I always thought of him as a complete d..k head, he has just proved that, with his latest comments on his morning show .
Absolutely unbelievable after the weekend situation.
I reckon he is a A class d1ck and always has been.
The weekend fiasco, was just that.
Princesses everywhere these days.
Clearly Eddie is a bit of a muppet but does anyone really think he actually meant anything racist? Surely not. He simply said something that came out wrong. How many times have you blokes had the same thing happen with the mrs??
Now Adam Goodes is apparently suffering more emotional turmoil! My comments about him being a sook still stand.
Also some people do resemble animals. Its not being racist.
He might be saying the 'words' today to be PC but I'm not hearing it in his voice....
Maybe its time for Eddie to step out of the light for a while and have a re-think on life.
Ol Eddie was gearing himself up for the top job AFL and Andrews spot, going on his media profiling over the last few months, being in the right places, saying all the right things on how to enhance the AFL blah blah blah and running riot with his spin doctors.
Looks like he just took a major campaign with this latest gaf.
However, my view (and I haven?t seen the media comment in writing, nor heard it in the media) is a few media people have become rather precious of late. Simular to some AFL players.
I've been watching/listening to the comments made by Eddie in his defence, and nearly started to think that everyone's being a bit harsh - then I heard the audio...
All I can say is what a stupid comment from a media personality. If it was made around a bbq in private, you could nearly excuse a lay-person for making a blunt/insensitive comment and just say "hey - pull your head in - that's a bit racist there". Eddie has been in the media for most of his life, which would largely consist of racial sensitivity & non-discriminatory professional behaviour.
His explanation that he wasn't thinking doesn't cut it, as you could clearly hear him on the audio trying to explain his way through it - without success.
have a look at that little movie, Obama is morphed into a hyena, is it racist??????
Now to be honnest, that guy looks a bit like king kong, not his fault and nothing to do with race more with face hairs!
I have been called rock ape or grease monkey a few times, should I be able to go public and get compo after a big cry? No I am white!
Grow some balls and stop crying!
"But the issue for me is when its coming from a man as influential as Eddie, even though he's able to rectify the mistake he's made and apologise immediately, there is a multitude of people out there that can't see the connection as to why someone like myself or an Adam Goodes or any other person could find that offensive - and that’s where the casual undercurrent of racism lies."
-harry o'brien.
The sight of a great big man(albeit dark and bearded) pointing to a 13 year old girl because she called him names is a sad symptom of the insane world we live in. I don't love every race in the world, some of them annoy me . Cut the crap cupcakes, that's just how life is .
I wonder if Harry knew the meaning behind the word ape, would he still be offended?
Scientists used to think aboriginals were the missing link between humans and monkeys. Harry is not an aboriginal lol.
Football used to be a tough game..
Eddie's momentary lapse of reason ?
I Know the feeling, I've had a few of those with my posts on seabreeze
I feel the issue is that he apologised when the girl said what she did and
comes out with an offencive statement himself.
and now the 1st apology seems pointless and insincere
and as doogie says...waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to much edddddddddddddddie on the TV....
I have come to loath him for just being in my face all the time
So if people starting calling Ablett the milky bar kid and Eddie suggested he start promoting for milky bars would that be considered racist?
I really used to like Goodes, but he's lost all respect for me since he's made such a big drama over the whole matter.
And Harry, isn't this the same bloke that was calling Hawkins fat and gay? Glass houses Harry.
How about they just play footy!