the studio goin?

Pics or it didn't happen.

QLD, 14394 posts
20 Mar 2012 9:37PM
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it's a bottomless pit times 3 the learning curve has been steep to say the least. we now refer to the local tech as uncle. but we built it all with our own hands plus the help of a chippie mate so we're stoked with it. just wiring up the place took 3 of us 2 months or more and that doesn't include my design time

it's soundproof to a high level and acoustically it works well. not as well as a larger room but the job gets done. the removable dowels across the ceiling of the tracking room are for movable acoustic treatment panels and although small the room doesn't sound too bad.

i spent 4 hours in there late today tracking some guitar parts. we're all mates and i've become the quasi engineer/producer.

because we only record every few weeks it takes me a while to get back into the swing of the console routing at the beginning of each session. tracking room gets used daily. there are some new guitars also including an aluminium beast from EGC (missed out on playing it today) plus a jagstang with custom pickups.

talk of a vintage ludwig drum kit at some point.

things are slowly coming together, i've found a nice sounding spot in the room to mic stuff up and am starting to know what to listen for with mic placement. we spent about 2 months working on mic/preamp/compressor combinations.

there is a lot more to learn still but loving it.

tracking room

control room

i like the akg 414 as well, that thing makes anything sound good through a neve type preamp. the other surprise has been the cheapo stellar rm-7 stereo ribbon mic for drums. i wouldn't use it for an acoustic guitar but on druims it's awesome as a room mic and only costs about $250.

WA, 4485 posts
20 Mar 2012 10:51PM
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Never discount how good/good-bad cheap stuff can sound!

Silver 414s for overheads rock!

Mmmm... Orange, Rickies, Stangs, Music man.. multiple Muff pies.. even a pac man gtr rack! The place has everything!!

Mate - that is a super shweet set-up right there.

Noice work - maybe it just needs..

PS If you don't have one already - get a copy of Mixing with your mind
Some whacky stuff in there but lotsa gold if you are fortunate enough to have a studio to record at your own pace.

QLD, 14394 posts
21 Mar 2012 11:16AM
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have cowbell and prepared to use it.

i really should get mixing with your mind. a lot of people that know what they are doing (like yourself) have suggested it to me.

one thing that has helped immensely for me,
there is a studio in the states (weathervane) that records mainly indie bands and gets in top producers from time to time. they provide all of the raw tracks for download from the bands they record along with session sheets etc. i use those to practice mixing on my home pc. it's shown me so much because i get to see the way they layer the tracks during the creative process and get to hear what a raw track should sound like. it's been invaluable.

my only issue wth the studio is it isn't at my house. we've been collecting gear for nearly 20 years now. a lot of it secind hand. so with time and patience we've got some incredible bargains. picked up a $5000 compressor once for $1000.

the music man amp is "allegedly" the amp the guitarist in powderfinger used to use. when they got their major deal they all upgraded their gear. we grabbed it in the back room of a guitar shop in brisvegas years ago. apparently no one wanted it, probably wasn't shiny enough.

the amp we used yesterday is a 1950's bogen tube PA from ebay that has a fender mod done to the preamp. cost $150 sounds excellent. i modded a bigmuff and a small clone and they seem to get the body of work now as well.

yesterday was fun, we tracked the main guitar part with the jazzmaster through the bigmuff/small clone bogen into the musicman cab,

then used the jagstang to give us a double track for the right side during mix. then got the guitarist to do some whacky choppy sonic youth sounds for some extra grit in the song for the interludes and middle 8, ended up using the DS-1 for that after we tried a few other distortion pedals. we had tried the 2nd guitar part before and it didn't fit but yesterday everything was firing.

we've still to finish the studio fully, the rear rack needs some further wiring and we need to label the patch bays. *that might make thing easier*, also need to make up some extra patch leads for mixdown routing.

i'd also like to make up some transformer boxes to add some more joy to the group buss and master buss on the console.

the console also has a midi section that if we hook up will allow us to control the daw and forget the keyboard mouse.

i never forgot your advice that gear doesn't need to be expensive to sound good. it's so true. we judge everything in the studio by it's function and it's sound. if it doesn't tick both boxes it's traded for something else. have some vocal tracking to do soon and i'm going to throw up an sm57 beside the vocal mic to see how that goes.

i reckon everyone should have a studio. even if it's just to listen records and cd's or play xbox.

