I wanted to expand my usual selection of fruit, so I picked up a $20 Durian fruit for a new taste sensation.
Got home cracked it open, WTF!
It's disgusting, it's like off custard with garlic, it has stunk out my residence and attracted every fly for a couple km radius.
You have been warned.
If you've ever been to a South East Asian fruit market, or back alley and smelt something not right... that's Durian.
It's actually pretty good but you gotta get one that is ripe. I couldn't tell you how to tell but if they are not fresh that are stinky dirty things.
Had a guide in Thailand who was super picky when buying one, knocking and smelling them all till found one was happy with and it was really nice
I saw them for sale in a large supermarket chain and gave them a wide berth - couldn't be fresh enough.
If you get a chance overseas try again.
Thank you POODLE - daily larf quota in 1 hit.
Used to eat in market alleys in Singapore when lived there - ok when nice and pungent fully ripe[}:)]. Initially a big challenge because that tight link between taste and smell. But in a shared hhold somethings we agreed not to bring home...[}:)]
They r v.cheap in SE Asia - so 1 for $20.00 WOOOW
Reminds me of seeing a solitary bananna triple wrapped an a tray in Japanese Supermarket - a lot of zero's on that price tag too.
Poodle hope Ur owner takes U 4 a good walkies[}:)]
Yeah, they gotta be ripe, but not too far gone. Once you get it passed your nose they are really moorish - the new taste sensation you were looking for. Throughout all the parts of Asia where I spent some years they were verboten in any of the hotels etc coz of the smell. However, $20 plus the time it took to get to market here would prevent me from ever buying one here.
Next time in Asia, find a friendly local who will procure a good one for you and give it another go. Block your nose if you have to. Beware though, the smell will come out through your skin for days afterwards.