It is 6am in Sydney, the wind is doing 30+ knots but thanks to the horrible light pollution we have in this city all I can see everything outside is central Australian red.
I hope no-one left their washing out on the line...
Visibility is about 150 meters at the moment, but if anyone can get out on the water today get pictures please as they will be very special...
This is exactly what it looks like outside at the moment:
I don't know how to record it, but the cronulla webcam is gold (or red!):
A nice bright orange on the northern beaches this morning.
Couldnt even see Longy from the top of Collaroy Plateau on the way down the hill.
That'll help the distribution of all that depleted uranium which the AAF has been shooting around then won't it
satelite image
Mental note - don't try this at home...
(the audio is priceless, and how's the car towing the trailer going the other way...)
He says I think we should turn around and go the other way.
She asks why.
I rest my case in the arguement against having a female Prime Minister.