VIC, 415 posts
21 Mar 2012 1:06PM
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Gestalt said...

i reckon everyone should have a studio. even if it's just to listen records and cd's or play xbox.

I have one room in our whole house that I have control over my wife to, the studio. My personal little musical haven

(and Yes it's also an xbox / vinyl room )

VIC, 415 posts
21 Mar 2012 1:07PM
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By the way, your studio came up really nice! Looks great!

QLD, 14394 posts
21 Mar 2012 4:22PM
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hehe, what better place to kick back and enjoy some toons.

WA, 4485 posts
21 Mar 2012 6:16PM
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I had a 'studio room'.
Then it also became playroom for the kids.
Then the kids stuff took over, now there is a fridge in there too and my puter and speakers are pushed into the corner and getting dusty..

Can't even get any time in the dunny without the fam banging on the door.

Need to get a studio/bloke zone happening!

QLD, 14394 posts
21 Mar 2012 8:37PM
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you had to go and inject some reality into things didn't you funky.

same at my place.

my eldest daughter put the broom through my favourite pair of vintage b&w speakers some time ago,

then they broke a switch on the rotel cd player,
i got over it in time, but now i'd just love to be able to listen to a full album without having the volume turned down.

then we had another child and my music room got pushed into my office along with my office, so now it's just a guitar/amp setup in the corner.

eventually i took all of my rack gear, my handfull of cheap mics etc over to the above mentioned place.

there's pinball there also.

is it gay if i marry my mate.

i've just struck a deal that it's the new friday night hang out spot. a blokesworld if you will

WA, 304 posts
21 Mar 2012 7:25PM
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That's quite ironic : Not that long ago, our cream-coloured persian cat pushed our favourite B&W 805 off the stand and on top of the Rotel CD player. Must say all 3 survived, but one of them nearly got thrown out. We had non-furry kids after this, and had to part with the grown-up toys. Too depressing Can't wait until the kids are out on their own, although suspect that the hearing won't be quite the same then...

QLD, 14394 posts
21 Mar 2012 9:42PM
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oh dear

if i had 805's i would be up for cat/child slaughter, fortunately in my case i only had 220's

mind you B&W australia wanted $500 for a new woofer and it was blue instead of red. there was only one left in australia. i ended up buying another pair and cobbling together a good set.

but on that note, we are currently looking for a pair of 805's forthe studio. they are such an awesome sounding pair of speakers. everytime we get onto a pair the deal falls through.

currently using krk 7000b's with a hafler amp.

i don't know why but b&w and rotel really is a match made in heaven for a home stereo.

if i every get rid of the rotel amp i'm getting a hafler. impressive gear.

WA, 304 posts
21 Mar 2012 8:05PM
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Absolutely. Best match I had was the Rotel RB1080 with B&W CDM-7's. Those speakers demanded a big room though. I did demo Krell monoblocks for them at the time, and they were a touch tighter, but too expensive. I also demoed a Meridian CD-player to replace the Rotel, and it was quite good, but you'd expect that for the price. We sold all of that at a fair loss, because we decided to emigrate to Oz with suitcases, for the experience of it. Dumb idea, in retrospect.

Recently, I convinced wife that buying mid-range B&W floorstanders would be cheaper than potential psychologist's bills. But these late-model B&W's are very dissapointing - they are no longer made in England (all China now), the fit and finish is average, and the sound is very bassy, smudged, uncontrolled, and kind of very Sony/Yamaha-like. I cannot really recommend them any longer.

Have you tried Focals for the studio? Pro friend swears by them.

QLD, 14394 posts
21 Mar 2012 10:42PM
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yep, the krk 7000b's we use and ones of that era came with focal tweeters. they are very good speakers we bought for next to nothing on the used market. recently blew the tweeters and had them replaced with focals aftermarket as krk don't sell replacements now they've moved to less than stellar designs.

they have a lot of clarity, aren't shrill like the newer models, the sound stage makes you smile. they are flattish but i guess compared to some studio monitors they do have a very slight mid forward presence. very slight though.

the 805's we are chasing are the matrix series. the older ones. we'll use both and ab stuff.

if i had no budget and had to buy new monitors the 3 i'd listen to are focals, atc and quested. haven't heard any of them but they get a lot of talk.

