Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...


Created by FlySurfer > 9 months ago, 25 Nov 2012
NSW, 4460 posts
25 Nov 2012 10:08AM
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I wanted to expand my usual selection of fruit, so I picked up a $20 Durian fruit for a new taste sensation.

Got home cracked it open, WTF!

It's disgusting, it's like off custard with garlic, it has stunk out my residence and attracted every fly for a couple km radius.

You have been warned.

If you've ever been to a South East Asian fruit market, or back alley and smelt something not right... that's Durian.

poor relative
WA, 9091 posts
25 Nov 2012 7:12AM
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makes nice ice cream

WA, 24860 posts
25 Nov 2012 7:13AM
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Did you buy it from Target

NSW, 625 posts
25 Nov 2012 12:08PM
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It's actually pretty good but you gotta get one that is ripe. I couldn't tell you how to tell but if they are not fresh that are stinky dirty things.

Had a guide in Thailand who was super picky when buying one, knocking and smelling them all till found one was happy with and it was really nice

I saw them for sale in a large supermarket chain and gave them a wide berth - couldn't be fresh enough.

If you get a chance overseas try again.

WA, 866 posts
25 Nov 2012 10:03AM
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It's like eating an icecream while you take a dump

WA, 2503 posts
25 Nov 2012 12:01PM
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Your avatar fits in nicely with that statement Poods.

QLD, 1053 posts
25 Nov 2012 2:01PM
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Thank you POODLE - daily larf quota in 1 hit.

Used to eat in market alleys in Singapore when lived there - ok when nice and pungent fully ripe[}:)]. Initially a big challenge because that tight link between taste and smell. But in a shared hhold somethings we agreed not to bring home...[}:)]

They r in SE Asia - so 1 for $20.00 WOOOW
Reminds me of seeing a solitary bananna triple wrapped an a tray in Japanese Supermarket - a lot of zero's on that price tag too.

Poodle hope Ur owner takes U 4 a good walkies[}:)]

WA, 1227 posts
25 Nov 2012 3:14PM
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Yeah, they gotta be ripe, but not too far gone. Once you get it passed your nose they are really moorish - the new taste sensation you were looking for. Throughout all the parts of Asia where I spent some years they were verboten in any of the hotels etc coz of the smell. However, $20 plus the time it took to get to market here would prevent me from ever buying one here.

Next time in Asia, find a friendly local who will procure a good one for you and give it another go. Block your nose if you have to. Beware though, the smell will come out through your skin for days afterwards.


WA, 4642 posts
25 Nov 2012 5:08PM
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Apparently they're ok if you're in the habit of kissing the bosses ass.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Durian" started by FlySurfer