QLD, 14394 posts
23 Mar 2012 4:14PM
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seems to be a few music folk around here.

thought i'd throw one of those stupid noob studio type questions out there and ask.

mic placement.,..... what's your method, i kinda just go with what ffels good on the day. but to get the ball rolling,

i usually find a spot where the mic sounds as close as possible to the instument i'm recording. i figure i'm not good enough to get all creative and find places to shape the mix.


WA, 304 posts
23 Mar 2012 3:07PM
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Gestalt said...

seems to be a few music folk around here.

thought i'd throw one of those stupid noob studio type questions out there and ask.

mic placement.,..... what's your method, i kinda just go with what ffels good on the day. but to get the ball rolling,

i usually find a spot where the mic sounds as close as possible to the instument i'm recording. i figure i'm not good enough to get all creative and find places to shape the mix.


I do not play much with this, but would myself use the following guideline. I would try to imagine the extent of the nearfield of the recorded instrument. This is where the acoustic pressure waves are still in a combining rather than propagating stage. The mic should go just past that point. For example, when recording an open grand, I'd be tempted to mic from a few metres away, but an oud could be recorded within a few inches from the soundboard. If you mic inside the nearfield, the sound will be tainted. Coincidentally, there was a purist fad many years ago to use acoustically correct dummy heads with two eardrum-sized mics inside the ears. Place in the middle of concert hall and use minimal mastering. Is it still around?

QLD, 14394 posts
23 Mar 2012 5:35PM
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i think it's called binaural recording. there is a whole expert field into it and it's way over my head. no pun intended.

lately i've been pulling the mics back a little, but depending on instrument that could be a couple of inches (like on drums) versus a foot (like on guitar cabs).

i then mix in a room mic.

WA, 304 posts
23 Mar 2012 6:36PM
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Talking about microphones - some of my studio-blessed friends living outside of Oz would be prepared to swap their wives for a few more Rode products. So just wondering - does this brand get much recognition in its own country? Are they still made in NSW?

QLD, 14394 posts
24 Mar 2012 12:27AM
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the funny thing about rode mics is they cost half as much if you buy them in america yet they are made in australia.

they don't get a lot of love in some circles. i believe the early nt1 was designed by jim williams who is a bit of a legend. the guy that does some of our mic modifications seems to think of them as good value mics.

like a lot of cheaper mics and some expensive ones i tend to find them too bright. the nt1 is probalby prety good on females vocals though. i've heard an amazing recording.

i've tried a few comparing them against other mics in the cabinet and they rarely win. have used the ntk, nt2a and the nt3. the ntk got modified by an expert and it is an amazing mic now. (new capsule, new basket and components) the nt2a has recently been modified but i haven't tried it since. it will get a run on vocals soon as the mod is reportedly excellent.

so for me they're not my cup of tea. i guess from a brand point of view beyer dynamic stands out sound wise versus cost to my ears.

what i can't comment on is really high end mics. like sony and the neumann's of the world. there are others out there as well.

i would like to try some josephson, vintage rca and mojave mics.

will they pay air fares as well. i think the rode factory is in tasmania

WA, 4485 posts
23 Mar 2012 10:38PM
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KRK 7000bs

an aquired taste - some people love and then again..

I'm not a fan at all of the kevlar tweeters, very revealing but VERY fatigueing. Used em for years (admitedly in a very ordinary room with an ordinary amp) and never found a good balance or referance with em.

I tend to go for close to medium micing as I once delved in live sound and my recording experiances have been 'whack it in place and get it happening', so tried and tested has been the way.

With time and patience spaced micing, room micing and a bit of air in which for the sound to fully develop (spesh with rich harmonic instruments such as G Piano or Bass/Cello) is pretty tasty.

Get a copy of MWYM Gesty = $60 well spent.

BTW - I still love the humble SM58 for vocals. $150 of gold record sound right there.

QLD, 14394 posts
24 Mar 2012 10:22PM
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i feel the need to get you to the control room. when are you next in qld?

we can tinker then hit the water.

ok, so i'll get a copy of mwym! till now i've been drinking from the fountain of albini.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Drums" started by elbeau